Okay, so this is my first attempt at a PbP game and 1st try for the new DFRPG. So as GM I ask for patience and forgiveness in advance. And any help/ideas would be appreciated. 5-6 players max.
That said, game on. we are going for a chest deep setting, so that puts us at an 8 refresh for starting characters.
Chest-Deep (8 refresh, 30 skill points, skill cap
at Superb+5): At this point, you’re playing with at
least minor-league power. You’ll have taken a
lot of the upgrades to many of the templates at
this stage.
City: Minneapolis/Saint Paul in Minnesota, We'll start generating Characters and city traits here. Try to update once per day minimum if you can, more if you want.
Tell me if you wanna give it a go, and a high concept/ trouble to get started on a character, and a location/ theme you'd like to see/use in the Cities.
I'll update after here with confermed players/characters in the next post down.
Online Fudge Roller
Uriel is out
Gandalf the Crazed is out
Rainfall is playing Madison Burr (Ember(M. Burr) to her friends)
High Concept: There's a Sidhe In Me. (Summer Court Changeling)
Trouble: She's Got Her Father's Fire
ArcanisTheImpotent is playing
Name: Jasmine Cartwright
High Concept: Fresh New Wizard
Trouble: Living In Daddy's Shadow
Anarchy is playing
Name: Russell Cooper
Emissary of Power (Dragon)
High Concept:
Trouble: Clinging to Humanity / The Gambler
Reptar is playing
Name: Jacob 'Jake' Turner
Template: White Court Virgin
High Concept: White Court Virgin In The Know
Trouble: Inescapably Cursed
Kias is playing
Name: Charlie Lombardi
Pure Mortal
High Concept: I am the Wheelman
Trouble: Living two lives
City Aspects:
Wild Weather; Quiet on the East Side
and Threats:
The Past Just Won't Stay Buried
Mall Of America?
U of M?
Name - Indian Mounds Park(St. Paul)
Description: Resting place of many dead Native Americans. Only a few mounds remain undisturbed.
Threat(The Past Won't Stay Buried, and now this ghost is causing problems!)
The Idea: One of the destroyed mounds was the resting place of a powerful ghost.
The Aspect: Haunted Hillsides
The Face - White Owl, Powerful Shaman's Ghost
Name - The Crystal Court, at the base of the IDS Center
Description: Shopping mall, lobby, and a gathering place for the Unseelie.
Theme(Wild Weather, the Faeries are getting restless)
The Idea: The Winter Court paid for the building's construction, and they use the Crystal Court for gathering war parties and internal affairs when the mortal world is involved.
The Aspect: Cold and Classy
The Face - Winter Tam, Fetch's Daughter, Winter's Janitor. (She cleans up the mess the Winter Court leaves, and makes sure that nobody finds out what really goes on in the Crystal Court after hours.
FBI Field Office of Minneapolis
Description: Government building. Whites browns and grays.
The Idea: The FBI field office has started up a 'Special Investigations' department led by two ambitious agents.
The Aspect: Just Because It Isn't Illegal Doesn't Mean It's Not a Crime
The Faces: Special Agents Lee and McIlroy
The Carlyle Skyscraper
The Idea: High Rise Apartment complex that looks out over the city.
The Aspect: Keeping an eye on the city
The Face: Charles Ames, head of the local Mafia that controls most of major organised crime that occurs in the city.
Saint Anthony Falls
Description: A series of locks, bridges and dams that follow the mississippi river through the city.
Theme: Wild Weather
The Idea: The flow of heavy water passing through these structures acts as a perfect neutraliser to magical energies, allowing it to be used as a neutral meeting place.
The Aspect: Caught in the Current
The Face: Undine, Guardain of St. Anthony's Falls
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
Description: One of the largest urban sculpture gardens in the country. Essentially a museum in a public park.
Theme: Wild Weather, possible area of Faerie mischief
The Idea: Among the mundane pieces of art are housed any number of strange, possibly occult, artifacts, their presence making the walls between this world and the Nevernever thin.
The Aspect: What Lurks Within
The Face: Mr. Papadopolous, an old and cantankerous groundskeeper, has done his job well, tending to the needs of the Park, and keeping the Fair Folk placated so that they do not bring harm to ignorant visitors and tourists.
The Cathedral of Saint Paul
Description: A Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of St. Paul.
Theme: Quiet on the East Side
The Idea: In the neutral territory of St. Paul, supernatural beings or those know of the supernatural who still have faith come to this Cathedral to confess their sins.
The Aspect: Hallowed Ground
The Face: Father Maxwell is a man of the cloth who has seen (and heard) enough to understand that there is more on God's Earth than can be understood, but no matter how strange things are, it is his duty to help them find purpose and understand God's plan for them.
Name-Sheik's Palace Royale
Description: A Strip Club in Downtown Minneapolis
Threat: White Court Feeding ground aided by Winter Glamors(Wild Weather?)(Quiet on the East Side?)
