I used to love my ps3, i used it for streaming and i bought a lot of games for it. Then it died completely (no power lights at all) and sony told me they wanted 150 dollars to fix it, plus shipping. The same week my 360 died (2 days later actually) and microsoft fixed it for free (i had to buy a shipping box though, which was 20 bucks at UPS).
So now im not sure which console i like more. I honestly dont see myself getting my ps3 fixed any time soon because im not keen on spending 150 dollars to fix a console that cost me almost 600 canadian dollars originally, and i dont really want a new one because i liked the backwards compatibility and all the memory card ports.
*edit* though i will say the media sharing on PS3 is way better. The menu for accessing my tversity server on the xbox is ridiculous. It scrolls way too fast. I have like 25k songs across 1200 artists, and finding anything specific on the xbox is really trial and error because it starts scrolling way too fast if you hold "down" for more than 2 or 3 seconds. It also doesnt show very many items in the list at one time, which again makes finding something specific pretty hard.
I love how light the PS3 controllers are. I hated the triggers for a week or two until I got over it. Sometimes it's just an issue of familiarity. I don't think any of the big 3 consoles have objectively bad controllers this time out.
Hate to burst your bubble, but ever since the dualshock 3, PS3 controllers aren't light anymore.
The sixaxis, on the other hand, felt like a toy.
See, this is interesting--I don't like the DS line, and having them lighter honestly doesn't seem to improve upon them in any way. I don't use the Sixaxis controller that came with my console because it feels like cheap fragile crap (even though it is not, in fact, fragile). The DS3 at least has some heft and weight to it (as well as vibration, though a lot PS3 games don't really seem to use it that well...).
As for online...I'd spend more time on PSN if Sony actually got of its ass and standardized certain things like muting options (or at least made sure every game let you mute people in the lobby if necessary). The sad part of this is that it's not anything that's saving Sony any money, they just don't care (or they'll get around to it when they feel like it). It feels like playing Xbox Live back in 2003.
*edit* though i will say the media sharing on PS3 is way better. The menu for accessing my tversity server on the xbox is ridiculous. It scrolls way too fast. I have like 25k songs across 1200 artists, and finding anything specific on the xbox is really trial and error because it starts scrolling way too fast if you hold "down" for more than 2 or 3 seconds. It also doesnt show very many items in the list at one time, which again makes finding something specific pretty hard.
I have to say this is wrong. For starters, you're talking about the actual interface within the consoles, not the quality of media streaming itself. For example, I vastly prefer the Xbox's interface because I have video navigation that doesn't suck (it sucked back on the PS2 as well). I also prefer not having to wait for the media service to generate thumbnails for a few seconds at every level when I already know what I want to play. Preferring one interface to another is fine, but that's going to be on a person-to-person basis.
In the area of actual media sharing, and the technology behind it, the Xbox is clearly superior--though the difference isn't as big as one might think. Literally every single media streaming program (that I've heard of) that works on the PS3 works on the Xbox 360. This includes PS3 Media Server. WMC, WMP, TVersity, Orb, etc., all work. As far as I can tell--and I've been doing this for literally years--TVersity has substantially better performance streaming to the Xbox 360, especially in terms of stability in longer videos. WMC also works better, but I'd recommend against using WMC on either console if you had an option. TVersity video quality was actually better in the past on the Xbox 360, though they've been working to close the gap, from what I've heard.
The Xbox 360 also works with certain other free media streaming software that the PS3 doesn't. The Zune Software (which is excellent at cataloging music and video) comes to mind. The Xbox 360 gives you more options, which I think you can't argue is a bad thing, especially in media streaming.
*edit* though i will say the media sharing on PS3 is way better. The menu for accessing my tversity server on the xbox is ridiculous. It scrolls way too fast. I have like 25k songs across 1200 artists, and finding anything specific on the xbox is really trial and error because it starts scrolling way too fast if you hold "down" for more than 2 or 3 seconds. It also doesnt show very many items in the list at one time, which again makes finding something specific pretty hard.
