It's happened to all of us. We suddenly remember a scene from a movie or a lyric from a song and that's all. And yet we need to know the rest of it. I present this thread in honor of such forgetfulness, such amnesia. Mostly because I need to remember a movie long forgotten, but also because I know more of you have the same problem. There is something out there eating at your soul that you simply cannot shake. Some remembrance of childhood that haunts you to this day that if only you could put a title to you would be okay, that the nightmares would finally stop. I post this thread in honor of you. My fellow brave soldiers into that dark, unknown night. Here we shall, hopefully, find freedom and closure. Here is our salvation. To those begging for insight, I offer my sympathy. For those offering knowledge, I give my thanks. Here we are all equals, and here we shall find freedom!
For many of you seeking closure in a film, I offer these titles:
And now, if I may have helped any of you, I present my personal problem in the hopes that you may help me. Mine is an ancient and eldritch mystery, one that has not in well over a decade offered anything more than an epidemic of ignorance and fear. I have spoken of this movie and the psyches of inner children quaked. Memories long forgotten shook with the foundations of quarrelsome childhoods and suppressed adolescence. With this request I churn the ice cream of doom.
The movie of which I speak I witnessed some fifteen or more years ago, an animated horror of terror, loss, resolve, and eventual victory. A boy crosses a bridge haunted by some sort of thieving troll, a beast that threatens to steal from him his most precious of possessions should he not perform a profane series of preventions including bathing in vinegar, filling his bathrobe pockets full of chalk, and wearing tinfoil on his head. A second child, privy to these ancient and forbidden arts, informs our protagonist of his foolishness and guides him towards the path of victory. Yet he forgets one of these mystical bulwarks and the vile creature creeps into his abode and steals from him his beloved pet hamster. Yes friends, an innocent rodent. And so our hero brazenly ventures into the realm of this horrid troll-fiend and initiates a bargain with him, all in an attempt to save the life and freedom of his most innocent of hamsters, outwitting the monster and winning the furry one's emancipation.
What is this movie?! I ask this of you all, in the hopes that I will know the answer before I die, and with the promise that if you should have a similar question that I will exercise all my power to aid you in such ventures. Hopefully with each others' help, we shall see the end of this long, darkened path.
But seriously this movie is driving me nuts and I can't figure it out. I NEED to know what it is!
TL;DR Edit:
Movie I want to know:
-Kid crosses a bridge that is haunted by a troll that steals shit from you if you cross said bridge
-Kid gets scared by this, consults a nerdy kid that knows about troll shit and gives him advice to beat the troll
-Kid bathes in vinegar, puts tin foil on his head, etc. to keep troll away
-Kid forgets to put chalk in his pockets, and so troll comes and steals his pet hamster
-Kid has to go under the bridge and deal with the troll to win his pet hamster
-Kid somehow beats troll in battle of wits and wins his hamster back
-Kid lives happily ever after
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I'd watch it again but I think I was watching a rental.
If only Herbert West solved the problem of this damn troll! If only it were that easy!
might I suggest a list with bullet points, maybe an approximate year of production, country of origin?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Little Nemo. One of my favorite childhood movies.
These heroes weren't kangaroos per chance, were they?
back to the future
Live action I'm fairly sure.
Damned if I can remember. Don't think they were humans, at least.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
power rangers
okay okay now i am thinking of a number between 1 and 10
Warriors of Virtue.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Yeah, that movie was crazy bad, and sticks with you like herpes. You'll never rid yourself of its taint.
the main part goes "do do do do do do do do do do do do do" "do do do do do do do do do do do do do"
it's not Freezepop
"Brunch, it's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, you'll love it."
Said in a kind of effeminate voice
I want to say Simpsons, but I don't think that's actually it
I've never seen the commercial but I spent ten seconds on google. Is this the one?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Nine times out of ten you will get your answer on the first page
Disney -Rescuers Down Under
Arrath, your movie sounds a lot like I movie I've been trying to figure out for years. I think I saw it in the early 90s. Definitely live action. There was a witch (it might have been a guy) sucking life force from a river and turning the river to mud or something. He/she was thwarted by a young kid and a group of 3 to 4 things that might have looked something like the robots from Mystery Science Theater 3000. There may have been a promotional tie-in with a candy company, getting the Mystery Science Theater robots to appear on bags of candy. I don't think it was Warriors of Virtue.
Also, there is a game I played years ago, I think on the NES. It involved navigating a speedboat through a jungle and going over waterfalls. It wasn't Cobra Triangle. I think you viewed the action from an angle so you could move in four directions and also jump. The river itself always was always drawn horizontally on the screen. Again, it wasn't Cobra Triangle.
Pretty sure it is the Simpsons. Episode where Homer gives Marge a bowling ball for her birthday.
I've got this theme song in my head, and I've searched around for the source, but I can't find it and I can't remember if it was a part of a larger show or a video game or what
All I remember is that it goes
Commander Quark
Commander Quark
dun dun DUN DUN Commander Quark
Commander Quark
dun dun DUN DUN Commander Quark
I realize that musical tone is hard to communicate through text but someone has to have heard this shit before!
man in real life that kid would be fucked
I sound like a crazy person when I try to explain the plot to people
That's what I thought, but I searched for that at some point too but nothing came up!
I mean, I'd be glad to be wrong, but I don't think that's it