As some of you know I have the distinct honor of running the scrappy little Classic Console Freeplay room. (Not to be confused with awesome machine that is CFP).
This year we can use your help.
I know that some of you might have a classic console* or two sitting somewhere gathering dust. Or you may know a friend who does. Well have I got a proposition for you! You could donate it to the CCFP library. That's right, we are trying to put together a core of consoles and games that will be available at both PAX Prime and PAX EC that we will grow over time.
So if you think you can help, please PM me.
*and by classic I mean Dreamcast or older.
A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
Also 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who volunteers a 3DO.
"gay" and "rape". You keep on using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
Edited the OP.
We'd need to discuss the finer details, however (like what happens if they disappear). I have pretty much everything, minus a 3DO and a Jaguar.
Send me a PM?
I am a proud owner of a 3DO :-) Gex and Road Rash FTW
I have a Phillips CDi too....but who really cares about that one, lame Zelda games FTL
Unfortunately my consoles are my babies, even if they are sitting in storage ;-)
History is still history, even if all it teaches is "see what business people will do for money?"
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Depending upon getting it into my luggage I may consider bringing one of my Pong's... however if you have a TV it can hookup to I will be amazed.
I will take the PS1 games though if you can bring them.
Some eternal heels love sounds very tempting, lol. I might just bring mine.
I also have a SNES that I might be willing to give up...maybe. That's a tougher call.
Violets are blue
We don't have the ability this time around to handle loans from the community, but hope to in the future. But if you would be willing to donate that SNES it would be awesome. It is the 2nd most popular console after the NES.
Great, thank you
In case anyone else has some of these, would love to grab them as well. We could use them for spare parts. Especially since these consoles can be so fragile.
Not that I really tried. But that's not really my area of expertise.
Would love to take them off your hands.
That is just simply amazing.
Its like a check list.
It's missing the Apple Pippin but man, I would love to have some of these for people to see if not play.
If we can swing it, we should have the Atari Super Pong there this time which will be the oldest console there.
That's debatable. If it walks like a console, looks like a console and quacks like a console it's a console. No matter what Apple wanted to call it.
The Atari 400 took gaming carts :P
Would love to take it off your hands. Let me know.