I hear people say this. But just FYI the left and right trigger goes down a page.
I think the TVersity media server on the PS3 takes WAY too long to load. If I have to wait 4 seconds for the next directory to show up, something's wrong. It works so much faster on the 360.
I stopped doing media streaming for video since I bought a bunch of cables from monoprice. I still do it for audio, but through the Zune (since PS3 games don't always support custom soundtracks anyway). I thought TVersity was trying to address that (to whatever extent they could).
I meant the PS3 loading time. Not the interface. :P
Just tried using it a few days ago. Every time I load up the PS3 to watch a video (which only happens if I'm playing a PS3 game and want to watch a video right after) if I hit X on a directory it just sits there for a few seconds then it shows everything in the directory.
Erm... since this guy has a computer, I don't think he cares much about the media center and the pros and cons of each console's respective interface. He seemed mainly concerned with the exclusives.
I meant the PS3 loading time. Not the interface. :P
Just tried using it a few days ago. Every time I load up the PS3 to watch a video (which only happens if I'm playing a PS3 game and want to watch a video right after) if I hit X on a directory it just sits there for a few seconds then it shows everything in the directory.
It's incredibly annoying to get to my TV shows.
I see. In other words, it hasn't change very much since back when I did it.
This sucks doubly since TVersity was for a long time, if it isn't still, the basic "go to" for free media streaming to consoles. It's a step way up from Orb anyway.
I don't understand why you guys use any kind of special software to stream your media. I just share my stuff through windows media player and both my xbox and ps3 can stream all the videos and music from my pc without any problem.
I meant the PS3 loading time. Not the interface. :P
Just tried using it a few days ago. Every time I load up the PS3 to watch a video (which only happens if I'm playing a PS3 game and want to watch a video right after) if I hit X on a directory it just sits there for a few seconds then it shows everything in the directory.
It's incredibly annoying to get to my TV shows.
Mine used to do that, when i had a craptastic router between my ps3 and my computer. Now it is instant (or was, before it broke).
On the otherhand, i was just using my xbox to stream music, and it took about 30 seconds to load up a list of the songs, and another 10 seconds to start the first song.
I guess its personal preference. I just cant stand the xbox interface personally, which is what i was refering too. Obviously the underlying technology is basically the same if every media server can share to both ps3 and xbox. The only point i will concede is using tversity, the ps3 will sometimes not stream HD content, even if its set to transcode, while the xbox will. Using ps3 media server though, both consoles will stream hd without issue. I use tversity to manage my music and ps3 media server to manage the video, because thats what they do best.
*edit* fireflash, because when you have huge libraries of music/movies, windows media center gets unwieldy.
Zeon on
Check out my band, click the banner.
Descendant XSkyrim is my god now.Outpost 31Registered Userregular
I don't understand why you guys use any kind of special software to stream your media. I just share my stuff through windows media player and both my xbox and ps3 can stream all the videos and music from my pc without any problem.
Except that sometimes you get files that require codecs that WMP won't play.
For those of you using TVersity for your streaming needs, get rid of it and try PS3 Media Server. It's far better at transcoding files.
Descendant X on
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
I tried using Windows Media Center, but it wouldn't sort my files by folders. It showed every single file I had shared out, which made it impossible to find anything I wanted.
I don't understand why you guys use any kind of special software to stream your media. I just share my stuff through windows media player and both my xbox and ps3 can stream all the videos and music from my pc without any problem.
Except that sometimes you get files that require codecs that WMP won't play.
For those of you using TVersity for your streaming needs, get rid of it and try PS3 Media Server. It's far better at transcoding files.
Not always, and it sucks (at least it did in the recent past) at handling tags for music. Fantastically bad. They may have corrected it. That being said, it handles MKVs like a champ (once you set the channels down properly).
