Okay, League of Legends is a [vidurl="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXKd7uuehlw"]DotA-style game[/vidurl] and it's FREE. The community is known to be a little less harsh than the standard DotA/HoN ones; but, you will still run across a fair amount of mouth-breathing silly geese. If you hang out with the PAers, though, we're usually pretty damn inviting (and so fucking cool, especially MooMan). AND IT'S FREE!!! Well... mostly. Here's the skinny: They have 10 free rotating champions that you can choose from, if you want to 'buy' champions permanently you can do that with Riot Points (RP) or Influence Points (IP). You get RP with real cash dollars, and RP prices are usually lower than IP prices. You gain IP for just playing game, when you finish a game you'll get IP points based on how well you did in the game. You can also purchase Runes. Runes and Masteries are applied before the game and make your champions stronger, this is referred to as the Summoner meta-game. You gain levels as you play as well which opens up the ability to put more runes and masteries to work for you. That's the quick and dirty of the game. If you're completely new to this style of game,
check out the new player stuff on the Riot site.
Here's your standard, wiki-stolen background:
Two main designers for the popular Warcraft III custom map, Defense of the Ancients: Allstars (commonly abbreviated as DotA), Steve "Guinsoo" Feak and Steve “Pendragon” Mescon are involved with Riot Games in the making of League Of Legends: Clash of Fates[6]. Guinsoo created DotA: Allstars from the original DotA, created by Eul, by adding his own mix of content, including over 40 heroes, numerous items, and various gameplay changes. Guinsoo then passed DotA: Allstars on to its current developer, Icefrog. Pendragon, who is the Director of Community Relations for Riot Games, helped create the DotA: Allstars website along with its forums, and is still currently working on League of Legends: Clash of Fates.
SIGN UP HEREHANG OUT IN THE PENNY-ARCADE VENT TO GET GAMES!!! It's the easiest way to get going with us, just show up and ask if anyone is looking.
If you can't find any there check out the LoL vent (
https://beta.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=6) and you can probably scrounge up a pre-made.
People that are playing, and that you might also want to play with:
PM me if you want to be added to the list, I'm probably not going to be able to pick up every in-thread request.
TyrantCow : MooMan
FightTest : FightTest
fadingathedges : fadingathedges
undeinpirat : undeinpirat
zanmatto : ParanoidDroid
Zombiemambo : EssGee
Cohsae : Cohsae
Nisi : Nisi
Sirson : Sirson
Originate : Originate
DebaserZbs : DebaserZbs
Endomatic : Barnabus
I needed a name to post : Pterodactyl Man
Zek : Zeyk
klok : fastpaced
ParisInFlames : skoot
Stolls : Karlinn
fmz65 : SensAZNal
UrQuanLord88 : urquan
TheSuperWoot : MelancholyMark
Lehman : Draggan
CharlesVI : CharlesVI
Bendery It Like Beckham : Bendery
DustedForLife : DustedAgain
Zoelef : Zoelef
soggychicken : soggychicken
Peas : jyajin
Custom Special : F4ll0ut
alset85 : alseT
king awesome : kingawesome
Mightyhog : Agreedo
Houn : Houn
In Starscream We Trust : In Starscream We Trust
TriadFate : TriadFate
Drakmathus : Drakmathus
Bardi : Bardi
MinionOfCthulhu : MinionOfCthulhu
Hrage : friedriceyum
Esc.Hatch : Hatch
distracted : Distracted
Feldorn : Mortenya
Adus : Adus
BaronVonNub : BaronVonNub
Zero-Control : ZeroControl
RawrBear : RawrBear
hiigaran : hiigaran
Thrawn200 : Mitthrawnuruodo
Seran : Seran
Colt : TheDeathJester
PolloDiablo : PolloDiablo
Slicer : Srice
Fiaryn : Fiaryn
Dracil : Dracil
Zalin : Zalin
Camui : Sogedan
Chubbly : Chubbly
Mugaaz : Mugaaz
Pyromaniac221 : abstrakt11
Shade : Hardcannon
nome : xcletus
Arch : Zinnar
Pmoney : Pmoney
Fleck0 : flecko
Saphier : errant
Thor1590 : Aphrodesizach19
PJStelford : PJStelford
Reagan : Reagan
programjunkie: Wicked Demiurge
Niqle : Niqle
nealcm : Alvarian
Tiger Burning : Tiger Burning
facetious : Bonhomie
Verr : verr
cutfang : Dancing Bagel
cwapfobrains : infobrains
Manetherenwolf : Manetherenwolf
Banana-Man : SaintAugustine
Evil Weevil : Evil Weevil
Karnius : Karnius
