In the Wake of the Plague
A Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Play by Post Adventurganza
Today is the first day of spring, and the beginning of the Dawning Festival, the celebration of the equinox and the renewal of life. The air is crisp and winter’s chill has not been fully chased off by the lengthening days. Most of the town has come out to the western grounds for the first day of the festival. Music can be heard coming from tents, surrounded by dancing villagers. Booths abound offering roasted meats and the winter’s best ales. The winter in Khenua is unforgiving, and the celebration marking its end is met with a kind of revelry only those who had endured its severity could attain.
Each of you is present for the festivities today for your own reasons. Some of you have come to partake, some to observe, some seeking a common thread, another soul willing to accept who you are. As the sun begins to sink over the wheat fields to the west of the fairgrounds, many of those revelers still present are in a state of almost crippling drunkenness. The mood is light and the music grows ever louder as dusk begins to settle on the town.
In an instant, a piercing cry is heard from the western end of the fairgrounds. Panic quickly spreads as a veritable stampede of humanity flees the incoming threat. A handful of goblins can be seen coming from the west, apparently led by a human soldier and a man in heavy black robes. The robed man grabs hold of a fleeing villager and you see her begin to rot in front of your eyes as he chants until her lifeless corpse drops at his feet. Two of the goblins begin firing arrows at the fleeing crowd, felling several unfortunate villagers.
Looking around, you notice only four others not fleeing in panic. It seems you five are all who are left to defend the village.
The Party:
Aria, Human Psion, played by
Celgar Pius, Genasi Paladin, played by
Lilika Silverheart, Halfling Rogue, played by
Vimak, Goliath Barbarian, played by
Wil, Half-Elf Ardent, played by
Allegedly a voice of reason.
Dark Servant (Black-Robed Figure) (DS)
HP: 38 . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Human Soldier (HS)
HP: 31 . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA1, GA2)
HP: 29 . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Blackblade (GB1, GB2)
HP: 25 . AC: 16 . Fort: 12 . Refl: 14 . Will: 11
Goblin Cutter (GC1, GC2, GC3, GC4) (Minions)
HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
The tables and fence provide light cover and would be considered difficult terrain to cross.
Roll Initiative!
It's then that Vimak sees everyone running away from him. "Is it something I said?" He murmurs before looking over his shoulder, just in time to see the black-robed man fell a villager. Vimak growls and grabs his huge sword and straps on his armor, mud still seeping down over his skin.
"ENJOY YOUR SENSELESS SLAUGHTER WHILE YOU CAN, GREENSKINS! For now you fight a true warrior that does not run from battle, but to it! As for you, humans, your green meat shields will not be on this living plane to watch me separate your heads from your bodies!"
With Vimak getting his battle gear on, he joins the battle a bit late:
Initiative: 1d20+0 5
From her hiding spot under the table Lilika drew the purse of the final drunken lout sitting above her as the first screams of terror pierced the air. In the ensuing stampede, the table was nearly knocked over and Lilika crushed.
"By Sehanine's bow that was close" she mutters quietly.
She pondered joining the villagers in their flight, but the promise of the wealth that these raiders carried was too appealing.
Initiative: 1d20+5 = 10
Stealth: 1d20+10 = 21
She was quite lost in her own thoughts when the first yelling started. Initially mistaking it for cries of laughter or some actors putting on a show for the revelry, she ignored the noise and was very surprised to find herself looking at the approaching invaders with almost everyone else gone.
Thinking to herself, "I should probably run, but someone from my family should help.", she looked for some way to stop the goblins without exposing her powers.
Initiative: 1d20+0: 18 [1d20=18]
"Careful there, little lady," he says as he reaches down to pull her to her feet, "let me help you. Wobbly knees are kind of my thing."
Initiative: 1d20+0 12
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
It looked like that wouldn't even be necessary this time though. The town appeared to be in the middle of some sort of festival. Half the town was drunk and the other half was well on the to joining them. If anyone noticed anything funny about him, appeared they put it off on the drink. Settling down at a table with a big ale and big plate of food, he was very much looking forward to the meal.
Suddenly all the villagers around him started screaming. Celgar sighed, assuming the gig was up, but it seemed like a little much just for him. Then an arrow whizzed by, nail a villager in the back, as another embedded itself into his lamb.
Turning around, he saw a wave of goblins, back by what appeared to be two humans coming out of the woods. Drawing his sword and shield, he slid over the top of table to take cover on the other side. Glancing around, he saw only a few people hadn't fled from the goblins. A bear of a man who looked like he could take them all with only his hands, a drunk with a halberd that looked like he be as much danger to them as the goblins, and curiously a completely unarmed human female.
While he might appreciate their courage in staying behind, it looked like all the real work was going to be done by him and the big man.
