Even though I went somewhere.
So this young nurse starts working at the hospital. Young nurses start at the hospital to torture me because they are so hot but it's not a wise plan to hit on people 10 years younger than you. I don't bother her but I have the nagging suspicion she might dig me. I mention I have no drinking buddies anymore and she quickly says we should get drunk together. I get a phone numba. I get that feeling where when you hear music it reminds you of them because she is
so hot. Ok, we'll go drinking she says. Yipeee. I get tanned I clean the house I wash the blankets just in case. I get text messages from her which is the style at the time:
Let's go out, I'll text you after I get my hair done.
I don't know I have a bunch of people coming so we'll see.
...and I wait around until 10:30 and she never texts me. I decided to go out anyway, cause fuck her and an actress of ours is in town. AWWW YOU GOT STOOD UP? YOU SHOULD COME OVER HERE, the actress says. So I take booze there and am introduced to her hot hot friend and a dude. I think, wow ok you know what I'm going after her and I smoke a lotta weed. But then I notice a hand on a dude's knee, and then I notice the other girl's hand on a dude's knee. Out on the porch I ask about the hands on knees.
"We are all dating each other. I like him and I like her and we are all really attracted to each other" and I'm like DUDE HAS TWO GIRLFRIENDS.
And I eventually walk home and see my tanned skin and my new clothes and my nice clean empty place and I think I got all dressed up and DUDE HAS TWO GIRLFRIENDS
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
It is a hellhole which you can never forget
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I feel you pain, sort of.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
kill him
take his girlfriends
sorry if i made you feel bad bro
I got like
47 girlfriends
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I don't have a girlfriend either
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Do you know what stockholm syndrome is
No one tell Vivienne.
Satans..... hints.....
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Satans..... hints.....
I already posted on the first page.
Satans..... hints.....
She is still hot right?
Satans..... hints.....
Oh I feel pretty CERTAIN of that
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
posters on your bedroom wall don't count
e oh no now I am the slow one
tell Dru that forum posters dont count either
Beasteh, I'm going to start talking, Beasteh.
I'm going to start talking about loneliness, Beasteh.
hello everyone, how's tricks
Satans..... hints.....
that might break his grumpy otter heart