So my girlfriend's going to New York City to visit her brother on Monday, but unfortunately I can't make it up there this time. She knows how much I've dived into comics, especially recently, and is awesome and is going to go to Midtown Comics (my personal favorite from my visits) to look around for some comics that I might want. That being said, I need to get a list of some trades and minis together for her to look for.
Here's where you good people come in. This thread is for everyone to share any new comics that they've just discovered, enjoyed and want to spread the word about. For instance, thanks to the forums, I've recently gotten into both Chew and Atomic Robo. However, I don't want this to be the alt comics thread and imply I'm only wanting independent comics here. Any and all are welcome: big 2, indy, whatever you've got.
I guess I'll start it off for the suggestions. Mine would be to pass along the word for...
A world where the government has banned chicken, due to thousands of deaths around the world from the bird flu, and the FDA has become the most powerful federal police force, Tony Chu has a unique ability to receieve psychic impressions from any food he eats, barring beets that is. This ability has opened him up to a position in the FDA's mysterious special task force that investigates highly secretive crimes, involving matters of chicken and odd organic matter.
Atomic Robo
Atomic Robo was created by Nikola Tesla in 1923 and has participated in "un-manned" flights to Mars, various wars, monster attacks and general scientific inquiry. He's adventurous, funny and wisecracking, and drags along his "Action Scientists" into crazy situations all the time. This comic jumps from various points in Robo's timeline so it's not quite linear which is pretty interesting in itself.
and if you haven't been reading Amazing Spider-Man recently, I suggest you catch up with what Gauntlet has been up to quickly (it's not too complicated) and pick up Grim Hunt. I was one of the biggest nay-sayers during Gauntlet (the story's were meh for the most part and don't get me started on the art), but the story has picked up dramatically fast with the recent arc Shed and now with Grim Hunt.
Those are my suggestions, so pass along yours and we'll get a nice little thing going here.
Also, as per my original request for a list of trades/minis for Midtown, I'm not so far into comics yet that I've learned the writers and artists that I'm huge fans of so I'll just have to suggest characters that I like, if you're interested in helping a fairly new comic fan expand his collection. I'm currently pulling Spider-Man, Iron Man, Deadpool, X-Men, Nemesis, Kick-Ass, Green Lantern (& Corps), Star Wars: Legacy and Invasion, and Chew. I like most of what Batman I've read, as well. Sorry I couldn't be more specific, but I liked JMS's run on ASM, I LOVED Civil War, Blackest Night was pretty good, and I liked Hush from Batman. If I think of any more arcs I'll post any but I'd appreciate any advice for stuff to get. Thanks in advance!
- Kevin Smith's run on Green Arrow
- Geoff Johns' run on Flash
- Batman: Long Halloween
- Batman: Bruce Wayne, Murderer?
- Batman: Fugitive
- Batman: No Man's Land
- Robin: Year One
- Nightwing: Year One
- Superman: Last Son
- All Star Superman
- Bendis' run on New Avengers and Mighty Avengers
- Daredevil written under Bendis, Brubaker, Andy Diggle and some others they didn't remember
- Grant Morrison's New X-Men
I'm not a huge Superman fan, but I'll read it as long as it's a deeper story than "Can Superman punch villian X hard enough to beat them?". Also, I like Batman but just haven't read a ton.
Steam: Grizz
3DS: 4038-6012-7259
-"The Sentry" mini-series from 2000. If you can get it, get it, because it is amazing.
-"Ultimate Spider-Man". All of it, it's all great. Best Spider-Man in the last ten years
-"Immortal Iron Fist" by Fraction and Brubaker. Great writing, really cool art, Kung Fu shenanigans, lot's of fun
-"Moon Knight", all five volumes of it. A dark book but with a great main character and really gripping.
-All the Cosmic Marvel stuff. By that I mean "Annihilation" volumes 1-3, "Nova" Volume 1-6, "Guardians of the Galaxy" Volume 1-4. These are awesome. Read them.
-"New Avengers" and "Mighty Avengers" by Bendis. Good team books and the core to the Marvel Universe in many ways.
-"Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis". These are dark and psychotic but lots of fun, and the art and writing is absolutely top-par.
So yeah, those are my favourite books from Marvel in the last few eyars or so. Not a massive DC fan but I'll second "All-Star Superman", and also "Invincible" by Robert Kirkman is a lot of fun if you don't mind some pretty harsh violence in your superhero comics (Invincible is by Image though, not DC). All the Morrison Batman is supposed to be great but I'm not really an expert on the whole Bat-thing right now so.
If you see any of these Nightwing trades:
-a Knight in Budhaven
-Rough Justice
-Love and Bullets
-A Darker shade of Justice
-the Great Leap
get them, they are the best Nightwing stories.
Steam: Grizz
3DS: 4038-6012-7259
Don't believe me?
read dis thread:
everyone should get the herbie archives if they haven't yet
unless they like being awful
Fully support this one. My favorite modern Marvel book EVER.
If you can find those Bizarro Comics and Bizarro World anthologies, those are ridiculously awesome as well - a bunch of indy creators just playing games with DC heroes.
Batgirl: Year One was how I got my fiance reading comics. So, that's recommended.
The Nightwing trades can be really hard to find. Rough Justice is the one I paid the MOST for in my collection. About 50 something, but I see it going for 70 now and then. Nuts!
I ended up getting: Batman The Long Halloween, Batman Bruce Wayne Murderer? + 3 vols of Fugitive, Robin Year One, All Star Superman, Nextwave, The Sentry mini, and Atomic Robo vol 3.
So far, I've read Long Halloween, Superman, Robo, and the Sentry. All of them have been fantastic. Even though I knew how the ending would go, I've been made into a Sentry fan as long as he's well written with a good supporting cast around him to "play" with his mental issues, so be proud Solar. Also Long Halloween was good since I love when Batman is more of a crime fighter vs. super villian fighter. Even though I generally completely dislike the character of Superman all together, the All Star series was really good. I think this is because it shows both his strength AND mental prowess, struggles, etc.
And cardboard delusions, thanks for the suggestion on calling ahead. Neither store had all of the trades but between the two they had them all. If I hadn't called ahead she probably wouldn't have had time to go to both stores, so thanks for the heads up.
Steam: Grizz
3DS: 4038-6012-7259
Good to see that you enjoyed our suggestions. Further proof that people on GV tend to have good taste.
you failed
Anyway, I can vouch for Robin: Year One. It was really great, especially because Javier Pulido and Marcos Martin traded off on art duties.
it is a stone cold fact
Also, I really want to check out Five Fists of Science, as that sounds like something that's right up my alley. I also saw that Casanova was being re-released in full color now, I think I've seen most of the first issue online in the original coloring but has anyone here bought/seen both? I've heard good things but it seems hella-trippy.
Steam: Grizz
3DS: 4038-6012-7259