Initiative: 1d20+0 13
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
The human aims his crossbow at Celgar, firing a bolt that barely penetrates the shoulder joint of his plate armor.
1d6+2 = 7 Damage.
GB2 Charge vs. Celgar (AC): 1d20+5 = 13
HS Crossbow vs. Celgar (Reflex): 1d20+6-2 = 21
1d8 = 3 Damage
Initiative Order:
Goblin Blackblade (GB2): HP: 25(25) . AC: 16 . Fort: 12 . Refl: 14 . Will: 11
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 22(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC1): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC3): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC4): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 31(31)
<< Next: Aria | On Deck: Goblin Cutters then Celgar >>
She sees the only other person on her side was hit by an arrow, Is his hair on fire? Did the arrow do that?
Aria quickly moves to get a clear view of his attacker while making sure to keep the bench between herself and the human archer. Using her mind for the first time in a fight, she concentrates on the goblin attacking the paladin. Unfortunately, the shock of the sudden fight and the fear of her own head bursting into flames is enough to break her focus and nothing happens. Well, at least no one will know...
Concerned for his safety, she calls to Celgar, "How can I help? Was the arrow on fire?"
Move to R10
Mind Thrust on GB2: 1d20+6=9 Miss.
(GC1) Charge vs. Vimak (AC): 1d20+6 = 22
Hit for 4 damage
(GC2) Charge vs. Vimak (AC): 1d20+6 = 12
Charge vs. Celgar (AC): 1d20+6 = 12
Charge vs. Aria (AC): 1d20+6 = 19
Hit for 4 damage
Lilika is hidden (combat advantage for first attack).
Initiative Order:
Goblin Blackblade (GB2): HP: 25(25) . AC: 16 . Fort: 12 . Refl: 14 . Will: 11
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC1): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC3): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC4): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 27(31)
<< Next: Celgar | On Deck: Goblin Archers then Wil >>
"How can I help? Was the arrow on fire?" Glancing back, the unarmed human woman moved a little closer to him.
Despite himself, he couldn't help but laugh a little at that. But before he could respond, two of the smaller goblins charged at him. The first he easily blocked with his shield, but the other used the open second to run past and attack the woman who came to help him, slashing her with it's small blade.
Muttering a small prayer to Erathis, Celgar's blade glows as he drives his blade deep into goblin's chest. Stepping on it's torso he kicks the now lifeless corpse off his blade and turns to face the real threat in front of him.
"No, I'm quite fine it's only a scratch, I can explain the fire later. I also appreciate you coming to help me miss, but you'll be safer back with the rest of the villagers. Stay behind me and I'll make sure no more of these beasts lay a hand on you."
Minor: Mark GB2 with Divine Challenge
Standard: Holy Strike vs GC4 AC 1d20+7 =22 Hit!
Damage: 1d10+5= 12 GC4 is dead
<< Next: Goblin Archers | On Deck: Wil then Dark Servant >>
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
Hit for 1d8+2 = 8 + 1d6 = 1 = 9 Damage
(GA2) Ranged vs. Celgar (AC): 1d20+6 = 19
Initiative Order:
Goblin Blackblade (GB2): HP: 25(25) . AC: 16 . Fort: 12 . Refl: 14 . Will: 11
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC1): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC3): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 14(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 14(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 27(31)
<< Next: Wil | On Deck: Dark Servant then Lilika >>
Specifically not using Ardent Outrage since it would have no actual effect this time.
His anger and frustration with the turn of events building, Wil lets out a drunken howl of rage and slams his halberd down awkwardly at the goblin who stabbed him.
My first act as party leader will be to heal myself. Ardent Surge bonus HP: 1d6 2 For a total of 9 hitpoints recovered, and a +1 to all my attack rolls until the end of my next turn.
Then; Energizing Strike vs AC on GB1: 1d20+6 7 1d10+4 7 Swing and a miss.
For my move, I'll shift backward to Q8 like the manly man I am.
"Oh Kark. That was the wrong one. Hey, hey YOU! Yeah, you. The real one. Stand still!"
<< Next: Dark Servant | On Deck: Lilika, then Vimak >>
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
"Slaathen will have your bones!" he hisses.
Initiative Order:
Goblin Blackblade (GB2): HP: 25(25) . AC: 16 . Fort: 12 . Refl: 14 . Will: 11
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC1): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC3): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 27(31)
<< Next: Lilika | On Deck: Vimak >>
Opening strike vs GB1 (AC 16) 1d20+11 = 31 CRITICAL HIT
2d4+2d6+5 = 25 Damage
Lilika is at +4 to all defenses until the end of her next turn.
Move: Acrobatics 1d20+12 = 17 shift into O,6 using the table as cover.
