Spend the next 21 minutes of your day watching this extremely rare footage of the war in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province — from the Taliban’s perspective. The video, released by an Australian TV news program, comes from Paul Refsdal, a Norwegian documentary journalist who embedded with a Taliban commander named Dawran earlier this year.
This interesting video, taken by a Norwegian reporter infiltrating the Taliban shows a more human side than we usually see. The commander tells a story about sparing a wounded American soldier, they high five as they manage to tag a video, they sing, pray, eat, fight. It feel like an important piece of media to me. Being able to see things from both sides is important.
Then my coworker said that it was treasonous for the Norwegian to have not shared the information he got with the US government, and that assuming there's an extradition treaty, the US would be able to get that guy arrested. To which I replied, bullshit.
So, videos and media of this nature. Important? Things America needs to see, despite that FoxNews probably won't touch this with a 10 foot pole? Or security breach that endangers American lives?
This type of documentary is common outside of war (at least in the US) in the form of anonymous interviews with criminal elements. I don't see what's particularly horrible about the same concept of "why do they fight" in warfare.
The only way to look at this as "bad" is if you think it's giving a human side to the enemy (and thus lowering our willingness to paint them as subhuman and in need of eradication), or you think it's simply an enemy PR piece (which it IS, same as our press embedded in our units)
Mind boggling.
lets execute him
Yeah pretty much.
It would be horrible and evil but it would be easy.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
You don't understand, man. I need someone to hate.
As for the do realise that Norwegian reporters don't just 'infiltrate' the Taliban? The access has been allowed, like several other reporters have been allowed access when it suits Talib PR. What is presented there is no more or less real than a US reporter doing a puff piece on US soldiers, as allowed by the miltary media teams. The Taliban are just as capable as us - actually, more so actually - at producing propaganda.
By the way, the title of the video (don't know if it was your upload) - Taliban are not Mujahideen. Call them that in front of any Afghan other than Talibs and you'll get a smack.
And last week they shot a little girl in the face.
to be fair the demonization of islam isnt from the war arm.
its from the stupid people back home.
I agree, but the vast majority of people with guns and/or bombs in Afghanistan who are "enemy combatants" are members of neither the Taliban or Al-Queda though.
In this one only one member of their group, the bomber, is actually a "professional terrorist". Some of them are taliban, who will be taliban whether the US leaves or not. Quite a few of them are just farmers or laborers who decided to join the cause. As I understand it, this is pretty representative of our enemy in Afghanistan.
The thing that gets me is the second group here with them, foreigners who are there just to fight American imperialism. They have no stake in Afghanistan or its people and its disheartening that these native Afghanis are working with them.
Edit: thats not the video I was thinking of, if you can find it (its on netflix) it has the same name but its a Frontline piece I think, lots of the same clips though, including the guy bragging about personally blowing up 7 US tanks (which seems unlikely)
We already have an Afghanistan thread people.
I saw this video a day or two a go, or tried to anyway, because it has been taken down. Anyone know where I can view it, I am quite interested.