Most Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I register this __Insert Game Here__ on Steam?Here's a list of games you can register on Steam. You can always add a non-Steam game to your Steam games list, so that people can see you playing it.
2. If I buy a game pack that already includes a game I own, can I gift that game?
No, this was a one-time thing for people who already owned Half-Life 2 and bought the Orange Box. Additional copies you own are lost forever to the ether.
3. Why isn't __Insert Game Here__ available in my region?
Many Steam games might be unavailable in your country if you have the temerity to live outside of the United States.
This is not Steam's fault. Regional game availability is determined solely by the publisher, who should be the source of your ire. Gifting works regardless of region so you might find some helpful person in North America who can gift you the game.
Helpful Stuff
You need this program.
It reconfigures your Windows IPSEC settings (run it as an admin) to block out all but the servers which don't count towards your download quota on Steam. Now supports a bunch of ISPs through a graphical interface.
Basically guarantees you won't add to your download quota with Steam.
Download TCPview:
Then, use TCPview (run as admin if you're on Vista) to close all Steam TCP servers (this is important, NOT the UDP ones, just the TCP ones). Steam will then reconnect to a different server, which will hopefully get you a better speed. If you don't go faster in a couple of seconds, retry until you get a speed you like.
This shit totally needs to go into the OP, I've tipped this to so many people already.
Cool Community Add-Ons
The Mis-Adventures of LewieP
As funny as the following comic is, LewieP does spend a lot of time
looking for bargains, for us.
The Steam Circle of Life
This image is from the SomethingAwful forums Steam thread. Hilariously enough it basically describes out Steam thread too:
Steam iPhone App
You have an iPhone? That money could easily have been spent on Steam games. If you want to make the best of your shiny gadget, however, check out this
Steam iPhone app. For less than the price of a grande mocha frapaacino or whatever, you can buy an unofficial program (which appears to have been created by a PA guy who has not stepped forward if the Armadeaddon screengrab means anything) which does all sorts of Steam shit.
Speaking of iPhones...
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Assuming I'm not spending all my time playing all these new games.
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
I'm trying to save money, I have 35mins to build up my Will.......then 24hours to not have it shatter. ......we'll see!
I just tried the Mass Effect 2 demo. Ow, my wallet.
Can't believe I played the original on the 360. Now I just wait patiently until it's one of the dailys. And then cry when it isn't.
oh god...
Wasn't it $20 like a week ago?
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
None of the daily deals have been particularly enticing/they've all consisted of products I already own. The one thing I'm rooting for right now is a Just Cause 2 sale.
I missed the EA sales...
on Twitter, too:
Who the fuck hates Serious Sam?
It's worth it, platforming at least, it's really nicely designed.
Writing less so, but it's still a really good experience.
I had a blast with the originals in college, but people were bitching that they removed some of the puzzles. didn't really make a bit of difference to us, in fact the less painful jumping we have to do, the better. it's an awesome beer and pretzels slaughterfest, still.
Are there any tricks to making this game run on a modern system? Windows 7 x64, AMD Phenom II x4, Radeon 4890, etc.
Meh, there's plenty other stuff I could be spending my money on. Ubisoft made it easy for me to rule out their games.
Sands of Time is still the best one in the series anyway. :P
Tic Toc,
Time to feed the croc
*This is where gabe photoshopped onto killer croc's head would be if I wasn't leaving now*
better fix that then.
It's $20 right now on D2D.
Steam/PSN/XBL/Minecraft / LoL / - Benevicious | WoW - Duckwood - Rajhek
C'mon everybody, chant with me!
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Aaand you missed the point. Not only is that a false assertion, but I never said I didn't want it or else I wouldn't have been asking for opinions on the game.
Just buy the Jedi Knight pack. Everything else is shit.
Edit: I forgot KotOR and Republic Commando. Buy those separately, and it'll still be half the cost of the full collection.
Actually both can still be easily combined in the same sentence.