(Also hoping that the table, since lilika is a small creature, will provide some sort of cover bonus to her giving her another +2 to defenses)
AC 22 Fort 15 Ref 22 Will 16 (or 24/17/24/18 with cover also)
Recuperating Strike vs AC: 1d20+8 23 Hit! GC 1 is dead. Vimak gains 3 Temporary Hit Points.
<< Next: Goblin Blackblade | On Deck: Goblin Blackblade >>
The Human Soldier hurries forward, dropping his crossbow and switch to a longsword and shield.
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Goblin Cutter (GC3): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 27(31) +3 Temp HP
<< Next: Aria | On Deck: Goblin Cutters then Celgar >>
Her smile getting slightly more uncomfortable, she steps back a bit. "They seem very, um, intimidated by you. I think I'll stay, but will take you up on the advice to stay behind you."
GB2: 1d20+6=23. Hit!
GC3: 1d20+6=13. Hit! Dead.
GB2 damage: 1d6+6=10. GB2 now has 15HP.
Move to R9.
<< Next: Goblin Cutter | On Deck: Celgar >>
Apparently deciding his fear of the Dark Servant overrides his fear of Vimak, he makes a half-hearted attempt at a swing, and hits him lightly, drawing a little blood.
Hit for 4 Damage
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 26(31)
<< Next: Celgar | On Deck: Goblin Archers then Wil >>
1d20+7: 10 Miss!
1d10+7: 15 Dam, that would have killed it too...
<< Next: Goblin Archers | On Deck: Wil then Dark Servant >>
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
(GA2) Crossbow vs. AC (Celgar): 1d20+6 = 15
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 26(31)
<< Next: Wil | On Deck: Dark Servant then Lilika >>
Energizing Strike vs AC on GB2: 1d20+6 22 1d10+4 10 HIT! The "Wall" gets 4 temp HP. But the goblin lives. Dammit.
Minor: Battlemind's Demand on GB2, marking him so he's at -2 against Celgar and has to incur an OA if he wants to get me.
"HAHA! Take that you little pieshe of OH CRAP HE'S SHTILL SHTANDING! Man I hope this wall holds."
"Oh, hey baby", he says, just now noticing Aria. "Did you see? There'sh goblinsh. Wild."
<< Next: Dark Servant | On Deck: Lilika then Vimak >>
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
He does not, however, deliver on his promise.
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Goblin Cutter (GC2): HP: 1 . AC: 15 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 14 . Will: 12
Celgar: HP: 23(26) +4 Temp HP
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 26(31)
<< Next: Lilika | On Deck: Vimak >>
Combat Actions:
Move: T,7 taking cover behind the barrels (Drawing OAs from the Human soldier and dark servant)
Stealth 1d20+10 = 25
Lilika's defenses are still at 22/15/22/16 for the OAs
Action Point!
Standard: Recuperating Strike vs GC 2 Recuperating Strike vs AC: 1d20+8 16 Hit!. Vimak gets 3 THP.
Free Trigger: Swift Charge; Encounter Power: Your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points. You may charge an enemy.
Charge to N7, attacking HS. Howling Strike (At-Will) may be used as charging attack. Howling Strike vs AC: 1d20+8 22 Hit! for 1d10+1d6+7 13 damage.
(DS) MBA vs. AC (Lilika): 1d20+9 = 12
The text doesn't match the link because I forgot to add +2 for combat advantage for the HS and DS flanking. Didn't make a difference, however.
The Human Soldier recognizes Vimak as a worthy challenge and salutes him before making a wicked attack with his longsword.
Success! GB2 pushes Celgar to P9, shifts to P10.
Human Soldier marks Vimak.
(HS) Longsword vs. AC (Vimak): 1d20+6 = 23
Hit for (1d8+4 = 11 + 1d4 = 2) = 13 Damage
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Celgar: HP: 23(26) +4 Temp HP
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 38(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 13(31)
<< Next: Aria | On Deck: Celgar >>
Worried about the three attackers hitting her new friend with the curious hair, she focuses one more time pushes a thought directly into the mind of the goblin next to the paladin. The goblin looks slackjawed for a moment, drops it's weapon, and falls dead in front of Celgar. Grinning in encouragement, she says, "Nice job, Red!"
She also racks her brain for any memory of who or what Slaathen might be.
Standard: Dishearten, Augment 2, L7
GA1: 1d20+6=19. Hit! GA1 takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls until end of my next turn.
HS: 1d20+6=10. Miss!
Damage for GA1= 2d6+6=18. (really wish I hadn't missed the soldier...)
Minor, if allowed: History roll for memory of anything named Slaathen. 1d20+11 = 22
(up to DM if a this is allowed as a minor in combat, disregard if not)
Action Point!
Mind Thrust vs. GB2. 1d20+6=12. Hit! Damage = 1d10+6=8. Dead.
<< Next: Celgar | On Deck: Goblin Archers >>
"Nice one, but make sure you only point that thing at green blobs and pink blobs from now on, no red ones. I'd like to keep my back hole free."