Zeon, if you don't like the interface, that's quite reasonable--I hate the PS3 interface with a passion, especially considering my Xbox 360 came with a free remote (which I still use, even though I no longer use the original Xbox). Even without the remote, the Xbox 360's video and music interface is, to me, a huge step over the jumped awkward mess the PS3 copied from the PS2. Side note: I really need to buy a PS3 remote, probably a blu-link. I own more blu-ray films than I do PS3 games, so it would be useful.
The Xbox 360 simply has (slightly) more options. The individual quality of the shared options (like TVersity or WMC or, for some people, WMP) is better on the Xbox 360 as well. You get more options, and you get individually better options. As for TVersity, complaints relating to the PS3 have always been there, so it's definitely not a matter of "oh, you just got a bad router". Which isn't really a solution either--it isn't really a free media streaming program if you have to buy a new router more often than not.
(And now we're drifting into the very specific topic of media streaming.)
There's one pretty big advantage of PSN over Live Gold that hasn't been mentioned, you don't have shitty hackers ruining your multiplayer games. Or a lot less at least, I never noticed anyone doing anything suspicious in MW2 on the PS3.
As far as I know there isn't anything inherent to PSN that could make it more laggy than Live Gold. If anything, it's less laggy due to the better adoption of PSN over Live gold over the world, although good numbers on that are hard to find.
I take it the general opinion is if you have a decent PC and a big monitor for movies etc., the PS3 is slightly better than the 360?
Ferrus on
I would like to pause for a moment, to talk about my penis.
My penis is like a toddler. A toddler—who is a perfectly normal size for his age—on a long road trip to what he thinks is Disney World. My penis is excited because he hasn’t been to Disney World in a long, long time, but remembers a time when he used to go every day. So now the penis toddler is constantly fidgeting, whining “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now? Now? How about... now?”
And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
Not really. There were maybe one or two instances where I thought some guy on the other team was cheating, but leaving the server and joining a new one fixed that.
Honestly, I've never encountered any hacking on the XBL myself. On the other had, XBL has a higher population of actual multiplayer gamers. So it makes sense that more people would want to cheap. At the same time, I'm fairly certain Microsoft is a lot more stringent than Sony is when it comes to policing (especially in the area of banning consoles).
I'd agree with Urahonky that it's probably far worse on PCs, but I'm not entirely convinced that PSN is better at policing itself...mostly because I've never encountered any evidence to suggest that Sony does do strenuous crack downs on cheaters. On the other hand, the only thing I've encountered on PSN are spam emails ("forward this to ____"), and that's hardly cheating in a game.
There's one pretty big advantage of PSN over Live Gold that hasn't been mentioned, you don't have shitty hackers ruining your multiplayer games. Or a lot less at least, I never noticed anyone doing anything suspicious in MW2 on the PS3.
As far as I know there isn't anything inherent to PSN that could make it more laggy than Live Gold. If anything, it's less laggy due to the better adoption of PSN over Live gold over the world, although good numbers on that are hard to find.
You're gonna have to back up your claim on the PSN vs Gold there guy because I'm calling bullshit on that one. You don't get to make that kind of claim then say numbers are hard to find and not produce any evidence. Even if you take this forum on its own for any given game and the tag lists in the OP there is universally significantly more people on the Live lists than the PSN lists.
Also to claim there's more hackers on Live than PSN without producing any evidence that this is the case isn't going to fly. I can't think of any time I've played a game on Live where there were hackers. And the times I've heard about hacking in games it's been game dependent and not platform dependent. For example all the shit that happened in MW2 at launch wasn't just on Live, it was on PSN too.
Not even touching the PC side of the discussion.
I'm not claiming Live or PSN is better or worse here. I don't give a shit honestly. I have a 360 and not a PS3, not due to any loyalty reasons, but due to games and who I want to play with. All I'm saying is that you can't make these grand claims and provide zero evidence of such.
Ok for the numbers there's this. ~40 million psn, 23 million on gold. Now it may be true that for individual games there are more xbox players than psn players, the gold players are more active and there's the multi account thing that happens on both platforms, whether things like zune, PSP and pc live accounts are included etc. So that's why I said the good numbers are hard to find. It is a 20 million difference though, that's pretty big.
