I got a hand me down desktop system from my parents after they moved. In recent years I've been more into console gaming, though like any good nerd I was excited to receive an electronic gift, however I'm finding that the system might be a little too old. The graphics card is an nvidia 7600 GS and struggles to play the types of games I'm interested in. I mostly play strategy games like Total War, Dawn of War and Paradox Interactive games, on the computer so that's what I'm looking at upgrading for. I've downloaded the demos for Total War and Dawn of War, and while I can run them they are extremely graphically scaled down. The rest of the computers stats are decent though.
Windows XP Home, Athlon 64 x2 2.10GHz, 2 GB RAM, and screen resolution is defaulted to 1024x768.
So I'm pretty sure the bottleneck is the gpu, however the issue I'm having is that the motherboard is old and only has AGP slots available and that's my bottleneck in upgrading. The best option I've found is
this. My question is, am I gaining anything by upgrading from the 7600GS to the Raedon 4670, or should I just wait until I can afford to upgrade both the motherboard and grahpics card? Also, if anyone can find a better AGP card my price point is $100-200.
TL;DR version:
Hand me down desktop, with aging graphics card and motherboard, AGP only
Windows XP Home, Athlon 64 x2 2.10GHz, 2 GB RAM, and screen resolution is defaulted to 1024x768.
Am I gaining anything by upgrading graphics, or should I just suffer with sub-par graphics and wait to update the whole system?
That's a 5 year old PC. Your bottleneck is probably both your CPU and your GPU depending on what you're trying to do. The fact that you're looking at AGP cards is a pretty dead giveaway it's time to upgrade.
The money you'd put into an AGP card just isn't a good investment. It's dead technology. It'd be like installing a floppy drive into your computer.
Edit: You might have to buy a new case anyway depending on the true age of it. Same goes for the power supply.
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I don't really understand the posts telling him to get a new one. I mean, if he's all "woo! upgrade" at a 5 year old computer, I don't really think he can afford to buy one on a whim. Besides, it's not like a setup like that has any difficulty doing any computery like tasks, the thing that normally causes people* to junk computers is "web pages render like ass" and he's got another 3 years or so before that should become a problem.
* people I know.
Like others have said, it won't play recent titles very well, but that's about as far as you can push your upgrade.