I am getting the multilingual kernal panic message on startup, this happened after my mac froze and I did a manual shutdown.
I am on a Macbook Pro running Leopard.
I have stupidly not done a system update for a while.
I do not have my leopard startup disk anymore, but I did backup a bootable copy to my external harddrive (or so I thought) but holding down C on startup while my external harddrive is plugged in does nothing (is this the correct command?)
Holding shift on startup does nothing.
I can startup in single user mode, but it hangs after "system uptime in nanoseconds:" and I cannot reach the command line to run fsck.
If I startup holding option I can get to my windows partition (where I am right now) and that works just fine.
I do not think this was caused by a hardware issue because of the circumstances around how it occurred, and because my windows side works just fine.
I do have third party RAM in, but it has been installed and working fine for over a year at least.
I spent hours last night looking up this problem and ways to fix it, but this is my first time having to troubleshoot my mac seriously, and I am a bit lost.
I am wondering if upgrading to snow leopard would work (an update only costs around $30). And if doing so would wipe my harddrive.
I just got back from a trip and uploaded my photos, and I would hate to lose them, is there a way I can get them off before trying to reinstall/install anything?
You can do a full re-install (or system settings clearing upgrade) without formatting the hard drive.
I have tried holding option with my external harddrive plugged in and nothing happened, does that mean that when I backed up a bootable copy it went wrong/I messed up and it's not what I thought it was?
So just to clarify (because I am a bit frazzled right now) if I buy snow leopard and install that, i won't lose my data? My photos and programs (like photoshop) will be fine?
also, I won't need my old leopard disk to upgrade for any reason, right?
Depending on the output of the above verify/repairs you may just have to restart, or upgrade/re-install, or worst case is your hard drive took a poop. But you have your backup, so, notsobad.
Nope, no old disk required.
I'll hope I don't have to lose everything since my last backup, but if so, life goes on.
If I do end up not being able to get my photos/whatever off, what sort of options (if any) would I have in trying to recover that data?
If the hard drive isn't gone, you can pull it, throw it in an external enclosure, and use another computer to pull off the files before you [theoretically] need to reformat.
I just got back from buying snow leopard, wish me luck.
I'd argue that the capsule really isn't worth it. Given that you already have an external drive, adding a backup to that shouldn't be a major obstacle, and it'd probably be a lot cheaper.
So I figured I would try to install the update, but when I go to do that it only shows my windows partition, not my mac HD.
I am exceedingly frustrated.
this is the worst
I may just have to use my windows side until I can get a job and throw some money at this.
I have never taken my mac to a repair shop other than the genius bar (to replace a fan), anyone have any sort of idea how much money they would charge to have someone else deal with all this mess?
yeah I have bootcamp. I don't know if I can touch my mac HD from my windows side, but I'll go google around and see if it is possible.
So I shut down, then hold down C as I start up, I can hear the disk spin a bit, then it spits it back out at me. Over and over again. Even when I startup in windows it spits it back at me.
When you say 'it let me into it once', do you mean you were able to boot from the sl disc once? If so then my suspicion is you make not be pressing the 'c' key at the right time in the boot sequence. Are you sure you are doing this right?
I am messing around with macdrive right now, but it doesn't seem to be able to see my mac drives, and isn't even recognizing my external hard drive.
I'm going to go get something to eat and then give this whole mess another go.
make an appointment and take it to the genius bar, they can refer you to data recovery places. if you're out of warranty, they can give you a quote on what it will cost for you to have the drive replaced. when i worked there labour was in the realm of ~80 bones, the drive itself was around 100. if you're handy you can do it yourself.
all right, I'll scrounge up my pennies and take it to the genius bar.
my mac works perfectly fine in bootcamp, should I avoid even using that?
I use it to copy the occasional file I need in windows without resorting to a USB drive, but maybe you can get some of your non-backed up files safe before your computer in for repairs?
What I would do is, first, take your backup somewhere that has a computer, plug it in and verify that your backup is good. If your backup is good (and current enough) I would save whatever info from your Windows partition (if there is any). From there (once you've made triple sure you're not missing any data) I would do an Erase & Install on your laptop.
If the install goes fine, try putting Windows back on there. If that goes fine start loading content back on. If that still goes fine, your hard drive probably had some bad blocks or the startup partition went nuts. If you start getting errors during the OS X install, or Windows partitioning or anything else. Well, then yeah, your hard drive is probably on it's way out.
I'm not saying this is something that you should absolutely do before taking it to an Apple store, but it's what I would do before going and spending money. I'm cheap like that
I'll check this out for sure
t FF- yeah what a bunch of odd errors and circumstances, huh? haha
I'll check all that before taking it in (I am cheap too)
thank you so much to all you guys for helping me. hopefully I can fix this today
let's see if I can pull my files off.
I have managed to get my most important data from my mac side, and now I am trying to get my snow leopard disk to stop ejecting whenever I try and start up from it.
any advice?
I insert the disk, and then power down from my windows side, when I start up holding C, it shows me a white screen for a while, then spits the disk out and goes back into the kernal panic message. I can put the disk back in, and try the mess over again, with the same results.
thanks for all the help guys, I was able to pull off the most important things before the drive was wiped.