Looking at the numbers of individual games is a lot better and then gold does seem to win out there by a huge margin: 11 million on live and 4 million on psn for mw1 in march 2009
On the hacking part you are plainly wrong though, there are glitch abusers on PSN sure, and they don't get banned like they do on Gold, but the PS3 simply is not as hackable as the 360. I dare you to find a PS3 hack that allows you to modify game files like you can on the 360. I think there are some limited save game hacks you can do and that's it. You can't really expect me to find numbers on it since I don't think anyone is tracking this, but the point stands that you can't as easily tamper with the temporary files on the hard disk on PS3 like you can on the 360 as far as I know.
It was too late. Psychonauts won the platformer genre forever.
Back on topic, did the OP already choose or is he leaving us here to discuss this for eternity? In the first post he sounded like he had his mind set, so I sort of feel this thread was kind of pointless.
Hilarious, I still think people like the discussion more than anything. I do believe I'm going to go with the PS3, the real purpose of this thread was to see if I had missed any hidden gems from the Xbox. It really does seem as though most of them find their way to the PC. That coupled with Bluray from the PS3 and It fits what I'm looking for. I only hope the online is good enough for NHL 11, which is the only game I intend to play online (not saying there wont be more, but it's the only one I've seen so far.)
To repeat what was earlier said, multi-platform titles aren't really a great reason to get a PS3, like exclusives are. Mostly because they tend to be, well, better on the Xbox 360. Games like GTAIV get DLC much, much earlier, while others like Tomb Raider Underworld only get DLC on the Xbox 360. Others like Ghostbusters tend to look better.
The vast majority of DLC's multiplatform anyway so who cares? Most of the exclusive DLC for big games shows up on the other a few months later (Fallout 3 and GTAIV) and the stuff that doesn't tends to be pretty insubstantial (Batman: Arkham Asylum Joker Challenges).
That said the OP seriously sounds like he just wants a PS3 and wants people to tell him that, so: get a PS3.
I think he just wanted to know if he was missing something that the 360 had and the PS3 didn't.
I think if there were anything big enough to completely change his mind, he probably would've heard of it by now.
Whenever a thread like this pops up, my default response is to tell the OP to list down all the games they want for each system and choose the one with the better list. Sounds like he already mentally did that and went with the PS3, so he should go with it. We can talk about XBL vs PSN all day but the reality is, most of the stuff on each system is so close that it's completely insubstantial to the game preferences.
This is what I wanted to hear, actually. I was under the impression that PSN was a wasteland of games, while XBLA got all the cool stuff. I quite enjoy indy games, and I know XBLA has more/better, but if the PS3 is at least close, along with what I can get on my PC... I'll be happy.
Oh, and Rez HD....is that available on PSN? Cause that's a pretty big pull. I have it for DC still, but...its Rez....
To repeat what was earlier said, multi-platform titles aren't really a great reason to get a PS3, like exclusives are. Mostly because they tend to be, well, better on the Xbox 360. Games like GTAIV get DLC much, much earlier, while others like Tomb Raider Underworld only get DLC on the Xbox 360. Others like Ghostbusters tend to look better.
The vast majority of DLC's multiplatform anyway so who cares? Most of the exclusive DLC for big games shows up on the other a few months later (Fallout 3 and GTAIV) and the stuff that doesn't tends to be pretty insubstantial (Batman: Arkham Asylum Joker Challenges).
I must be one of those guys who likes having DLC more than not having it, even it if it isn't ground-breaking stuff. Off the top of my head, I immensely enjoyed Lara's Shadow for TRU, and that just flat isn't available on PSN. That's why I care. :winky:
Can't say the same for everyone, but given that games are sold for the same at first sale, it's enough to convince me not to buy any non-exclusives for the PS3. That's independent of the controller and online support. Though the gap isn't as big as it used to be...
