Next Friday afternoon I will be going camping with an old friend, his wife and their friends. Each of us should be bringing a game that everyone can play.
Problem: All the games I own are designed for 2 players, or have small pieces that I'd rather not take out in the wild! As awesome as monopoly, risk, and LEGO Creationary are, I'd just rather not take something like that on a camping trip.
So, I'd
really appreciate some ideas for a game that...
- multiple people can play
- does not have super small pieces or paper handouts (money, etc)
- is engaging. Either short & repeatable, or a decent length without being too drawn out
- is perhaps a bit out of the ordinary. No disrespect for the classics, but this could also be an opportunity to discover some awesome game I never heard of!
edit- this game is best with a group though, I'd say 7-8 people at the least, the more the better
Any of the munchkin games are good pick up and play types. I don't remember if they had any small pieces besides cards and maybe some dice.
Steam/PSN/XBL/Minecraft / LoL / - Benevicious | WoW - Duckwood - Rajhek
I think my family might have Apples to Apples, I'll look into that.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
Cards should be fine - they're only bad if it's windy.
Dunno about zombie fluxx, but that reminded me of zombie dice from the PATV episode. That game seemed hilarious! I guess I was mislead into thinking it was for a small number of players, but apparently not.
I'll check out Taboo as well.
Thanks, all!
edit- whoops, just remembered the bit about 'not the classics'. pictionary is pretty classic haha
you can play teams, or just have fun with everyone playing as a group.
Wooden blocks thrown around in a game of (low) skill and dexterity. not a lot of strengthe required so even the wives can play.
4 players is idea, but you can go up to 6. one game lasts about 20 mins.
It is absolutely one of my favorite games. It's a card game that plays kind of like a simplified, streamlined version of Magic. An average game is also about 30 minutes, and the way the game is played allows you to change it up so it's a little different each time you play.
Look it up on Amazon, or check out the reviews on youtube. It's a ton of fun!
To add more: FI is 2-4 players (although you could have more people play, there would just be less turns overall). Uses a couple small decks of cards that could be kept in the boxtop to protect from wind and cardboard tiles that could be set on a tarp or table. Co-op, so everyone is working together to collect treasures and escape a sinking island.
Ingenious is an abstract tile-placement game. Plastic tiles on a cardboard board with wooden squares to track score. You place domino like plastic tiles to match up colored symbols that earn points. your score is the score of your lowest value, so you can't focus on one color and win.
Roll Through The Ages is like Yahtzee, except it has modifiers. Wooden board+pegs, sheet of paper, and self supplied pens are the bits. You build more cities to add more dice to your rolls or use goods you've earned to purchase upgrades that modify die rolls.
all three are fun, simple to explain, short, and highly replayable.
Huge Diminion fan here. But I think the game is way too big (need 14piles of cards min. and each person is constantly shuffling a deck of cards.). All I can see is cards flying in the wind and slipping through cracks in the picnic table. HOWEVER if you don't own Dominion already and you just love card/board games in general than you are going to love this one.
For this game, you need paper, pencils, a watch or timepiece (preferably one with a second-hand) and a bowl or bowl-like apparatus. Additionally, you may want beer, wine or some other form of liquor.
Each participant writes out five nouns (simple objects suffice; proper names are better), each on an individual slip of paper. All of these slips of paper are placed into the bowl. Players are then divided evenly into two teams.
In turns each lasting sixty seconds, players take turns drawing slips of paper out of the bowl and attempting to describe what is written on the paper until his or her teammates correctly guess what is on the paper. The two rules governing what is said are as follows: (1) obviously, you cannot actually use all or any part of the noun or name which you are trying to describe in your description (excluding articles and conjunctions: if you're trying to describe the novel "The Old Man and the Sea," you can obviously say "the" or "and"). (2) You may opt to pass on any slip of paper that you draw rather than describing it; in that instance, it goes back into the bowl. HOWEVER: If you begin attempting to describe something, you must continue describing it until your team correctly guesses it or your 60 seconds expires. When your team correctly guesses a slip of paper, set it aside in a place where you won't lose it. At the end of sixty seconds, tally the total number of names or nouns correctly guessed by your team and then pat yourself on the back: you have earned that many points for your team.
Round one lasts until there are no more slips of paper in the bowl; at this point, IMMEDIATELY place all the slips of paper back in the bowl and proceed to round two (even if you are already in the middle of someone else's turn -- the balance of that player's time will be spent as he starts round two).
Round two functions almost identically to round one, with one major difference: you may use no more than three words to describe each noun or proper name. Again, you may not use all or part of the word you are trying to describe as part of your description, excluding conjunctions and articles. Also, you may opt to pass on a word after drawing it from the bowl, but you may not pass after you begin to attempt your description. ADDITIONALLY, after you have used your three words, you may not say anything else or draw another slip of paper until your team has successfully guessed the noun or name or time expires.
This is not as hard as it sounds at first blush: because everyone has already heard the nouns or names in the bowl described once, you should already have a good idea of what is in the bowl and what is not in the bowl. However, there will invariably be moments when someone immediately utters the first three words which pop into her head without considering that the are the least helpful words she could pick. After realizing this, she will spend forty seconds stamping her foot in silent rage. Everyone else will laugh.
Remove all successfully-guessed slips of paper from the bowl and set them aside somewhere you won't lose them. At the end of each turn, tally the total number of correctly-guessed slips: again, each is worth one point for that player's team.
Again, as in round one, round two lasts until there are no more slips of paper in the bowl. When the bowl is empty, immediately place all the slips back in the bowl and proceed to round three, even if you are in the middle of someone else's turn -- the balance of that player's time will be spent at the start of round three.
This round proceeds in nearly the same manner as the previous rounds; however, in this round you may not say anything to describe what is written on any given slip of paper. Instead, you must gesticulate or pantomime it. You may take a pass on any individual slip of paper and return it to the bowl if you wish; however, you cannot opt to pass on a noun or name once you have begun an attempt to pantomime it. Every successfully-guessed slip of paper is worth one point and should be removed from the game.
Again, this is not as hard as it sounds because all of the nouns or names in the bowl have been successfully described twice now; then again, it is not what you would call easy. The more you've had to drink, the better this round will be.
Once the bowl is out of slips of paper, the game is over.
The team that has earned more points wins.
I second any version of Fluxx you can find. Fucking awesome card game
There's also an advanced version with more rules (but playable with the same exact cards) that is pretty fun once everyone gets the hang of the basic game.
You can probably find a set like this in Toys'R'Us or somewhere similar for about the same price. This game is surprisingly fun for groups, and easy to pick up and play/learn, challenging enough to stay entertaining. The rules are simple...3-tiers of horizontal poles. Throw the lasso w/ the balls on each end, try to get it to wrap around the poles for points.
Edit: Oh, and it's great for outdoors. We used to play this at friends-within-the-company BBQs in the park all the time.
Edit #2: Price point is around $30 almost everywhere I looked. There are a lot of off-brands that sell this, the Blongo-Ball link above was just the first I found.
Edit the III: Requires some very minor setup, but comes in a small box that is pretty portable. Honest, it's (probably) easier than setting up your tents.
The Resistance (better than Mafia if you have 5-10), just need a deck of playing cards.
Rock the Beat
Also see Liar's Dice, Zombie Dice, Set, Spot it
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