So 3DS looks pretty cool. However, I've been lured into one too many Nintendo platforms that weren't for me by hardware gimmicks, so it gets a "wait and see" from me. Also, the single analog stick reminds me too much of the problems the PSP had, and the stylus based touchscreen just seems ridiculously outdated at this point.
I think the 3DS looks far less gimmicky than the Wii itself. Mostly, it's just an updated, overhauled DS with new capabilities. The 3D part really holds no appeal to me, but the game lineup plus a more robust handheld certainly do.
That's true, but nobody's really seen anything for the game lineup aside from titles. So like I said, it gets a wait and see. Until there's a solid lineup of games actually available for the hardware, I won't be throwing any money down for one.
I love how everybody cheered when the third party titles were being announced for the 3DS, but laughed when Saints Row came up.
Out of shock, probably.
I mean, really, who can honestly say they expected Saints Row to come to a Nintendo platform?
Who honestly expected half of those games to ever show up.
It's not as if Nintendo's third party support has been stellar.
This is a mildly dumb thing to say, particularly about their handheld 3rd party support which has always been everyone and their uncle.
Sure they've had problems with their home consoles but they've never ran into 3rd party issues with handhelds with the small exception of very early DS.
Nintendo has a better track record with it's handhelds yes but even so how many of those games are slapped together and really do much of anything? It's even worse on their consoles. Nintendo has not had support in a way since their SNES days when you HAD to release your big name titles on their console.
Seeing what we did it seems this is the first time since those days that the big name titles are on a Nintendo platform again in full force.
holy shit guys! show floor impressions for zelda say that the controls work perfectly! I never in a million years would have thought nintendo would pull it off! gee golly!
Kid Icarus was kind of awful though so this is a good thing.
I loved the first one.
the "dungeon" levels sucked though. Immediately said fuck it and used gamefaqs maps for those.
I beat that game when I was 6.
I redownloaded it on my Wii, and it's still awesome. ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS am I rite?!11
Also, Kid Icarus was deeper than some people might remember, especially those "empty" doors where you needed a certain amount of points to trigger what was actually in them.
Dude, I read an FAQ on the game a couple years ago, and these guys ripped apart the game code; the game keeps a hidden score that relates to your accuracy with arrows and how often you get hit. Jumping around shooting arrows needlessly hurts your score toward getting powerups.
holy shit guys! show floor impressions for zelda say that the controls work perfectly! I never in a million years would have thought nintendo would pull it off! gee golly!
I can't wait to see how Starfox 64 3D will look. Good gosh!
Also, and don't mistake me for sounding ungrateful or something, but I will never understand Capcom being willing to put SSF4 on a future Nintendo handheld while at the same time not putting it on Wii. What in the world is stopping them?
holy shit guys! show floor impressions for zelda say that the controls work perfectly! I never in a million years would have thought nintendo would pull it off! gee golly!
I know, right? Who would have thought Nintendo would nail the controls on one of their biggest franchises?
site doesn't work for some reason, I need pics.
Talk talk talk LOUD MUSIC talk talk talk. Hey guys can I say "sweet"?
Oh yeah that new DSi I bought you a week and a half ago. There's a new one coming out. A betterer one.
Though she's not too enthused about this whole move to 3D everything so she probably won't give a shit anyway.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
It seems to have concluded, but the feed now says "Next: Nintendo 3DS Hands-On Coverage"
Just keep reloading, I guess.
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
The power button on the DSi was halfway there as it is.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Nintendo has a better track record with it's handhelds yes but even so how many of those games are slapped together and really do much of anything? It's even worse on their consoles. Nintendo has not had support in a way since their SNES days when you HAD to release your big name titles on their console.
Seeing what we did it seems this is the first time since those days that the big name titles are on a Nintendo platform again in full force.
Don't know if I'd say that, the textures on the ground and that bush look pretty bad
But who fucking cares Snake Eater on 3DS and it looks pretty alright!
I never thought I'd say those words in my life ever
This is total insanity
I'm not one to go nuts over the big "it" holiday product, but if this is it I'm going to be right in there with those soccer moms busting some heads.
Also, somewhat homoerotic.
I am a freaking nerd.
Such illuminating hands-on impressions of Zelda: Skyward Sword at
(Don't bother.)
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
That's really impressive.
Oh god... I need a 3DS...
Gamer Tag: LeeWay0
PSN: Leeway0
Dude, I read an FAQ on the game a couple years ago, and these guys ripped apart the game code; the game keeps a hidden score that relates to your accuracy with arrows and how often you get hit. Jumping around shooting arrows needlessly hurts your score toward getting powerups.
Gotta be bullshots right?!
Also, and don't mistake me for sounding ungrateful or something, but I will never understand Capcom being willing to put SSF4 on a future Nintendo handheld while at the same time not putting it on Wii. What in the world is stopping them?
Spoiler contains Friend Codes. Won't you be my friend?
More Friend Codes!
Mario Kart Wii: 3136-6982-0286 Tetris Party: 2364 1569 4310
Guitar Hero: Metallica: 1032 7229 7191
TATSUNOKO VS CAPCOM: 1935-2070-9123
Nintendo DS:
Worms: Open Warfare 2: 1418-7870-1606 Space Bust-a-Move: 017398 403043
Scribblenauts: 1290-7509-5558
That's a woman.
Hmmm... Cutscenes.
I've died and none of this is real.
Jesus H Christ where are you getting these shots
That's on a handheld? That looks great