I don't understand why you guys use any kind of special software to stream your media. I just share my stuff through windows media player and both my xbox and ps3 can stream all the videos and music from my pc without any problem.
Except that sometimes you get files that require codecs that WMP won't play.
For those of you using TVersity for your streaming needs, get rid of it and try PS3 Media Server. It's far better at transcoding files.
Not always, and it sucks (at least it did in the recent past) at handling tags for music. Fantastically bad. They may have corrected it. That being said, it handles MKVs like a champ (once you set the channels down properly).
Zeon, if you don't like the interface, that's quite reasonable--I hate the PS3 interface with a passion, especially considering my Xbox 360 came with a free remote (which I still use, even though I no longer use the original Xbox). Even without the remote, the Xbox 360's video and music interface is, to me, a huge step over the jumped awkward mess the PS3 copied from the PS2. Side note: I really need to buy a PS3 remote, probably a blu-link. I own more blu-ray films than I do PS3 games, so it would be useful.
The Xbox 360 simply has (slightly) more options. The individual quality of the shared options (like TVersity or WMC or, for some people, WMP) is better on the Xbox 360 as well. You get more options, and you get individually better options. As for TVersity, complaints relating to the PS3 have always been there, so it's definitely not a matter of "oh, you just got a bad router". Which isn't really a solution either--it isn't really a free media streaming program if you have to buy a new router more often than not.
(And now we're drifting into the very specific topic of media streaming.)
Ok for the numbers there's this. ~40 million psn, 23 million on gold. Now it may be true that for individual games there are more xbox players than psn players, the gold players are more active and there's the multi account thing that happens on both platforms, whether things like zune, PSP and pc live accounts are included etc. So that's why I said the good numbers are hard to find. It is a 20 million difference though, that's pretty big.
Looking at the numbers of individual games is a lot better and then gold does seem to win out there by a huge margin: 11 million on live and 4 million on psn for mw1 in march 2009
On the hacking part you are plainly wrong though, there are glitch abusers on PSN sure, and they don't get banned like they do on Gold, but the PS3 simply is not as hackable as the 360. I dare you to find a PS3 hack that allows you to modify game files like you can on the 360. I think there are some limited save game hacks you can do and that's it. You can't really expect me to find numbers on it since I don't think anyone is tracking this, but the point stands that you can't as easily tamper with the temporary files on the hard disk on PS3 like you can on the 360 as far as I know.
I'm sure it's false. At least your last part. Since the HDD for the PS3 is very similar to the ones used in laptops I bet you can easily modify the files to do some crazy stuff. But, as said before, there really isn't a reason to since there are less users playing the games online. If a hacker wants to get the largest target audience it's going for the 360 or, even better, the PC.
I don't think it matters how many people are playing the games. Hackers aren't looking for an audience, they just want larger epeens.
Hackers want to annoy as many people as they possibly can. It's the same reason why people develop viruses for PC and not Mac... Affect as many people as you can.
Bad analogy. Hackers just want to play well without having to practice. I guess I can't speak for the 360, but on the PC hackers try hard to hide the fact they are hacking, not to annoy people.
Bad analogy. Hackers just want to play well without having to practice. I guess I can't speak for the 360, but on the PC hackers try hard to hide the fact they are hacking, not to annoy people.
Having played through CS and MW and MW2 on PC I can tell you they are really just trying to annoy people. With the advent of the kill cam... Wait. Why am I doing this? I'm going to get infracted if I continue. Sorry OP, this is WAY off topic!
IMO Sony only did two things wrong, and both were in marketing. A $600 price tag was ridiculous, and I wasn't able to enjoy a really good system until they made the slim model. The second was stupid advertising, like the hedonistic God of War party with the dead goat, and countless others that I have since forgotten about.
They have redeemed themselves with the new prices and the Kevin Butler ads.
I'm sure it's false. At least your last part. Since the HDD for the PS3 is very similar to the ones used in laptops I bet you can easily modify the files to do some crazy stuff.
