No, no. This isn't about next year's movie. This is about the enriching 70's
experience The Hobbit. When I first saw this when I was a kid and it was aired on Cartoon Network. I have no idea if it was for any specific purpose they aired it, but I do know this movie is fantastic.
It's not exactly the absolute adaptation the upcoming live-action probably will be, but it is uniquely entertaining. The animation is great. The voice acting is top notch, but the most notable thing is the music. The music is stirring and remarkable. At times it sounds like a Middle Earth prog rock music video. I love this movie. I wish I'd been born soon enough to see it on first airing.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
I still remember when I was 5 or so, the day my uncle got married, I turned the tv on to see what I thought was The Hobbit, but it turned out to be Return Of The King in this style, which is pretty good though for me The Hobbit is more classic.
who thinks of a world that is just make believe
will never no passion, will never no pain
who sits by the window will one day see rain
Edit: I do hope I'm thinking of the right cartoon. I last saw/heard any of it about... two and a half decades ago? A little less, perhaps?
that's from the rotk done by the same people
Ah, thanks for the heads up.
*Badass smoting of Goblins*
I love both the Hobbit and Return of the King. The Witch-King was silly though.
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"
I haven't seen this in over a decade, and I can still hear the songs in my head. (As well as "Where there's a whip...", although I haven't seen the ROTK cartoon in nearly 20 years.) I bet I still have a VHS copy stuck somewhere in my house. Maybe it's time to dust off the VCR...
And Smaug is absolutely terrifying in this.
Edit: I also have a really weird memory concerning this movie. I swear that I had the movie poster on my bedroom wall when I was 4 or 5 years old. When I asked my parents about it years later, though, they looked at me like I was mad. But my memory is so crystal clear: it was hanging right there...
I wonder if they'll release this too?
I can't believe I remember this fucking movie.
"Over 230 full-color illustrations from the great animated film spectacle by Arthur Rankin, Jr., and Jules Bass"
Great animated film spectacle indeed
I love you
smaug is THE BEST
and I was also afraid of gollum in this as a kid. my dad loved hobbit/lotr and would tell me the hobbit as a bedtime story (not read it, just tell me it)... I'd always ask him to leave out gollum cause I was scared but he refused due to the importance of the ring/gollum as a plot point for lotr.
I've mentioned that in chat but it seems fitting in here
not blu though. afaik
I am thoroughly pissed about the audio quality on the Hobbit DVD though. Like, half the sound effects are missing! Bugger that shit.
Not to mention that guys singing voice. It's like Jello Biafra trying to sing Jim Croce tunes.
And the Elves of Mirkwood? That was a completely fucked up design for those guys.
They do have their moments though, like Smaug. They got that right.
The elves had/wore stag horns, had green/blue skin, and a terrible faux russian accent. So yeah, totally agree.
That said, I must have seen this movie loads of times when I was a kid. Gollum, the goblins, and Smaug always terrified me.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
I have the VHS of this in a box along with my copy of The Return of the King.
Wasn't there another animated film based on The Fellowship?
Edit: Found it
Someone was asking about Blu-Ray - this is on Blu-Ray.
They were pretty liberal with the movies they let us youngins watch, now that I think about it. For example, the unedited version of Princess Bride which has Inigo's defining moment of revenge unaltered. Such good times.
The animated LOTR is terrible. Awful. Mind-numbingly bad. And it cuts off right at Helm's Deep (there was supposed to be a second part, but the first part did so poorly that the studio backed out and refused to pay for the second).
You mean terribly awesome right? It cut off early and was supposed to be a part 1, but growing up and being able to watch these films was awesome.
Yeah. The rotoscoped animation didn't really do it any favors. Also, Boromir dressed up as a viking with horns (lolwut) sharpening his sword on a boulder he was sitting on. Guess the men of Gondor were worse off than we thought.
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods
No one knew but me, and it was still awesome.
Start here:
When speaking of Boromir's part in the Bakshi version of LotR, one cannot forget MILKING THE GIANT COW!