I'm going to be on several plane flights over the next week, without a laptop. I've got an iPod Touch that I can use to entertain myself. The problem is, I don't have anything to do on it, besides listen to music. Do you guys know any time-killing apps?
The ideal answer would be something like Plants vs Zombies or Puzzle Quest (I already have those on PC, so I don't want to pay for them again), that I can spend a lot of time playing. I'd prefer something free, but if you've got something really good, I'd consider paying for it.
the Tap Tap Revenge series are really fun rhythm games, although you have to download a few songs in-game first. the latest version (i think) is 4. it's free to get, along with some songs. other songs and features you can pay for.
Alive-4-Ever: not free, but TOTALLY WORTH THE MONEY. awesome little top-down zombie shooter.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
It seems like a pretty standard JRPG story the first time through, but subsequent playthroughs with other character pairs reveal a story that's a lot deeper than it seems.
I also recommend you buy Solipskier because I'm addicted to it.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better