Alright, the title of the thread is a little long winded, but I figure it could get some interesting arousal out of some pockets of people who feel so inclined to hate not just a single entity/thing of a franchise (franchise here being loosely referring to anything that has a giant mass of people working for it, with merchandise, spinoffs, etc.) but rather to damn well hate nearly everything associated with it.
Like Disney. I hate everything that's orthodox Disney, Pixar is something they just bought, they still very much have their own way of doing things, Disney for the most part picks up in the merchandising department and the distribution of the films which is kind of what they were solely there for with the first Toy Story.
And so, essentially, in much of an essay style thesis as I can put it, I see mine and others hate for franchises stemming from same old capitalist greed run amok. That and having your product in the abstract stretch far and wide across all avenues of the means to purchase said product, like promoting it in ads or making it so incredibly easy to buy it either online or in stores, from Walmarts to convenience stores.
It seems too easy to mention things that fall into this broad cateogry that's really just a pinup for a base feeling of "I don't like this at all", but it's just too bizzare that it is the case, that you can go ahead and say "I fucking hate everything Twilight," leave it at that, and not bother going into the details unless you just want to make yourself feel miserable. It's this whole closing in on the roots of Cultural Theory 101 that you have the masses that comprise anyone that gobbles up Hollywood or mainstream TV, music, theme parks, trash romance novels and shlock suspense, and to have it all counter balanced by the guy/girl on the outside who feels above it all and heads off into different directions that fork from the mainstream current. And then all the other miscelaneous arguments for/against this dualism, because doing the "masses" tag is really pretentious and elitist, and makes you a sour puss.
Anyways I could probably go on and on about all this but I figure I'd end on mentioning the new mickey mouse game, Epic Mickey. The gameplay videos look interesting, especially the parts that have him in the Steam Boat Mickey black and white cartoon with the edge of the celluloid film below and above the frame of gameplay. But I can't make heads or tails of it, if I would honestly play the game even if someone gave it to me as a present, the sight of an actual Disney game with all the mascots would just piss me off, all because I mostly can't stand all the shit that's out there with their likeness printed all over it. Is that too selfish of me? Does that make me sound like I have a stick up my ass? Or is there franchises out there that you can relate this all to?
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
As to your actual point I think you are treating this like more serious business than it actually is
There are franchises other people love that I'm just not at all into, but I don't know if there are any I actively hate and avoid
Except Final Fantasy, fuck Final Fantasy
Also anything tabletop-related
Hey dude. Sup.
Bitch I will cut you so bad that Stale will pity you
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
No shut up I DON'T CARE
I tried playing FF7 years ago and it was SHIT and then I tried playing 10 and it was ALSO SHIT
I hate JRPGs and I hate their stupid fucking storylines and I hate turn-based combat and I hate Final Fantasy
i do not like discounting things for silly reasons.
I don't know if the scent is any different than from when I was kid and my grandad wore it all the time, but I love their commercials
you son of a submariner
I like you pretty much all the time, GG.
Except now.
At this point in time, you're SHIT.
But in every other thread, we coo'.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
AWWW YEAS rocking this thread left and fucking right
AWWW YEAS rocking this thread left and fucking right
What the hell.
Aw, well this is good to know and now I kinda feel bad for what I said
I, uh, I like Chrono Trigger! but that's as JRPG as I get
You coo' too
Oh yeah, what was I thinking, the revelation that everyone in the game is the magic dream of a dying city was just... man, it was powerful, you know?
Genius, even
Cent, I sense a rift growing between we who were once buds
I just can't do it
Final Fantasy games have the worst gameplay ever combined with the least compelling bullshit anime stories ever.
I insist you play it post haste
There was one upstairs in the university dining hall
I ate a shit-ton of it my sophomore year and got totally burned out on it, and since then I refuse to eat at any Taco Bell and I get a little sick just thinking about the prospect
This is also how I came to the conclusion that mayonnaise is disgusting, back in 1st grade
that was a line from the remarkably silly first english translation of FF6
just sayin' chief if you hate that kind of lame nonsensical bullshit that's cool but the whole franchise ain't full of it
even whoever wrote it doesn't do a very good job of justifying that one
I remember eating at taco bell as a child
but I go to one now and look at everything
and I don't see food
it doesn't disgust me or anything
but I can't consider eating it
it's like looking at a rock
oh nooooooooooo