Yeah, we're really running out of challenges here. Definitely conquer to the south to give us some nicer looking borders, but further expansion is Europe is just asking for trouble when nationalism comes along. Only possible role-playing goal I can think of would be holding a permanent vendetta against anyone claiming to be holy roman emperor, since we are Charlemagne's heir, not them. Otherwise Indonesia / Australia seems like a good way forward.
Brief version of the last 8 years of Charles' reign: nothing happens. I think I took like five screenshots. I'll write it up tomorrow.
Kickass ruler who gets to officially give us an emperor title, a shiny new flag, ban slavery, and a decent education system and then go on lots of wars to claim our brand new cores is now King.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
With all the traditional territory of Vermandois seized, and the core parts of Charlemagne's empire acquired, Charles spent the next decade focused almost entirely on non-military efforts. Continuing his desire for Mediterranean ports, Charles built relations with Savoy, with the eventual goal of making them Frankish vassals. Before the ink had dried on the alliance pact, Savoy took advantage of their powerful neighbor to seize Lombardia. Charles agreed to assist, and noticed that Galicia was the leader of the other side of the war...
Galicia owned the only non-Frankish possession in the Caribbean Sea, so Charles' last war was a rapid acquisition of Les Cayes. With a blockade from the new Frankish fleet stationed in Gascony, the Galicians quickly surrendered. Savoy was also successful, taking control of Lombardia and forcing tribute from Wurttemburg. However a Galicia blockade was set up after the Franks left the war and it continued on until Charles' death. (This stopped me from vassalizing Savoy, obnoxiously. It's still going, the truce has expired, so we could theoretically attack Galicia with the alliance casus beli just to get them to stop blockading Savoy.
With the end of the minor Galician war, Charles merely had to put down the occasional rebels, usually sponsored by various African nations. During this time of peace, reforms were instituted to inspire fair treatment for the surviving Aztecs and Mayans in the new world. The best of both cultures intermixed and prosperity reigned.
Better maps of the near East were finally delivered to Paris late in the 17th century. Charles began contemplating how to expand Frankish presence in the realm of Islam.
India was the richest of the eastern lands. However, Charles saw no need to build new and expensive expeditionary forces to conquer the land directly. Instead he merely wanted access to the markets to expand Vermandois' growing trade network. A few shipments of gold and weapons later, and the Sultan of Rajputana allowed Frankish merchants access to Kutch. The Franks quickly moved in and generated vast wealth for the Kingdom.
Finally, 1701, Charles V died in his sleep. His son Eudes V was an extremely talented man in all areas of rule, and was destined to end the six century long quest of House Vermandois: to restore Charlemagne's crown.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
This thread is wicked. Unfortunately, I seem to have neither the time nor the correct gameversion (@work now, don't even know which one) for application as player, so I'll just have to wait for more updates.
Kickass ruler who gets to officially give us an emperor title, a shiny new flag, ban slavery, and a decent education system and then go on lots of wars to claim our brand new cores is now King.
The Reign of Charles V (1693 - 1701) - Doldrums
With all the traditional territory of Vermandois seized, and the core parts of Charlemagne's empire acquired, Charles spent the next decade focused almost entirely on non-military efforts. Continuing his desire for Mediterranean ports, Charles built relations with Savoy, with the eventual goal of making them Frankish vassals. Before the ink had dried on the alliance pact, Savoy took advantage of their powerful neighbor to seize Lombardia. Charles agreed to assist, and noticed that Galicia was the leader of the other side of the war...
Galicia owned the only non-Frankish possession in the Caribbean Sea, so Charles' last war was a rapid acquisition of Les Cayes. With a blockade from the new Frankish fleet stationed in Gascony, the Galicians quickly surrendered. Savoy was also successful, taking control of Lombardia and forcing tribute from Wurttemburg. However a Galicia blockade was set up after the Franks left the war and it continued on until Charles' death. (This stopped me from vassalizing Savoy, obnoxiously. It's still going, the truce has expired, so we could theoretically attack Galicia with the alliance casus beli just to get them to stop blockading Savoy.
With the end of the minor Galician war, Charles merely had to put down the occasional rebels, usually sponsored by various African nations. During this time of peace, reforms were instituted to inspire fair treatment for the surviving Aztecs and Mayans in the new world. The best of both cultures intermixed and prosperity reigned.
Better maps of the near East were finally delivered to Paris late in the 17th century. Charles began contemplating how to expand Frankish presence in the realm of Islam.
India was the richest of the eastern lands. However, Charles saw no need to build new and expensive expeditionary forces to conquer the land directly. Instead he merely wanted access to the markets to expand Vermandois' growing trade network. A few shipments of gold and weapons later, and the Sultan of Rajputana allowed Frankish merchants access to Kutch. The Franks quickly moved in and generated vast wealth for the Kingdom.
Finally, 1701, Charles V died in his sleep. His son Eudes V was an extremely talented man in all areas of rule, and was destined to end the six century long quest of House Vermandois: to restore Charlemagne's crown.