Okay, so my fiancee is letting me buy a 360. This is pretty awesome, since there's some stuff I always wanted to have a go at on the 360. And I told her I built this PC so I wouldn't need one, so... yeah. I should be getting one soon.
Will the old Halo games play on the 360? I wouldn't mind giving the series a go, but only if I can play through the old games. Gears is a given. Alan Wake and probably Fable 2 as well. That's all I really know about the platform, so are there any other games I should be looking for?
Bear in mind, I have a PC and PS3 already, so multiplatform games are out. I probably already have them. Also, I've got no interest in the Forza games - I'll be getting Gran Turismo 5 for my driving simulation times.
As for other games, you could try the two Mass Effect games. The first one's also can be found under the Platinum Hits line with a seperate disc holding not just the first DLC (and so far the only one that matters in ME2) but some of the stuff from the Collector's or pre-order bonus stuff. A new copy of ME2 can be bought at 20 dollars cheaper then it's original price.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Because I will keep saying 'Splosion Man on XBLA until you cave. And Limbo when that comes out next week. The former is an excellent platform brimming with charm, and the latter is looking to be a fantastic puzzle platformer with a lot of atmosphere.
If not, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts is a really fun game (it's the reason I got a 360) which involves building your own vehicles of all shapes and sizes.
1. Alan Wake (natch)
2. Left For Dead 2
3. Gears of War 2
4. Mass Effect 2
5. Halo 3/ODST (only really buy this if your into the Multi-player)
Xbox | x Dredgen Yor x |
Good man. While you're there, Geometry Wars 2 is a ridiculously addictive game that looks really nice too.
I believe it's also part of a bundle with a controller and a few other XBLA games, which is nice if you plan to play with your fiance.
Condemned 2 is the goofy, Army of Darkness sequel to Condemned 1's Evil Dead. It's really forehead smackingly silly but knowing that beforehand will turn it into a fun as hell B-movie. Plus it's still pretty damn scary in some parts, multiple times I jumped and thought 'holy crap that was well done'. I went in after reading the reviews and knowing it was really silly but I had a blast with it. The melee combat is a real step up from Condemned 1's already great combat system. A little gun heavy in C2 but you still need to be creative. It's much more fun when a psycotic hobo with a revolver is a major threat since all you can do is throw whatever is nearby at him to stun him, charge at him and hopefully knock the gun from hs hand rather than the gun heavy endgame, but it's still all fun.
Definatley play both on hard mode
EDIT: I second Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Xbox | x Dredgen Yor x |
That last level kinda came out of nowhere and upset the theme/pace but the level before that in the mansion was pure gold.
i will recommend
pacman championship edition
galaga legions
Castle Crashers, obviously. Crackdown was a lot of fun, even if it could get repetitive. Whenever it comes out, Super Meat Boy will test your patience and your sanity. You might want to attach a transparent blast shield to your TV or something.
Any sort of genre requirements?
Not really. Like I said - anything exlusive to the 360.
Lost Odyssey is brilliant if you like Final Fantasy type RPGs.
Split/Second can be very frustrating but amazing fun too, probably a rent.
Resonance of Fate is probably my favourite JRPG of this gen, and has an amazing battle system.
Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Crackdown (2), especially if you like collecting stuff.
Prototype is a lot of fun to do crazy stuff in, but a splits people. I only rented it and felt like that was enough.
Burnout Paradise, don't bother with the ultimate box becaue the first one can be had for a few of whatever currency and all the updates from the ultimate box are free anyway.
Rock Band 2, if you don't mind shelling out the same as the game on instruments. You won't find a better party game.
Dead Space.
Bayonetta if you are into crazy japanese ridiculousness mixed with a similar but better than DMC fighting system.
Darksiders, it does Zelda better than a lot of recent Zelda games.
Red Dead Redemption.
These are all multi platform. Like I said in the OP, I do have a PS3 and PC.
Crackdown is a good idea. I'll see about tracking down the original.
And if you played Touhou on PC, Deathsmiles is the first Cave game to ever come out in America.
play the demo of:
Geometry Wars Evolved²,
Trials HD,
Shadow Complex,
Splosion Man,
Also, make sure to play the Limbo demo when it comes out.
Earth Defence Force 2017 has amazing coop too.
And yeah, Cantido. Played and beat BL on PS3. I'm not buying it again.
Oh yeah, guess I should read.
Pretty much everything exclusive that isn't on XBLA worth playing has been listed.
Oh, you had Ps3.
Lots of good downloadable stuff is out there. Shadow Complex is a must have, and a ton of people are buying Limbo on the 21st.
Also, use a video to see if she will be player 2 for Deathsmiles:
And I played Dead Rising for a year. Very high replay value, and a sequel is coming out soon.
I've noticed that in recommendation threads, a lot of people either skim the OP, or don't read it at all. If the OP says he/she doesn't like RPGs, they will still get at least 5 different people recommending RPGs.
Moving on, I second 'Splosion Man and Shadow Complex. Those are probably the only true 360 exclusives I have. Pac-Man: Championship Edition is awesome, and in my opinion, the best single-player Pac-Man game ever, but you might wanna just wait at this point, as the DX version is coming this fall, to PSN and XBLA.
This is what a Pac Man CE Superplay looks like
I played Pac Man CE for like a year as well. A sequel is wonderful news to me.
Breath of Death VII (our game! great old school RPG parody)
Miner Dig Deep (addictive mining game)
Zombie Estate (fun zombie shooter)
Protect Me Knight (8-bit style Action/RPG done by Ancient)
Shoot 1Up (innovative shmup where you control multiple ships at once)
Soulcaster (retro mix of Action/RPG & tower defense)
radiangames crossfire (like Space Invaders but with teleporting)
Apple Jack (platformer with weird sense of humor)
Pretty much any of the Arkedo games
Gerbil Physics 2 (puzzle game where you use bombs to knock over stacks of gerbils)
Retrofit - Overload (Supercharged Galaga)
Johnny Platform Saves Christmas (really good platformer)
Weapon of Choice (very good Contra-style game with crazy weapons)
Towers (great tower defense game)
Echoes+ (Supercharged Asteroids)
Leave Home (awesome sidescrolling shmup that changes each time you play based on how well you do)
Halfbrick Echoes (like Pac-Man meets Braid)
Hexothermic (innovative puzzle game of chain reactions)
That ought to keep anyone busy for quite some time. And the nice thing is that most of those games are dirt cheap, with many of them being only $1, so it wouldn't even cost that much to pick up all of those.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
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Yeah I hated that achivement too
That's an achievement? :P
I was playing for a year doing whatever. That game is amazing.