The Idea: The White Court needs a fresh supply of Doe's to feed on. Bonus for birthday nights and finding the occasional Virgin for Extra Spice on their food.
Aspect: Tasty Lunch Buffet, the food and you too.
The Face: Gigi is just one of many Raith Cousins that take more than money from the fellows that go in for a lap dance.
Name: The Labyrinth
Description: A series of tunnels and pathways beneath St. Paul
Threat: The Past Won't Stay Buried
The Idea: Long ago, the windings pathways and caverns beneath the city were designed to dispose of unspeakable threats, or perhaps to keep them lost and too disoriented to reach the surface.
Aspect: Lost, but not Forgotten
The Face: Donald Black, a student at Concordia University in St. Paul, leads exploratory trips into the labyrinth. Is it just for thrills, or does he have an ulterior motive?
NPC's of note:
White Owl, Shaman's Ghost
Winter Tam, Fetch's Daughter
Undine, Guardain of St. Anthony's Falls
Prince (White Court?)(Focused Practitioner?)
Un-named Warlock
Gigi, Raith cousin
Mortals in the know (Ex-Ghost Hunter Brandy Green)(Special Agents Lee and McIlroy)(Father Maxwell)(Donald Black)(Mr. Papadopolous, an old and cantankerous groundskeeper)
Mortals Not in the know (Charles Ames, head of the local Mafia)(Average Cops)
Maybe I will make a character.
thinking of a character along the lines of Fresh New Wizard with a trouble of Living In My Dad's Shadow
Trouble: Drinks to avoid the spirits of the wronged.
Name: Dexter Roland Martin
I went ahead and did his first two phases too, but these might change a little:
Dexter grew up in the suburbs of Southern Minnesota. He was very close his pious mother, who was a janitor at the local catholic school. He studied there with his friends until he was shunned and outcast by all but his mother for seeing ghosts and begin possessed by them, and his mother took him to priest after priest. Until the ghost of his father came to him, and told him his mother had murdered him, she left him at age fifteen. After barely finishing public school as an emancipated teen, by virtue of his talents, he went to law school to study. ASPECT: ????
Finishing law school with flying colors was no challenge for Dexter, and he made a good deal of friends along the way, most ending up as ambulance chasers however. Forgetting about his pious upbringing and learning to subdue his innate abilities with alcohol, he became an unwavering protector of the law, becoming a prosecuting attorney for the state, working high profile murder cases. Aspect: Talented Prosecutor
it doesn't have that 'wow!' factor, and i can't see 'Drinks to Forget' being something that dogs your character. needs to be more extreme, like "Uncontrollable Alcoholism"
True, I was thinking he drinks to subdue his natural talents, so he isn't constantly dogged by ghosts asking him to push prosecution on someone who did them wrong.
I ask, because I have a couple of decent concepts that are somewhat negated if Dresden is running around doing his thing.
@Uriel, having him dogged by ghosts who keep asking him for help and assistance is a way better trouble than drinking to avoid them.
you have a great trouble hidden in there; "I Drink To Avoid the Spirits Of the Wronged"
Sounds good to me.
We are going with to the end of Small Favor, we could go farther, has anyone here not read the books?
Dresden is relevant in so far as he exists and so do the other characters, but given the logistics of dealing with him and Jim's story I'd like to stick to the TC area or at least stay outside of Chicago.
(My trouble: 'I don't consider that people could be talking in-thread instead of PMs')
I'll need a decent High Concept and Trouble to PM you and add you to the list of players to get this started. Also, how much about the TC area do you guys know?
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.97888,-93.245035&sll=44.979037,-93.245033&sspn=0.003901,0.009645&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16 The collapse here a couple years ago I'm thinking was troll activity. Just a thought.
Name: Mark "Red" Reynolds
Emissary of Power Class/Template/Whatever it's called
High Concept: Red Rabbit Running
Trouble Aspect: Tooted His Own Hunting Horn
Anyway, Red's pride and some whiskey got the better of him, and he said some profoundly unwise things to a friend about the Erlking, claiming that he himself was skillful enough to avoid the Great Hunter's grasp. Word gets around when you're an overwhelmingly powerful Fae Lord, and the Erlking didn't take too kindly to these claims.
But ever the sportsman, the Erlking decided to make a game of the whole thing. He gifted a black cape to Red, a cape which endows him with supernatural speed and abilities for as long as he wears it. The catch? Upon receiving the cape, Red was given 7 days' head start, to flee the Hunter. After that, he must evade the Erlking's grasp for a fortnight if he wants to keep the cape -- and his life.
Oh yeah, the other catch... any time he puts on the cape, Red's location immediately becomes known to the Erlking.
With his somewhat limited knowledge of the Faerie Courts, Red decided that his best bet would be to flee to a city where the Winter Court had an overwhelming stronghold, in hopes that the Erlking would be hesitant to venture too boldly into their territory... the Twin Cities seemed to fit the bill.