Nope, the PS3 does full disk encryption and it has yet to be cracked as far as I know. But yeah, this is getting off topic.
I'm sure it's false. At least your last part. Since the HDD for the PS3 is very similar to the ones used in laptops I bet you can easily modify the files to do some crazy stuff.
Nope, the PS3 does full disk encryption and it has yet to be cracked as far as I know. But yeah, this is getting off topic.
This apparently hasn't stopped people from hacking it to do, among other things, bypassing the PS3's hypervisor. I don't think any console has "yet to be hacked".
Except that bypassing the hypervisor requires doing the equivalent of open heart surgery on your PS3 and no one has packaged it into a mod chip yet, software only hacks don't exist for it yet. Feel free to correct me with actual references.
I was speaking of hacking entirely--I know that the hypervisor bypass allowed people to use, for example, copies of games. That, to me, is not "yet to be cracked". It is, however, much less convenient than a software hack, I would imagine. And even before that, other options (such as those through OtherOS, or so I've heard) already existed--I believe this was part of Sony's justification for removing it.
I imagine Sony would have removed as many of those consoles as they could from online use (which I why I don't run into people cheating when I use PSN, just chain messages), but in any case, it did happen. But I spend a lot of time on Xbox Live and haven't run into any cheaters at all (I can't say the same thing about Xbox Live back on the original Xbox though).
EDIT: Side note, Rez HD, very fun. Is there just a straight port of Rez on PSN?
So now im not sure which console i like more. I honestly dont see myself getting my ps3 fixed any time soon because im not keen on spending 150 dollars to fix a console that cost me almost 600 canadian dollars originally, and i dont really want a new one because i liked the backwards compatibility and all the memory card ports.
*edit* though i will say the media sharing on PS3 is way better. The menu for accessing my tversity server on the xbox is ridiculous. It scrolls way too fast. I have like 25k songs across 1200 artists, and finding anything specific on the xbox is really trial and error because it starts scrolling way too fast if you hold "down" for more than 2 or 3 seconds. It also doesnt show very many items in the list at one time, which again makes finding something specific pretty hard.
Check out my band, click the banner.
See, this is interesting--I don't like the DS line, and having them lighter honestly doesn't seem to improve upon them in any way. I don't use the Sixaxis controller that came with my console because it feels like cheap fragile crap (even though it is not, in fact, fragile). The DS3 at least has some heft and weight to it (as well as vibration, though a lot PS3 games don't really seem to use it that well...).
As for online...I'd spend more time on PSN if Sony actually got of its ass and standardized certain things like muting options (or at least made sure every game let you mute people in the lobby if necessary). The sad part of this is that it's not anything that's saving Sony any money, they just don't care (or they'll get around to it when they feel like it). It feels like playing Xbox Live back in 2003.
I have to say this is wrong. For starters, you're talking about the actual interface within the consoles, not the quality of media streaming itself. For example, I vastly prefer the Xbox's interface because I have video navigation that doesn't suck (it sucked back on the PS2 as well). I also prefer not having to wait for the media service to generate thumbnails for a few seconds at every level when I already know what I want to play. Preferring one interface to another is fine, but that's going to be on a person-to-person basis.
In the area of actual media sharing, and the technology behind it, the Xbox is clearly superior--though the difference isn't as big as one might think. Literally every single media streaming program (that I've heard of) that works on the PS3 works on the Xbox 360. This includes PS3 Media Server. WMC, WMP, TVersity, Orb, etc., all work. As far as I can tell--and I've been doing this for literally years--TVersity has substantially better performance streaming to the Xbox 360, especially in terms of stability in longer videos. WMC also works better, but I'd recommend against using WMC on either console if you had an option. TVersity video quality was actually better in the past on the Xbox 360, though they've been working to close the gap, from what I've heard.
The Xbox 360 also works with certain other free media streaming software that the PS3 doesn't. The Zune Software (which is excellent at cataloging music and video) comes to mind. The Xbox 360 gives you more options, which I think you can't argue is a bad thing, especially in media streaming.
