I graduated from college beginning of May, and have been trying to find a job. My school does things weird, however. The due date for grades is after the graduation ceremony. Before I graduated, I took what my instructors told me would be my final grade and calculated it out, and threw it up on my resume.
This is all fine and dandy, but I never went back to actually double check it. Lo and behold, one place that's looking at me wants a copy of my unofficial transcript. The thing is, when I checked it, my grades were a tad bit lower than what I thought I was going to get, like .2 lower, so nothing too far off. But it's still the idea that I lied, even unintentionally. I made the changes to my resume immediately, but I haven't sent in a copy of my transcript to the company. My problem is that I don't know what to do.
Do I ignore the grade on the transcript completely, and hope they never notice, though I'd imagine they would since they wouldn't be asking for it in the first place?
Or do I say something, like "yeah, I never checked my official final grades when I graduated, and calculated it wrong" or something like that?
I don't know what to do here....
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
in this case, it's a fairly easy explanation: when you originally submitted your resume, your "official" grades were unavailable, so you based your GPA on information given to you directly by your profs. you now submit corrected information, along with an updated transcript.
seriously, DO NOT LIE, or even allow a mistruth to go through. better to expose yourself than to have someone else expose you.
...i mean, in this context.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
More massive lies have been told before. My friend lied about huge chunks of his employment history to get free extra years of experience and he now has a job paying him in 80k a year where other people with his real experience are paid about half of that at best. Honesty would have left him unemployed
in this economy.
I was going to say the same thing.
Unless you got a title (Valedictorian), there's no reason to put the GPA. Just your degree (Assoc, BA, BS, Masters) and the College or area of study.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I actually did just graduate, and I was told including your GPA is highly recommended when looking for your first job out of college, because not showing it indicates that you're a horrible student and are hiding it, or something.
And it's too late to remove it now, since the company already has a copy of it with my GPA on there...