The All-New All-Purpose Doujn Games Thread -- Touhou 12.⑨: Fat Cirno Attack

AroducAroduc regular
edited April 2011 in Games and Technology
I'm sick of the old thread with its Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OP and being unable to change the title. Discuss any and all doujin (self-published) games from Japan, or hell, any indy games from wherever, particularly shmups are welcome. Also, I'll kick your asses at MBAC or EFZ if you're up to it.

Touhou 12.8: The Great Fairy Wars.

AKA, Zun wants his buddy to draw his old-as-hell fairy characters and is too lazy to make a real game.


Oh yeah, due out at Summer Comiket in about 3 weeks.

And Railgun's Panties (Megaman Power Battles clone) due out next week. Fastest translation project ever! --crosses fingers--

Aroduc on


  • PataPata Registered User regular
    edited July 2010

    That's not a fangame?


    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Huh. I wonder what's happening at Reitaisai SP.

    Zandracon on
  • JouleJoule Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Always thought EFZ was good game but always hindered by keyboards. Maybe I'll pick up a ps2 to usb converter sometime to play it.

    MBAA: F-Satsuki bnb is a grind.

    Joule on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    I will crush you!


    Probably not.

    Waaaaaaay too used to MBAC's buffer guards and I keep eating shitty crossups against people who know what they're doing. And still haven't figured out escapes from certain characters' ES/FM knockdown traps. I need worse people to play against.

    Aroduc on
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EYE will crush you!

    Cantido on
    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • JouleJoule Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Aroduc wrote: »
    I will crush you!


    Probably not.

    Waaaaaaay too used to MBAC's buffer guards and I keep eating shitty crossups against people who know what they're doing. And still haven't figured out escapes from certain characters' ES/FM knockdown traps. I need worse people to play against.

    Where does everyone who plays hang out? Mizuumi?

    Joule on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    Joule wrote: »
    Aroduc wrote: »
    I will crush you!


    Probably not.

    Waaaaaaay too used to MBAC's buffer guards and I keep eating shitty crossups against people who know what they're doing. And still haven't figured out escapes from certain characters' ES/FM knockdown traps. I need worse people to play against.

    Where does everyone who plays hang out? Mizuumi?

    No clue. I just have a few friends that I play with.

    Aroduc on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited July 2010

    Multi track drifting ?!!!

    setrajonas on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    And why.

    Aroduc on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    Aroduc on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Yea, I brought that up in the DeathSmiles thread before this one existed actually. I'm quite liking the looks of it so far, despite not liking horizontal stuff in general.

    setrajonas on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    French Bread (Melty Blood/Gleam of Force) is making some new fighter too apparently.


    Aroduc on
  • JouleJoule Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Akai Katana looks pretty awesome. I like how the bosses summon like fighter jets, bombers and trains.

    Joule on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
  • AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Aroduc wrote: »
    French Bread (Melty Blood/Gleam of Force) is making some new fighter too apparently.


    Yeah, but that's going to take awhile.

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    Wow. Talk about a gimpy Sayuri. Use your meter intelligently and stop dropping combos, dammit.

    Also, RGing into a command counter? Good god why.

    Aroduc on
  • aunsophaunsoph Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    So, a while ago I bought five Touhou games, and I'm just now actively playing them. Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object. I skipped The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil because it didn't have the hitbox display while focused, skipped Phantasmagoria of the Flower View because the split-screen thing didn't do anything for me, and saved Shoot the Bullet for later. (I intend on picking it up next month, along with Double Spoiler... and maybe Fairy Wars, if Himeya gets it in stock.)

    Perfect Cherry Blossom was the first I played, and after trying all three characters and their modes, I chose to focus on Reimu A and Sakuya A, since the homing shot crutch really helped me as a total newbie. (I favored Sakuya due to her focused maneuverability and easier grazing though.)

    Anyway... I finished the game a few times, but never without using continues. Basically, I'd be just fine until the Prismriver sisters, at which point I'd lose a life or two, or as was the case in my best attempt, just emptied all my bombs to survive through them unscathed. And then Youmu would clean my clock, often getting me to the continue screen by the end of the fight unless I used bombs like candy. I did get past her once with I think 2 lives left, but Yuyuko made sure I blew through not one, but two continues shortly afterwards. :x

    I'll probably go back to PCB again, but I wanted a break from the Ghostly Lawnmower Duo of Doom. So I started IN, and after about one hour playing, promptly uninstalled it.