I hear people say this. But just FYI the left and right trigger goes down a page.
I think the TVersity media server on the PS3 takes WAY too long to load. If I have to wait 4 seconds for the next directory to show up, something's wrong. It works so much faster on the 360.
I stopped doing media streaming for video since I bought a bunch of cables from monoprice. I still do it for audio, but through the Zune (since PS3 games don't always support custom soundtracks anyway). I thought TVersity was trying to address that (to whatever extent they could).
Just tried using it a few days ago. Every time I load up the PS3 to watch a video (which only happens if I'm playing a PS3 game and want to watch a video right after) if I hit X on a directory it just sits there for a few seconds then it shows everything in the directory.
It's incredibly annoying to get to my TV shows.
I see. In other words, it hasn't change very much since back when I did it.
This sucks doubly since TVersity was for a long time, if it isn't still, the basic "go to" for free media streaming to consoles. It's a step way up from Orb anyway.
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Mine used to do that, when i had a craptastic router between my ps3 and my computer. Now it is instant (or was, before it broke).
On the otherhand, i was just using my xbox to stream music, and it took about 30 seconds to load up a list of the songs, and another 10 seconds to start the first song.
I guess its personal preference. I just cant stand the xbox interface personally, which is what i was refering too. Obviously the underlying technology is basically the same if every media server can share to both ps3 and xbox. The only point i will concede is using tversity, the ps3 will sometimes not stream HD content, even if its set to transcode, while the xbox will. Using ps3 media server though, both consoles will stream hd without issue. I use tversity to manage my music and ps3 media server to manage the video, because thats what they do best.
*edit* fireflash, because when you have huge libraries of music/movies, windows media center gets unwieldy.
Check out my band, click the banner.
Except that sometimes you get files that require codecs that WMP won't play.
For those of you using TVersity for your streaming needs, get rid of it and try PS3 Media Server. It's far better at transcoding files.
Not always, and it sucks (at least it did in the recent past) at handling tags for music. Fantastically bad. They may have corrected it. That being said, it handles MKVs like a champ (once you set the channels down properly).
Zeon, if you don't like the interface, that's quite reasonable--I hate the PS3 interface with a passion, especially considering my Xbox 360 came with a free remote (which I still use, even though I no longer use the original Xbox). Even without the remote, the Xbox 360's video and music interface is, to me, a huge step over the jumped awkward mess the PS3 copied from the PS2. Side note: I really need to buy a PS3 remote, probably a blu-link. I own more blu-ray films than I do PS3 games, so it would be useful.
The Xbox 360 simply has (slightly) more options. The individual quality of the shared options (like TVersity or WMC or, for some people, WMP) is better on the Xbox 360 as well. You get more options, and you get individually better options. As for TVersity, complaints relating to the PS3 have always been there, so it's definitely not a matter of "oh, you just got a bad router". Which isn't really a solution either--it isn't really a free media streaming program if you have to buy a new router more often than not.
(And now we're drifting into the very specific topic of media streaming.)
As far as I know there isn't anything inherent to PSN that could make it more laggy than Live Gold. If anything, it's less laggy due to the better adoption of PSN over Live gold over the world, although good numbers on that are hard to find.
And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
It's infinitely worse on the PC.
I'd agree with Urahonky that it's probably far worse on PCs, but I'm not entirely convinced that PSN is better at policing itself...mostly because I've never encountered any evidence to suggest that Sony does do strenuous crack downs on cheaters. On the other hand, the only thing I've encountered on PSN are spam emails ("forward this to ____"), and that's hardly cheating in a game.
You're gonna have to back up your claim on the PSN vs Gold there guy because I'm calling bullshit on that one. You don't get to make that kind of claim then say numbers are hard to find and not produce any evidence. Even if you take this forum on its own for any given game and the tag lists in the OP there is universally significantly more people on the Live lists than the PSN lists.
