I want to start this off talking about a special trio - Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade. This is a trifecta of
entertainment gold that hosts a show on Fox News known as Fox & Friends. From what I've seen, Doocy more or less is the sane one in the trio, or at least the less silly. Gretchen and Kilmeade on the other hand...
On July 8, 2009, Kilmeade and two co-hosts were discussing a study that, based on research done in Finland and Sweden, showed people who stay married are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Kilmeade commented, "[In the United States] we keep marrying other species and other ethnics...". Ignoring attempts by co-host Gretchen Carlson to interrupt him, he added, "See, the problem is the Swedes have pure genes. Because they marry other Swedes .... Finns marry other Finns, so they have a pure society. In America we marry everybody, we marry Italians and Irish."[3][4] On July 20, 2009, Kilmeade apologized for his remarks, saying, "I made comments that were offensive to many people. That was not my intention, and looking back at those comments I realize they were inappropriate. For that I sincerely apologize. America [is a] huge melting pot, and that is what makes us such a great country..."[5]
As for Gretchen, she tends to open her mouth and let forth
words of wisdom. Like tonight, I was watching The Soup and was surprised to see a clip of Fox & Friends coming up on it. In the clip, Gretchen is breaking a news story that Al-Qaeda is training monkeys for warfare. She notes that a picture on the screen next to her is a photoshop "to give an idea of what one of these monkeys may look like" (seriously she said that). It is indeed a monkey holding a pistol. As Joel McHale put it, they realized in the back room prior to the show that a monkey holding an AK-47 would be outrageous.
Obvious silly geese on Fox News are O'Reilly, Hannity, and Glenn Beck, but we've talked the shit out of them (not that they don't have a place here, feel free to bring 'em up!) (but before I let them go for now, hey Hannity, remember when you said you'd get waterboarded for charity? Still waiting!). There's other networks out there. How about, oh, CNN?
Let's start with Rick Sanchez. Poor little Rick can't offer commentary to get his way out of a paper bag (see what I just wrote? he says shit like that, on the air). Rick is also known for having tried a "shock belt" on air, which is a device that electrocutes the wearer as a restraining device.
Massive lulz were had by it. He's also
simulated being trapped in a cabin in the mountains (in the snow) to show what's needed for survival, and apparently even strapped himself in a car and had it submerged in water to show how to escape. He's like some sort of
Houdini. Oh, and he likes the Twitter and Facebook. But that's more or less CNN policy.
There's other CNN personalities out there, though none really match Rick Sanchez in
fun-filled antics. Like Wolf fucking Blitzer. How cool of a name is that? He's actually an accomplished reporter, but lost to
Andy Richter in
Celebrity Jeopardy.
CNN has also been the home to Larry King, who is retiring this fall after a really long career of sitting down with just about anyone ever. Like seriously. From Vlad Putin to Snoop Dogg.
Time to shift gears - MSNBC is go.
Let's start with Keith Olbermann. This guy has a pretty
raging hard-on for the Bush administration. He's had a lot of harsh things to say about it even after the fact. Thankfully, the guy has a sense of humor enough to make fun of himself for it on The Daily Show once (TDS did a segment on Chat Roulette, where Jon Stewart encountered a bunch of news personalities on it; Olbermann began answering Jon's question of why he was on it, and suddenly segued into slamming Bush; it's better than it sounds). He's also not very fond of Bill O'Reilly and has had a
cross-network fight with him.
Following Olbermann on MSNBC, like in show lineup, is Rachel Maddow, a darling of a show host. Oh and she's a lesbian (first openly gay person hired by a news network apparently),
in case you're into that sort of thing. She's also very openly a liberal, joking that it means she agrees with the Eisenhower-era Republican party. In recent news (that is, this year), Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts starting making bogus claims for his campaign fundraising that she was going to run against him for a Senate seat. Aside from denying the claims, Maddow has made repeated offers to the guy to have him on the show. Like all
brave men, he's declined so far. She's aggressive in seeking out and countering arguments or statements
politicians make. She may also be
an eviscerater.
At any rate, I'm sure I've missed plenty of folks here or didn't elaborate on enough things but I just wanted to get this rolling. Feel free to discuss these peoples' pasts or present. The future too I guess, if you know it.
He is excellent at emphatic rage though.
XBLGT:Banzeye SC2: Apollo.394
Dylan Ratigan is just a bully. Every day he just looks for some sort of fight he can start. Really, Dylan, if you can't even get through a byline graphic without resorting to Internet flamewarspeak, I've got no time for you.
"I'm more of a Flash Gordon, Nutter Butter, butt-plug kind of guy."
Honestly most of the media personalities are throw always, except for the people that have their own show with their name behind it. What I want to see is a documentary of how insane those people need to be to get from a journalism degree to that level of reporting. Even fifteen years ago i could see a coherent, workman like climb to the top a la Bernstein and Woodward, but now it almost parodies Anchorman.
He has done some super silly things, but if I remember correctly he also did a hilarious series of comments about Glenn Beck.
The dude might not be the sharpest crayon in the shed, but man sometimes I enjoy watching him.
They're almost universally atrocious. Maddow is a rare exception. Also: blond in high school and it looks bizarre, and led to David Vitter making a hilarious sexist remark that I won't link to because he's an asshat.
Just thought I'd share that. He's a local boy! I think.
Also, Joe Scarborough and his crew of flunkies need to get the fuck off my liberal news channel. If I wanted to hear wishy-washy conservative beltway CW, I'd watch the Situation Room and spare myself the annoyance.