The man in the dark robe came forward, the one who rotted away that poor woman. Muttering something about a "Slaathen" he swings his blade at Celgar's neck. Luckily, he swings his own blade up in time to parry the blow aside. "I don't kno..." but before he could finish his response and return the blow, the goblin smashed into his shield arm, not doing any damage but pushing him back a few feet.
Growling at the annoyance, he turns to face down his original foe, but before he could move a muscle the dam thing also drops dead out of nowhere like it's brothers.
What in Erathis's name is going on here...
But still without time to question it, he faces the enemy mage. "As I was saying, I don't know who this pathetic Slaathen is, but his fury is no match for Erathis's!"
Standard: Holy Strike vs DS AC
Attack: 1d20+7: 24 Hit!
Damage: 1d10+7: 15 The roll doesn't match because I forgot to add my Wis mod*2* since DS was marked
<< Next: Goblin Archers | On Deck: Wil then Dark Servant >>
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
One Goblin Archer fires at Celgar, but his shot goes wide. The other fires a bolt that sinks into Vimak’s shoulder.
Hit for 1d8+2 = 8 Damage
(GA2) Crossbow vs. AC (Celgar): 1d20+6 = 14
Initiative Order:
Human Soldier (HS): HP: 31(31) . AC: 17 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 12 . Will: 12
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Celgar: HP: 23(26) +4 Temp HP
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: [COLOR=”Red”]11[/color](29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 23(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 8(31)
<< Next: Wil | On Deck: Dark Servant then Lilika >>
Wil takes another staggering swing at the Blackblade, nearly taking Aria's arm off in the process.
Standard: Energizing Strike vs AC on GB2: 1d20+6 24 1d10+4 9 Hit and dead. Vimak gets 4 Temp HP.
Move: To R9.
"WOOHOO! Score one for the Wil'ster!," he shouts, stumbling backward a few steps in triumph.
Fly, Fly my Striker Minions! Bring me his head!
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Hit for 1d6+1 = 7 Damage.
Celgar takes ongoing 5 Necrotic Damage. Save ends.
Initiative Order:
Aria: HP: 18(22)
Celgar: HP: 20(26) (15 at start of his turn)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 11(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Dark Servant (DS): HP: 23(38) . AC:16 . Fort: 14 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 21(31) +4 Temp HP
<< Next: Lilika | On Deck: Vimak >>
Combat Actions:
1d4+2d6+5 = 17 Damage to DS, He's dead with Wil's attack redirected.
Minor: Draw another dagger
Stealth: 1d20+10 = 14(might not be hidden to some people's passive perception)
Move: (Q,7)
Vimak is up
<< Next: Vimak | On Deck: Human Soldier then Aria >>
"Remember how I told you I would kill you last? I lied." He then draws "| | |" on his shoulder.
<< Next: Aria| On Deck: Celgar then Archers >>
To the other defenders, she points at GA2 and says, "If we can, let's question that one."
She tries to also throw a psychic attack at the other archer, but is apparently having difficulty talking and fighting at the same time.
<< Next: Celgar | On Deck: Archers then Wil>>
Gah who keeps killing all of my enemies! Are the rest of these guys wizards or something? This is bullshit man...
Annoyed, he turns to face the archer on his left who is now all alone. But before he could move, a sharp pain in his arm distracted him. Look down at what he though was just a minor cut, the wound began to fester and rot. He could smell his dying flesh, if he didn't do anything soon he might lose the arm.
Letting out a roar, he charges down at the terrified looking goblin, but the pain in his arm distracts him and his swing goes wide.
Move: P9 to P12
Minor: Divine Challenge on GA 2
Standard: Holy Strike vs GA 2 AC
Attack: 1d20+7: = 8 Fail!
Saving Throw vs ongoing 5 Necrotic Damage
= 8 Fail!
Well this was a shitty turn....
<< Next: Goblin Archers | On Deck: Wil then Lilika >>
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
The other archer retreats a bit and fires a bolt at Vimak. He grins with satisfaction as the bolt hits its mark.
GA2 moves to K13.
(GA2) Crossbow vs. AC (Celgar): 1d20+6 = 19
GA1 moves to G7.
(GA1) Crossbow vs. AC (Vimak): 1d20+6 = 17
Hit for (1d8+2 = 10 + 1d6 = 2) = 12 Damage
Initiative Order:
Celgar: HP: 15(26) (10 at start of his turn)
Goblin Archer (GA1): HP: 11(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Goblin Archer (GA2): HP: 29(29) . AC: 17 . Fort: 13 . Refl: 15 . Will: 12
Wil: HP: 23(30)
Lilika: HP: 22(22)
Vimak: HP: 13(31)
<< Next: Wil | On Deck: Lilika >>