Nanaki : Nanaki
ResIpsaLoquitur : ResIpsa
jdmichal : KillerCodeMonky
CrownAxe : CrownAxe
Alecthar : Alecthar
Darkewolfe : Darkewolfe
NBoomer : NBoomer
Evilsville : October13
Grundlterror : thecwar
Kias : Kias2
Insanity : The Huge Manatee
Averni : Keredar
eeSanG : 2sang
Xaquin : Xaquin
Squirrel Rancher : Glory2Hypnotoad
Shrieve : Shrieve
Eddy : Valencian
Figgy : Figment3
sportzboytjw : TylerJ
Edgie : Edg1e
Biosys : Biosys
Megamaniaco : Corcorigan
Dread Pirate Arbuthnot : Requine
iamthepieman : pyeman
Trynant : Trytann
stopgap : Stopgap
The Code
Q: I am trying to login but the server status is "Busy"
A: This will happen often during busy hours. However, the servers may still be accessible. With the launcher window in focus, press the arrow keys 'up' 'down' 'left' 'right' 'up' 'up' 'down' 'down' to bypass the launcher and go to the password window.
use the code if you get servers are down/busy message (amumu/blitzcrank)
make sure the launcher window is your active window
press up, down, left, right, up, up, down, down on your keyboards arrow keys
it'll switch it to teemo
If you're going to spend real dollar monies on this game
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
Also, here's a picture of BigWah's adorable kid that he may or may not have had considerable disagreements with in the past:
Long live the Bearcock!
Some sort of reverse thornmail, that gives 30% of magic damage taken back to the attacker in physical form.
I shall call it: The Hatful of Hollow.
I've seen it built a total of zero times.
SC2: KillerCodeMk | LoL: KillerCodeMonky | FFXIV: Shea Demvas (Sargantas)
Ghost in the Linkshell Item Requisitioning
Let me know you are from PA, otherwise I will likely ignore you.
If it was in the last thread, that was me.
I might try building it on Soraka, since I usually run her without Cleanse and build as a tank anyway.
SC2: KillerCodeMk | LoL: KillerCodeMonky | FFXIV: Shea Demvas (Sargantas)
Ghost in the Linkshell Item Requisitioning
Let me know you are from PA, otherwise I will likely ignore you.
I don't play Janna, so I'm only going on second hand knowledge/playing against other Janna's, but I've just never seen AP Janna work out. I can't check the ratios at work, but IIRC, the AP ratio on the tornado is horrible for one. And its on a pretty long cooldown (though obviously it can be alleviated somewhat by items). Her ult, while OK, I haven't really seen as a game changer. I've mostly seen it used as either a heal after a team fight so that more of the team can continue pushing or as an escape mechanism for team fights that have gone south.
Also, I think she has a fairly long range auto attack, coupled with her upped speed from her passive, you can harass melee all day long with out being in that much danger.
Start with doran's shield, get boots (tabi or mercury's depending on the level of cc on the enemy team), grab leviathan, then just build the most obvious item that counters the majority of the enemy's damage. Also worth getting a guardian angel eventually.
I don't see why not. Eventually.
I like Sunfire Capes on him. He's really all about taunt, so you just have to be able to take some punishment to go in and lock them down with it while your team kills them. surrealitycheck is right though, a lot of his item build is really being flexible, seeing what the other team is building. If they seem to be focusing you down with magic, get banshees or some other MR. Physical dps getting you? Get some armor and a Thornmail and punish them with taunt. Randiun's Omen can be good on him, but his health scaling isn't great mid game, so you are probably better getting it late and some health stuff to start.
Also, don't use Feint. 99.9% of the time it is energy that could have saved you with a dash instead of blocking 200 of the 800 dmg that killed you.
LoL Summoner: infobrains | XBL: cwap4brains | PSN: infobrains
Tristana? Attack damage attack damage (lifesteal) attack damage!!!
Like, I occasionally put Banshee Veil on someone late late in the game, but generally my tanks are the only ones who get to see defensive items, and a limited repertoire at that.
Am I doing it wrong or should I keep my carries like Tristana all offensive?
