Classic Console Freeplay

ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
edited August 2010 in PAX Archive
As some of you know I have the distinct honor of running the scrappy little Classic Console Freeplay room. (Not to be confused with awesome machine that is CFP).

This year we can use your help.

I know that some of you might have a classic console* or two sitting somewhere gathering dust. Or you may know a friend who does. Well have I got a proposition for you! You could donate it to the CCFP library. That's right, we are trying to put together a core of consoles and games that will be available at both PAX Prime and PAX EC that we will grow over time.

So if you think you can help, please PM me.

*and by classic I mean Dreamcast or older.

A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
Shervyn on


  • niq24601niq24601 Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    How old does it have to be to be classic? Last generation? 2 generations or older? I think I may have an N64 or Dreamcast kicking around somewhere ... lemme see if I can find them.

    Also 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who volunteers a 3DO.

    niq24601 on
    "gay" and "rape". You keep on using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    niq24601 wrote: »
    How old does it have to be to be classic? Last generation? 2 generations or older? I think I may have an N64 or Dreamcast kicking around somewhere ... lemme see if I can find them.

    Also 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who volunteers a 3DO.

    Edited the OP.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    niq24601 wrote: »
    Also 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who volunteers a 3DO.
    I would give those points (+3 internets) to anyone who actually OWNS a 3DO. Those sillygeese were expensive!

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • kazuokazuo Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I can lend some consoles for freeplay if it will help.

    We'd need to discuss the finer details, however (like what happens if they disappear). I have pretty much everything, minus a 3DO and a Jaguar.

    Send me a PM?

    kazuo on
  • TeknotronicTeknotronic Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    niq24601 wrote: »
    Also 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who volunteers a 3DO.
    I would give those points (+3 internets) to anyone who actually OWNS a 3DO. Those sillygeese were expensive!

    I am a proud owner of a 3DO :-) Gex and Road Rash FTW

    I have a Phillips CDi too....but who really cares about that one, lame Zelda games FTL

    Unfortunately my consoles are my babies, even if they are sitting in storage ;-)

    Teknotronic on
  • mspencermspencer PAX [ENFORCER] Council Bluffs, IARegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Lame Zelda games are an important part of gaming history. People should be able to observe what was so bad about them.

    History is still history, even if all it teaches is "see what business people will do for money?"

    mspencer on
    XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
    QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
  • heelsheels Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I will donate my eternal love to whomever brings a virtual boy.

    heels on
    < devious1> heels: you are worst idea person ever
  • ginsusamuraiginsusamurai Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I am planning to bring my original GameBoy, plus an assortment of games. Not sure if anyone would want to use/borrow it but I plan to use it in the "classic console" area to disguise its antiquity. Perhaps it could live there for the weekend and get some love from the other attendees? Or be used in some sort of "evolution of portable gaming" panel as a large brick like prop or paper weight?

    ginsusamurai on
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I have a mountain of old PS1 games that were given to me that are just collecting dust, you cannot however have my beloved chocobo dunegeon.

    Depending upon getting it into my luggage I may consider bringing one of my Pong's... however if you have a TV it can hookup to I will be amazed.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    We should have a pong machine set up and ready to go. =)

    I will take the PS1 games though if you can bring them.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • JadelyonessJadelyoness Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I just picked up a PS1 at a garage sale today for a dollar. Figure if it works, I can donate it for others to enjoy at PAX.

    Jadelyoness on
  • yoshamanoyoshamano The fuck is this. The fuck was that. Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    heels wrote: »
    I will donate my eternal love to whomever brings a virtual boy.

    Some eternal heels love sounds very tempting, lol. I might just bring mine.

    yoshamano on
  • jexballjexball Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I have a PS1 someone randomly gave me that I haven't turned on since I got it. Its basically just collecting dust and wasting space. Although it does branch out my collection a bit, I feel it will get more love at PAX since I don't really have games for it or anything.

    jexball on
    Twitter = JexBall Steam = Jexball Xbox = Jexball
  • SleevemanxSleevemanx Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I have one of those CDi's also. That was a pain to track down. I was really sadpie when i found those zelda games weren't as funny real life as they are in youtube poops :(

    Sleevemanx on
  • MasterHeliosMasterHelios Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    My dad has a Virtual Boy actually, I'm not sure if I could convince him to donate it but maybe to lend it out.

    I also have a SNES that I might be willing to give up...maybe. That's a tougher call.

    MasterHelios on
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
  • hugheserhugheser Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Do you have someone capable of fixing consoles? I have some broken 8-bit Nintendos, SNES's, and PS1s I might be willing to donate if needed. I would have to do some hunting though since they are in storage. PM me if you're interested.

    hugheser on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    My dad has a Virtual Boy actually, I'm not sure if I could convince him to donate it but maybe to lend it out.