(OOC summary: In d20 terms because I can't remember all the details of the FATE system right now, Red has good DEX and INT with a moderate amount of knowledge about the supernatural. The cape is a pretty damn powerful item, with the caveat that it alerts the Hunt to Red's location, which is obviously sub-optimal. If I remember correctly, Red was built on an 8-refresh base. I'll have to look when I get home.)
I'm sure I can manage to get into new trouble by then.
High Concept: There's a Sidhe In Me.
Trouble: She's Got Her Father's Fire
Changeling, obviously, daughter of a Summer Court Sidhe.
Just flipping through the wiki articles on Minnneapolis and St. Paul, the wide weather range strikes me as an interesting theme. The wide temperature range would indicate a really big struggle between the Summer and Winter courts in the area, and the crazy weather indicative of their battles.
I guess I gotta do some research!
Also I am going to be a focused practitioner, with limited spirit abilities and possibly a weak version of the sight.
Yeah I really think that The Sidhe Court should be a theme for the city.
Just 3 Slots left at the time of this posting.
You also might want to add something about being an emissary in your High Concept. Unless Red Rabbit is an Emissary for the Hunted?
High Concept: Fresh New Wizard
Trouble: Living In Daddy's Shadow
the idea for the character is a wizard with an impressive pedigree, her father and mentor a respected and talented member of the White Council with all of these ridiculous (and meaningless) accolades. old money, long line of wizards, and a rebellious daughter with a desire to strike out on her own and bullheadedness that bites her in the ass more often than not.
also throwing in some ideas on city theme; the constantly changing weather is good fuel for a rogue spellcaster a la Storm Front.
High Concept: Underworld Enforcer (Emissary of Power)
Trouble: Clinging to Humanity / The Gambler
The idea is for gambler who had run up many a debt with people of questionable reputation being summoned by an underworld boss. However, he turns up a little early and discovers something untoward about the leader, he's actual a true dragon. Not to shy away from an opportunity where he saw it, the boss made Russell a deal he couldn't refuse, his debt paid off, the bounty upon his head dropped. But in return, he was forced to carry out whatever services his new master requires of him.
Granted a small portion of the beast’s power makes Russell a fearsome foe but he is becoming increasingly addicted to its power. The trouble aspect would either be him giving in more and more to his power or the fact that he likes to take bigger and bigger risks because he knows he know has the power to protect himself.
Wizard Private Eye. Harry Dresden. Knight of the Cross. Michael Carpenter. etc etc
Edit: wow top of page again already.
Let me see what I can come up with here:
Name: Nathan Doone
Focused Practitioner (Ectomancy)
High Concept: Amateur Ectomancer
Trouble: Morbid Curiosity
Background is a little vague at the moment. At the moment I figure that he has inherited his magical abilities from his parents, though has only received training recently after his power began to manifest.
aspects need to be punchy and somewhat broad to encompass many sorts of situations both positive and negative, and certain ones need to contain certain qualities
also, don't get too caught up in lengthy backstory, as phases 4 and 5 are going to be about tying characters together so we have a cohesive group of people who know each other somewhat well, if not outright friends.
We've already got an Ectomancer, or at least a Medium. If you want to focus in another way that's fine, but we already have one sorta, or you can hash it out with Uriel if you want.
Troubles need to be serious stumbling blocks! something that dogs your character, presents struggles to your character in an overarching thematic way
let's look at Harry's trouble aspect, The Temptation of Power. this is something that's always niggling at Harry, presenting him challenges (although the aspect does change at some point), and even when not being invoked or compelled it manifests in how Harry behaves (he loves slinging around those big flashy fire spells).
here's Harry's sheet for an idea of how to really spice up a character
Is everything else acceptable? Which Trouble aspect do you guys think would be the most compelling?
So how about "Underwold Enforcer" (Emissary of Power)
Oh. I guess I hadn't looked as closely at the other people's characters. My apologies. I'll withdraw my interest. I don't have another concept, at least not at the moment, anyway. Still, I wish you guys luck with the game.
Reptar, I'm not trying to turn you away, but I'd like there to be very different characters if I can get them. We still don't have a lycanthrope or an sorcerer, or a pure mortal.
I understand that. I didn't mean to make it seem that way. I'm just not sure how good my understanding of the system is. If you're still looking for players, I shouldn't have much trouble make a pure mortal, though I'll need to figure out a concept.
EDIT: Would it be possible to play a White Court Virgin, Bahamut?
Name: Jacob 'Jake' Turner
Template: White Court Virgin
High Concept: White Court Virgin In The Know
Trouble: Inescapably Cursed
The current idea in mind is a member of a White Court family, the Turners, who was kept in the dark until a particularly sympathetic uncle told him what he really was. With that information, he's desperately trying to find a cure, but if not that then at least trying to keep from slipping over the edge and becoming a monster like the rest of his family for as long as he can.
That's fine, you'll need a Hunger Track too as well as Physical Mental and Social, you might want to work on your trouble as well. Also are you related to the Raith's, Malvora, or Scavis clan
So I'll need to take Feeding Dependency then?
Only if you succumb to your dark nature.