Also to claim there's more hackers on Live than PSN without producing any evidence that this is the case isn't going to fly. I can't think of any time I've played a game on Live where there were hackers. And the times I've heard about hacking in games it's been game dependent and not platform dependent. For example all the shit that happened in MW2 at launch wasn't just on Live, it was on PSN too.
Not even touching the PC side of the discussion.
I'm not claiming Live or PSN is better or worse here. I don't give a shit honestly. I have a 360 and not a PS3, not due to any loyalty reasons, but due to games and who I want to play with. All I'm saying is that you can't make these grand claims and provide zero evidence of such.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Looking at the numbers of individual games is a lot better and then gold does seem to win out there by a huge margin: 11 million on live and 4 million on psn for mw1 in march 2009
On the hacking part you are plainly wrong though, there are glitch abusers on PSN sure, and they don't get banned like they do on Gold, but the PS3 simply is not as hackable as the 360. I dare you to find a PS3 hack that allows you to modify game files like you can on the 360. I think there are some limited save game hacks you can do and that's it. You can't really expect me to find numbers on it since I don't think anyone is tracking this, but the point stands that you can't as easily tamper with the temporary files on the hard disk on PS3 like you can on the 360 as far as I know.
Hilarious, I still think people like the discussion more than anything. I do believe I'm going to go with the PS3, the real purpose of this thread was to see if I had missed any hidden gems from the Xbox. It really does seem as though most of them find their way to the PC. That coupled with Bluray from the PS3 and It fits what I'm looking for. I only hope the online is good enough for NHL 11, which is the only game I intend to play online (not saying there wont be more, but it's the only one I've seen so far.)
I spend almost all my gaming time using those services instead of retail games.
But since the OP has basically already made his mind up I can't really be arsed.
This is what I wanted to hear, actually. I was under the impression that PSN was a wasteland of games, while XBLA got all the cool stuff. I quite enjoy indy games, and I know XBLA has more/better, but if the PS3 is at least close, along with what I can get on my PC... I'll be happy.
Oh, and Rez HD....is that available on PSN? Cause that's a pretty big pull. I have it for DC still, but...its Rez....
I must be one of those guys who likes having DLC more than not having it, even it if it isn't ground-breaking stuff. Off the top of my head, I immensely enjoyed Lara's Shadow for TRU, and that just flat isn't available on PSN. That's why I care. :winky:
Can't say the same for everyone, but given that games are sold for the same at first sale, it's enough to convince me not to buy any non-exclusives for the PS3. That's independent of the controller and online support. Though the gap isn't as big as it used to be...
Still interesting.
I actually meant to buy Rez HD, but have put it for various lame reasons. Thanks for reminding me.
I'm sure it's false. At least your last part. Since the HDD for the PS3 is very similar to the ones used in laptops I bet you can easily modify the files to do some crazy stuff. But, as said before, there really isn't a reason to since there are less users playing the games online. If a hacker wants to get the largest target audience it's going for the 360 or, even better, the PC.
Hackers want to annoy as many people as they possibly can. It's the same reason why people develop viruses for PC and not Mac... Affect as many people as you can.
Having played through CS and MW and MW2 on PC I can tell you they are really just trying to annoy people. With the advent of the kill cam... Wait. Why am I doing this? I'm going to get infracted if I continue. Sorry OP, this is WAY off topic!
They have redeemed themselves with the new prices and the Kevin Butler ads.
Nope, the PS3 does full disk encryption and it has yet to be cracked as far as I know. But yeah, this is getting off topic.
This apparently hasn't stopped people from hacking it to do, among other things, bypassing the PS3's hypervisor. I don't think any console has "yet to be hacked".
I imagine Sony would have removed as many of those consoles as they could from online use (which I why I don't run into people cheating when I use PSN, just chain messages), but in any case, it did happen. But I spend a lot of time on Xbox Live and haven't run into any cheaters at all (I can't say the same thing about Xbox Live back on the original Xbox though).
EDIT: Side note, Rez HD, very fun. Is there just a straight port of Rez on PSN?