Every time I go to PAX I'm asked by those that reside in the US to bring over some UK confectionary due to the fact that we seem to better at making it than those in the US. I did this with much success for PAX East and am more than willing to do so again for PAX Prime 2010.
Examples of British confectionary can be found
If you really want to push the boat out I can also get some
Thornton's Chocolate. It is a bit pricey though.
Let me know on this thread what you'd like and I'll see what I can do.
LPM brought me them at East and now Im in a half life roaming the earth trying to find them again.
I'll be bringing over lashings of choccie bikkies and suchlike for the Cookie Brigade Look for the guy in the yellow PAX VIRGIN shirt with the UK flag on the shoulder!
Oh Rearry?
Hrm... Nice.
......... what?
Supposedly they make raspberry ones as well?
lashings = lots of
choccie bikkies = chocolate biscuits = cookies
suchlike = other similar things
Ah. Thank you for the translation from English to...... well, English.
Anything! I will gladly take anything! The best would be a can of Mountain Dew though.
You know, I didn't even notice the british slang until now. Somehow my brain just processed it into american without me even noticing.
Too much Doctor Who and IT Crowd probably.
Same here, probably for the same reason, that and an aunt from yorkshire
This distresses me greatly. As such, i plan on bringing A LOT of Ribena along with me....somehow!
Product Marketing Manager on Watch Dogs: Legion
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Also everyone who hasn't done this before be sure to know the import and export laws for foods, as well as taxes and duties. Either that or just fail to mention what your are carry [tiny]I don't actually recommend or condone doing this[/tiny].
I never finish anyth
I never finish anyth
Pre-PAX Dinner | Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament | Post-PAX Party
2012 Prime Buttoneer (Main | Bonus)
Ravenclaw Death Eaters, Head Boy - Ravenclaw DE is on Twitter and Facebook!
Jelly Babies are awesome.
I'd love to get some of them, or some Turkish Delight. A gourmet store near me carries just about everything else I could want from a UK snack perspective (crisps, biscuits, chocolates, toffees, hell even Marmite).
~ Buckaroo Banzai
They are amazing! Remind me of my childhood when my mom used to get them on our trips up to visit relatives. Haven't had them in years, so I have someone bringing me some when they come down.
The ones that I've had are the big turks (see pic abv). Good stuff!
Well, they're really good!
That said, I'd love to have a few of the big Galaxy Milk Chocolate bars if that's possible!
I've never had that, or coffee crisps
Want some Smarties? One question though, do you eat the red ones last?
I never finish anyth
The key difference between UK confectionary and US/North American is that it is made using 'real' sugar and not high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This means it generally tastes a lot better. I can recommend a few items such as Boost Bars and Dark Chocolate Bounty Bars as being favourites of many in North America.
Product Marketing Manager on Watch Dogs: Legion
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So Lewie P's Mummy brought me some Turk's at PAX East, and I had never had them before and she had to give me a lesson on eating them....
It was fun and delicious.
What are these things that require a lesson in consumption?
I completely agree. If you bring Penguins and Raisin & Biscuit Yorkies I will give you money AND hugs
Should I? I've only had the fruity american Smarties.
There isn't any flavour difference between the different colours. It was an ad campaign that ran in the 90s.
I never finish anyth
If you would like to actually order something (so that I keep it for you), please PM me with what you want and how much of it (in terms of cost or amount). So for example, if you tell me Giant Turk, $10, I'll bring as much giant turk as I can buy for $10. Or you could just say Giant Turk, one bar. And then I'll do that too. I'm easy.
Also, if someone can buy/find a cheap tactical thigh pouch (the big dump pouches are ideal), I will trade them much chocolatey goodness for it. If you have one which you don't use anymore, that would be perfect, I just want it for carrying/distributing sweets/cookies. You can even have it back at the end of the weekend!