    The visuals were plain muddy... I can't exactly put my finger on it. The style for the character portraits seemed off... like they were just rough, airbrushed drafts. The actual game looked like it had a very distracting gaussian blur filter applied to it or something. The music of the first few stages did absolutely nothing for me, and it didn't help that while the dialogue in PCB was silly, it at least felt natural and was somewhat amusing, while in Imperishable Night it read like mangled Babelfish. :?

    Today I installed Mountain of Faith, and only briefly tested out the two characters and their modes up to level 3... but I can already say I'm in love with this one.

    The soundtrack is great so far and the engine upgrade really pays off, as everything from the characters to the shots look so much better. It also controls smooth like butter. I particularly liked how bombs tap into your power level, mostly because when I was playing PCB, my constant fear of dying to Youmu and Yuyuko was coaxing me into the nasty habit of blowing through all my bombs without trying to avoid some bullet patterns... and now this MoF mechanic encourages me to man up. :lol:

    I favored Reimu B the most out of her three modes, but I'll probably play either Marisa A or Marisa C, since the versatility her T&S and F&A Options offer really clicked with me.

    aunsoph on
  • JouleJoule Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Skipped EoSD? That makes me sad. : (

    Joule on
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EoSD has probably my favorite boss fight in the series. And you can get a hitbox mod it just shows it all the time.

    TNTrooper on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    Not liking IN should be punishable somehow.



    Aroduc on
  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Whee, new character. Also, some people are working on an unofficial sequel to Yume Nikki or something.

    Zandracon on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited July 2010
    Aroduc on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Vhy not?

    setrajonas on
  • BarrakkethBarrakketh Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    aunsoph wrote: »
    Perfect Cherry Blossom was the first I played, and after trying all three characters and their modes, I chose to focus on Reimu A and Sakuya A, since the homing shot crutch really helped me as a total newbie. (I favored Sakuya due to her focused maneuverability and easier grazing though.)
    SakuyaB is civilization. Just saying.
    The music of the first few stages did absolutely nothing for me, and it didn't help that while the dialogue in PCB was silly, it at least felt natural and was somewhat amusing, while in Imperishable Night it read like mangled Babelfish. :?
    I'm not sure whether we were reading the same translation or not, because it was clear to me (I think they screwed up a little on Youmu's bombs...I believe the names should be "Slash of the Present" and "Slash of Eternity"). Also, stage 1 as Border Team made me chuckle:
    Yukari wrote:
    Reimu wrote:
    Hey, hey, hey.
    You've got some guts, not being bugged in the slightest.
    Was that a pun?
    Was it?

    And stage 4 as Magic Team.
    aunsoph wrote: »
    Today I installed Mountain of Faith, and only briefly tested out the two characters and their modes up to level 3... but I can already say I'm in love with this one.

    The soundtrack is great so far and the engine upgrade really pays off, as everything from the characters to the shots look so much better. It also controls smooth like butter.
    Use the vsync patch with the older games. Also, don't use Marisa B in MoF...she's bugged (try fighting a boss at 3.x power to see what I mean).

    And just a warning, you're probably going to learn to hate Aya and stage 4, especially the post-midboss spam. Especially Illusionary Dominance.
    I particularly liked how bombs tap into your power level, mostly because when I was playing PCB, my constant fear of dying to Youmu and Yuyuko was coaxing me into the nasty habit of blowing through all my bombs without trying to avoid some bullet patterns... and now this MoF mechanic encourages me to man up. :lol:
    Actually, MoF/SA's power system encourages you to bomb. Death is going to bring you down by one level anyway unless you're at 5.0 (in SA you're capped at 4.0 power except for MarisaA, who caps at 8.0) in addition to use using a life, and IIRC MoF, SA, and UFO only add an option at each level and your base shot damage is static. With how powerful the bombs are it's better to just bomb a spellcard and lose the power anyway while not losing a life with the possibility of losing another one to the same card.
    Aroduc wrote: »
    Not liking IN should be punishable somehow.
    Those e-trumps get pretty annoying after a while.

