So someone said something about forumer cards somewhere and it appears that some idiot decided to actually try doing it. Some.
At present, these are mostly just pictures. By which I mean that the statistics don't actually represent anything and are subject to change and yes I know some cards sound much more potent than others...
But later down the line? Yeah, actually making a functional, balanced, coherent card game out of this sounds tempting.
It'd be pretty easy to put together a system that's basically a Top Trumps rip-off, except maybe with a dice roll added to the stats to introduce a random element so there's no God cards. Or a D10-based battle game with a rock-paper-scissors approach. Or... something.
Anyway. Existing cards include (spoilered for H-scroll):
What the hell do the icons mean?
As I mentioned the icons don't really relate to anything, but I always imagined them being something like...
Health, Defence, Will, Speed, Ranged, Siege, Melee, Tactics
And with that in mind, basic outline of how I think the game could work- the D10 based RPS approach mentioned earlier:
Assuming everyone has their hand ready and the cards are in play (god knows how that'd work out but that's something else to consider)...
Ranged and Melee both challenge Defence, and I'm not sure how they differ from each other. How helpful.
Siege, however, governs special attacks- ponderous, slow, but utterly devastating- that bypass Defence. Instead, they're resisted with a Speed check. Good for bunking busters, not so good at hitting nimble targets. The name is a holdover from a grid-based battlegame version from a while back so it'll likely get changed to something less irrelevant.
And last but not least, Will and Tactics mostly relate to abilities (such as Silmaril's card). Not essential to the make-up of a character but hardly something you'd regret having.
When a fight starts, both sides make a Speed check and the winner goes first. Let's say Usagi rolls higher than Ruby.
So Usagi punches Ruby in the face. Ruby has high Defence but his player rolls low, for a total of 10- if Usagi's attack roll was 15, Ruby would take the difference as damage and be reduced to 10 Health. Simple.
Whether defeated cards are lost or re-entered into their players deck, I have no idea. I was thinking that a card can only be permanently lossed through the use of special abilities or an overkill- say, if they take damage greater than their base Health in one attack. Basically meaning it'd be nigh impossible to one-shot a Druhim, but a Ruby could feasibly be unlucky enough to get annihilated by, say, a high-rolling Melee attack from a Usagi player.
Alternatively maybe that's all crap and people can think of something
better.Aargh I don't care about any of that, just make me a card
Hrrrmph, fine. All I'd need is a roughly 300x200 image and, possibly, some suggestion for the kind of special ability your card would have!
If you don't have an avatar and/or any personality, I might run into trouble.
Currently not taking submissions, but I will be again shortly once the backlog is dealt with
So what do the icons mean again?
Go stand over there.
Really though people told you to make this thread like three days ago
You're not the boss of me! I've been busy. Honest.
You got the font wrong on Dru's card.
Damn, I did didn't I. Well that's yet another thing that isn't finalised: the formatting and overall appearance of the cards themselves. Heck, you can ever see how the Dru/Liiya/crwth cards are all slightly mismatched in size, prior to me having enough sense to start using identical templates:
Maybe I can help...
Sounds good to me! This isn't a project as such but any artistically or game-mechanically minded forumers are free to make suggestions or supply content or generally just... contribute in any way you all see fit.
So who's already helping?
Fair few people have made their own cards, or cards for friends! That's because we're awesome and we know how to collab.
But Vivixenne certainly deserves the biggest mention for producing (as of this moment) over FIFTY ability cards:
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
There are still more questions than answers, though.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
also this is funny
this is the only picture I have! I guess a tie couldn't fight well alone anyway
anyone have ideas for an ability
providing warmth and all
suffocate wearer
Oh wow
like make them attack themselves?
I'll see what I can do, that sounds like an interesting ability
Until then, I need some sleep.
oh well
But there are pictures of flat eric everywhere
and now it has crappy mspaint jpeg compression
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Just puttin' together a BRT right now
datz me
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
how are you feeling about things
I have just gone into a rage about the London Tube Maps not being updated when I'm trying to work out how to get to certain locations. But I'm calm now.
it is good that you are calm now because being mad is not good for your health!
I shouldn't, though. She has a strong will you will not succeed, big ugly tie!!