So, I'm thinking about getting a PS2 because I'm an idiot and missed out on the system with probably the biggest amount of good exclusives ever, and it's now $130 for a seemingly awesome redesign. However, the question now becomes how big of a memory card I need.
Ever since getting the original Xbox, I relished not having to buy this kind of module, and I was pleased when my Wii came with flash memory. I was displeased when I found out I still needed a gamecube card, though, and doublepluss displeased when I found out it was thirty fucking dollars for a reasonably sized one.
How big of a card am I going to need for my PS2?
Will an 8MB one for $25 suffice for dozens and dozens of games, or am I going to need to buy a truckload of these? Any idea how many games fit onto one memory card like this, on average? Also, will this work for PS1 games too, or do I need a separate card for those?
Oh, and as a side question, are there any cheap, reliable wireless controllers I should look out for?
That will be more than enough memory for, I don't know, ever.
Plus if you're a fan of samurai champloo you can pretend the blue one is Jin and the red one is mugen and carry them around always to hear their advice.
I really should get some extras, but $25 for one or $40 for two... man...
Anyway, most games in my experience only take somewhere between 100 and 300K. Many are less. There are a couple, though, that are insanely memory-consuming. In particular, Beyond Good & Evil will go over 2MB (this is because it saves actual image files of all the photographs your character takes), and before I got a PC version of Max Payne 2, that was taking up over 1MB on my card.
I've got two 8mb cards. One gets the saves from games I've beaten and have a bunch of unlocked stuff. The other gets the in-progress saves. And then I have a Max Drive with backups of all this stuff.
If you avoid sports games you should be fine with 1 or 2.
I can't echo these comments enough. I had some crappy expansion memory card that I put my Sony card into, expanding my memory to 24 MB, and I thought I was set. I was wrong. Sure, it worked for awhile; long enough to lose most of my Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II data, some NCAA Football dynasty saves, and all of my Maximo, Prince of Persia, etc., etc, etc. *Sigh*
The worst part is the way I found out, when I popped Xmen Legends in to finish the game, as we had made it all the way to basically the last couple of rooms, only to find that all of my data was gone. I have not recovered from this.
I am a freaking nerd.