Rick Sanchez is one of the few, if not only, news anchors who doesn't think he's smarter than he is.
He's certainly more tolerable than Wolf Blitzer.
Or Jack Cafferty, who used to be an amusing old crank but is now morphing into CNN's resident post-Dobbs xenophobic teabagger sympathizer.
Although I have to admit, part of why I like Rick Sanchez so much, other than that clip of him getting tazed, is that his Espanglish-tinged show used to air right before Lou Dobbs. Ay Dos Mio!
Edit: And no love for Anderson Cooper? He's dreamy. I mean, not Christiane Amanpour or Fareed Zakaria dreamy, but still.
Also forgot to talk about Dobbs. But then again, I don't feel like getting worked up.
The partisan hard-ons I don't like and the way CNN goes further than any other network in fluffing up their news reporting is really pathetic and desperate.
Rick Sanchez has his moments but often seems to cling to the whole idiotic notion of "fairness" that calls for letting your guests spout bullshit without calling them on it. For that matter, that seems to be the problem with just about every "real" news show, the tendency to be platforms for talking points without having the guts to make a judgment on what's being presented.
Actually, I've seen Sanchez call people on their bullshit from time to time.
Certainly more often than John King or other CNN doofuses (doofi?) manage to.
Yes, slightly more than "never" still counts.
Like the Iraqi baseball team that got donations for gear from TRMS viewers.
And how she keeps going with a story and has no problems with the follow ups, like her ongoing coverage of DADT and how she keeps the consistency with the interviews of the men affected by it so far.
I think, partisan as her show might be, it is still one of the more intriguing, interesting, and informative (with a liberal slant) shows that I watch.
Also, I learned that with the new pump that dick cheney had put into his heart, he has no pulse. I learned that from Rachel. That is how awesome she can be at times.
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Uh, what.
XBLGT:Banzeye SC2: Apollo.394
Of course we have the well-known national figures:
But it's more than just them. Consider the strange and horrifying death of WABC anchor George Weber:
And I can tell you that it goes further. I was shortly a broadcast journalism major in college, and I knew a lot of gay dudes who were pretty much out around school but admitted they would remain closeted publicly due to their careers. Seriously, there were more 'mos in the journalism department than there were in the musical theater department (although probably not per capita. The musical theater dept. was 100% per capita). Two of them I know are now working as TV correspondents on NECN.
I am sure there is an explanation for this but I don't know what.
Uh, it's one thing to like, not like them. Even hate them. But fuck dude. o_O
And that turning to god would fix the divisiveness that is starting said war.
Yeah god has really prevented race wars Glenn. Really prevented them.
XBLGT:Banzeye SC2: Apollo.394
I also hate brown people.
One of the few positive things about CNN is that they fired the fuck out of Lou Dobbs.
Of course, they pay Erik "Goat-Fucking Child Molester" Erikson to spew his punditry, but they don't give him his own hour+ hatefest.
I'm not a big fan of the guys schtick, but does it really count as snapping when there is actually something new to rage about pretty much every day?
I always just kinda figured they want to make money and/or were always kinda like this in the first place.
The network wants this kind of bullshit on it's airtime and you either change for the job or they find someone who will/doesn't need to.
As far as poor journalism goes, I guess we can't really talk about FoxNews because they're now all Poes. Once you give Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck all their own shows, you've basically forgone anything resembling the desire to attract a sane and intelligent audience.
I'd put CNN down as next worst due to their combination of horrible reporters and yellow journalism. At least FoxNews drops all pretext as being legitimate; CNN has basically attempted to gain viewership by turning into TMZ:Capitol Hill. Plus, they give screwjobs like Nancy Grace and Jack Cafferty platforms to be heard on, which is unforgivable. And I swear to God, if I have to sit through another of Anderson Cooper's week-long exposes on the illegal meat trade in sub-Saharan Africa or Catholic missionaries giving reformed Cholos work in East L.A., I'll pull my goddamned hair out.
I suppose MSNBC is the best of the domestic bunch, but that's some faint praise. Olbermann has become a self-parody, and Maddow isn't far behind. Bleagh.
This is one of the best things Jon Stewart has done.
Maddow is a self-parody? Do you ever watch the show? It's the most responsibly conducted show on the entire network.
Sanchez is okay.
Anderson Cooper is pretty awesome, and I think he does great work.
What is wrong with Cafferty? I thought he was okay.
Also, Joe Scarborough is pretty dece. Sounds like a reasonable man to me.
but they're listening to every word I say
I've always been a fan of Cafferty's "cranky old sarcastic man who has no patience for this bullshit" persona, dating back to his days as a local NYC anchor.
However, it seems that since Lou Dobbs left CNN that Cafferty has been drifting towards being CNN's resident Tea Party panderer. All of his segments these days are blatant anti-immigration rants or generic "the federal government is full of idiots who can't do anything right except spend your tax money" stuff.
It's because CNN is all consumed by the idea of "balance" and they will never, ever make a declarative statement about the truth. Which is even worse in my mind than Fox's ridiculous bias.
But really, do a google image search for Megyn Kelly and look for a picture where she's obviously pissed off. That has got to be the hottest angry girl ever.
(disclaimer: I like angry girls. And no, I don't know what's wrong with me either.)
2) She's an idiot, even by that network's standards.
Oh hey, I don't agree with anything that comes out of her mouth. But... rowrr.
The second Bush term averaged about 4 "SWEET TAPDANCING CHRIST THAT IS EVIL" moments a week.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
This opinion brought to you by Starbucks.