    Speaking of MoF and stage 4, here's a fun replay to watch:

    MoF Perfect Stage 4 Lunatic

    Barrakketh on
    Rollers are red, chargers are blue....omae wa mou shindeiru
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    UFO could be released as an actual game. It's really, really sharp looking.

    And I love its music

    cj iwakura on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Oh hey, Current Code videos that don't look / sound like crap.

    setrajonas on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    Christ. H-WLen and H-Hisui? What is this? Pity hour? I think I like the new movement and imact effects, but not the heat haze. Ew.

    Aroduc on
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Is this getting a release? I like the looks of the new character. Delays make me wet.

    Page- on
    Competitive Gaming and Writing Blog Updated in October: "Song (and Story) of the Day"
    Anyone want to beta read a paranormal mystery novella? Here's your chance.
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Hwlen got buffed pretty nicely, so she might actually end up being viable this time around.

    A console/PC release hasn't been announced yet as far as I know. Not like there were particularly many general system changes from the PS2 version though.

    setrajonas on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    Page- wrote: »
    Is this getting a release? I like the looks of the new character. Delays make me wet.

    New character? Ries? She's always been in AA.
    setrajonas wrote: »
    Hwlen got buffed pretty nicely, so she might actually end up being viable this time around.

    A console/PC release hasn't been announced yet as far as I know. Not like there were particularly many general system changes from the PS2 version though.

    I don't think a day will ever come when a WLen is viable. She really does have a boatload of tricks, but they all only work if your opponent is scared to death and stuck in a corner.

    Aroduc on
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    New to me. Last version I had access to was AC. I know they added the main character from KnK, but I don't think I've seen Ries that much.

    Also fine with WLen being terrible because small characters are awful to play against.

    Page- on
    Competitive Gaming and Writing Blog Updated in October: "Song (and Story) of the Day"
    Anyone want to beta read a paranormal mystery novella? Here's your chance.
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    There's also Roa and yet another version of Akiha. I'm not sure if they were planning on toning Type-Earth down to non-broken for actual play with CC though.

    Cross-posting laziness.

    Recent minor Comiket-related updates
    • Tasofro posted a cryptic message along with a screenshot of what appears to be a sequel to Super Marisa World.
    • Desunoya put up a demo for their upcoming STG Reverse☆Twinkle (another Ikaruga clone).
    • Orange Juice has confirmed that Sora's final version will be out at Comiket (trial released last winter).
    • Likewise for the terrifyingly bizarre looking and oh-so-creatively titled Clannad RPG.
    • Another Apocalypse has a trial posted now.
    • EGS announced that they'll be updating their Territoire trial with more online functionality for Comiket.

    Aroduc on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    And Super MariLand confirmed for Comiket.

    With cosplaying powerups.

    Aroduc on
  • setrajonassetrajonas Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Double 24 hour MBAA streams for anyone interested

    Second one's not up yet, but it should be soon.

    setrajonas on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    It's not a real stream until someone picks Neko & Mech.

    Aroduc on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I get so far in Touhou 12, and I still can't beat the final boss' last spell card. :(

    Stupid no-bomb damage rule.

    cj iwakura on
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    That one always reminds me of Flandre Scarlets last spell card.

    TNTrooper on
  • aunsophaunsoph Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Playing Mountain of Faith every now and then. Whoever said that Stage 4 would be annoying as all get-out what with the OMGSPAMSPAMSPAM, was right. The fairies leading up to Momiji and Aya were ten times worse than the bosses themselves.

    Stage 5 was a breeze compared to Stage 4, although Sanae trounced me with her Sea Opening and Miracle. Stage 6's fairies were pretty easy too, despite the spam. I have yet to beat Kanako, though.

    Kanako's Divine Festival is fun, but it gets me to wall myself every now and then. I have to bomb my way out of Sacrifice Sign still... and that one transition phase where she goes intangible and shoots different types of bullets, always gets me when she spams some fast moving yellow orbs unless I bomb it. I survived all the way up to Mountain of Faith once, but I didn't have any lives or bombs left, and that was that. :(

    aunsoph on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    You all might like this, Kurt of HG101 did it a while back:

    No Touhou, but good stuff.

    cj iwakura on
  • AroducAroduc regular
    edited August 2010
    Aroduc on
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