Feint is situational. Use it for that last tick of ignite that is going to kill you. Use it if gangplank is chasing you while ghosted and is going to parley you. Use it when you see the pew pew lazors from Karthus' ult. Just like any skill in the game, it has it's uses... just not very many in it's current nerfed form.
If I can't get the Bowser Rammus skin I blame you!
Tristana wouldn't be a "carry" if she was all defensive :P She'd just be the last person alive on your team after the other team roflstomps yours due to zero damage output.
he mains shen.
you are completely out of your mind.
singed, when built right, is almost impossible to kill.
He also is one of the best "boomerangers", meaning he runs into a fight to initiate, deal a few hits then run away. In another 3-5 seconds, he'll run back once his farts are everywhere and toss you behind him with a snare.
He is really super super powerful and tanky.
STEP 1: Get Rod of Ages
STEP 2: Get boots of swiftness
STEP TRES: Throw dudes into your towers/team and have fun while they run through your farts.
I've gotten kills with my tower in a 2v1 lane against Kat and Mundo by chucking one of them into a tower and dropping glue when they thought they were out of range.
Never attack speed first on ranged carries.
Never ever ever (except TF maybe but he has a skill that has synergy with attack speed so it's a different case).
Damage first is much more important. Especially since Tristana has one of the strongest attack speed buffs in the game.
a very unorthodox guide
I consider Poppy to be my back-up main. Tristana is my main, and Poppy is my backup for when my team needs a melee. I tend to play her fairly straight-forward though, so I'm interested to see what sort of unorthodox stuff you do with her.
But it could be faster isn't that bettar.
flash staying in is NOT cool, undies
fuck dis shit
edit: also every game i am in is a 10 ghosts game
what slice said
ranged harassment is taking potshots at the nerds, very often you will only get one shot in before they scoot back, so having each shot do more is way better
also really helps make last hitting easy as pie
that is my take
Wait. What? What TF skill uses attack speed?
i think its called stacked deck
passively increases attack speed and every fourth attack is bonus damage
so more attack speed produces more of the bonus damages
That one ability that gives him extra damage every....4 attacks I think the number is.
e: hi5 soal
So, AD Ezreal. I have my own ideas, but I'd be curious to see how you all build him -- particularly, if there's a point at which you go for something over an AD item?
My Shen build:
1. Doran's Shield + HP Pot
2. Boots (Mercury usually, Ninja sometimes)
3. Depends, but usually Heart of Gold
4. More tank items
Your best bet early game is to use Shen's good early game to get farmed up so his non-scaling late game is more reasonable.
His Stacked Deck that does X damage every 4th attack scales well with AS, well because faster attacks means more 4th attacks.
I've been maining TF, I'm starting to (finally) figure out how to play him. It's pretty fun.
Hamlet will be Hamlet
An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
I LOVE being in a Internet Third World Country!
This. She caps out her attack speed quite easily with her Q. I usually rush Infinity edge followed by a bloodthirster, especially if you mid with her you can farm up a BF sword very quickly.
today I will learn you how to play a mean Poppy, The Ironic Ambassador
PREGAME (Runes, Masteries, etc)
much like going to the ballet, an important aspect of any league of legend combat is your predrinking. Proper runes and masteries will make your poppy a thing to behold.
I haven't actually sorted out a good idea for poppy at all, so this is mostly up to you.
Go for armor penetration, dodge, and cooldown reduction I figure!! For quints I like health because i have them but maybe more armor pen would be better.
I like to go 9/0/21 masteries, focussing on regenerating mana and penetrating armor.
Now the most important part Poppy is thus:
go to the store and buy Lollipoppy.
This may seem wasteful and unnecessary, but the skin is [strike]an essential supplement to your [/strike]----your entire poppy strategy. You need to terrify your opponents into submission. If you're lucky most of them won't even survive the loadscreen, and those that manage to stick through will quickly regret it as they see your stupid ass running around.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Before even queuing up there is some other important queueing you should be doing. Head to your favorite media player and line up these babies
Lesley Gore - Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows
The Chordettes - Lollipop
Mika - Lollipop
if you are feeling spicy throw in Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" though it is just a 'metaphor' and not about literally licking delicious lollipops
Uh in game items I would go
dorans shield
last whisper
Use your Q ability to kill everything with your lollipop
you win
thats it good luck go own people!!