    I also have a SNES that I might be willing to give up...maybe. That's a tougher call.

    We don't have the ability this time around to handle loans from the community, but hope to in the future. But if you would be willing to donate that SNES it would be awesome. It is the 2nd most popular console after the NES.
    jexball wrote: »
    I have a PS1 someone randomly gave me that I haven't turned on since I got it. Its basically just collecting dust and wasting space. Although it does branch out my collection a bit, I feel it will get more love at PAX since I don't really have games for it or anything.

    Great, thank you
    hugheser wrote: »
    Do you have someone capable of fixing consoles? I have some broken 8-bit Nintendos, SNES's, and PS1s I might be willing to donate if needed. I would have to do some hunting though since they are in storage. PM me if you're interested.

    In case anyone else has some of these, would love to grab them as well. We could use them for spare parts. Especially since these consoles can be so fragile.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    I have three broken SNES's I can dig out, if you're taking them for parts. Never could get any of them working myself.

    Not that I really tried. But that's not really my area of expertise.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I have three broken SNES's I can dig out, if you're taking them for parts. Never could get any of them working myself.

    Not that I really tried. But that's not really my area of expertise.

    Would love to take them off your hands.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • SnipethewolfSnipethewolf Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Are you after NES games as well? If so I should have a few (20+) that I can let go if you need a few.

    Snipethewolf on
  • ravemongerravemonger [E] Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    The NES games would be put to good use, it is one of the more popular systems in CCFP.

    ravemonger on
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    ZeroHourHero on
  • BrennaCeDriaBrennaCeDria Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I am in... negotiations... with Brian to see if he minds me donating some games to this. If so it will be 1 NES, 2-3 Genesis games, and a few PS1 games, although the PS1 games are going to take more negotiating than the others. :p

    BrennaCeDria on
  • <Omicron-8643><Omicron-8643> Just outside DC. Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm chipping in a Pikachu 64 plus a copy of Jet Force Gemini. I should get around to unlocking the all the multiplayer stuff before shipping it out.

    <Omicron-8643> on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    That is just simply amazing.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    That is just simply amazing.

    Its like a check list.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    That is just simply amazing.

    Its like a check list.

    It's missing the Apple Pippin but man, I would love to have some of these for people to see if not play.

    If we can swing it, we should have the Atari Super Pong there this time which will be the oldest console there.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    That is just simply amazing.

    Its like a check list.

    It's missing the Apple Pippin but man, I would love to have some of these for people to see if not play.

    If we can swing it, we should have the Atari Super Pong there this time which will be the oldest console there.
    The Pip Pin wasn't on there for the same reason the Commodore 64 isn't there: because it's a computer rather than a dedicated gaming console. I do love that site, though. I did a big presentation on legal battles in console gaming history, and that was a big reference for me!

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • ravemongerravemonger [E] Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    But they had the Atari 400 on the list.... :P

    ravemonger on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I am going to strap my Virtual Boy to my back and put a sign on it that says "Free to Play".

    Buraisu on
  • AfroJAfroJ Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I have a SNES and Sega CDX+32x that I'd be willing to donate. I don't have many games for each system but just seeing a 32x attached to the CDX is entertaining enough.

    AfroJ on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Shervyn wrote: »
    Found something interesting people into classic console folks might like to look at

    That is just simply amazing.

    Its like a check list.

    It's missing the Apple Pippin but man, I would love to have some of these for people to see if not play.

    If we can swing it, we should have the Atari Super Pong there this time which will be the oldest console there.
    The Pip Pin wasn't on there for the same reason the Commodore 64 isn't there: because it's a computer rather than a dedicated gaming console. I do love that site, though. I did a big presentation on legal battles in console gaming history, and that was a big reference for me!

    That's debatable. If it walks like a console, looks like a console and quacks like a console it's a console. No matter what Apple wanted to call it.

    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ravemonger wrote: »
    But they had the Atari 400 on the list.... :P

    The Atari 400 took gaming carts :P

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • ravemongerravemonger [E] Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    But it was marketed as a personal computer. :) BTW, if anybody has an Atari 400 to donate I'll throw in my carts. Mostly games but also have Basic and Pilot programing carts.

    ravemonger on
  • TheTerribleManTheTerribleMan Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I have a working Dreamcast with 2 controllers (I think), and a dead VMU. Has the power cable, missing video cable. Not sure what games I still have, if any.

    TheTerribleMan on
  • ShervynShervyn Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I have a working Dreamcast with 2 controllers (I think), and a dead VMU. Has the power cable, missing video cable. Not sure what games I still have, if any.

    Would love to take it off your hands. Let me know.


    Shervyn on
    A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
This discussion has been closed.