Are you looking for a game that tests your puzzle solving ability, as well as the amount of frustration you can handle before tossing your DS in the trash? Well Professor Layton is for you.
I played the first two games and they ranged widely in difficulty, I did pretty well without cheating...but this one...damn im only about 15 puzzles in and some of them practically REQUIRE the hint coins just so you understand what they want you to do.
For instance. "A doctor needs to visit nine different hospital rooms. After studying the room numbers she notices that she can visit all the rooms in one round. In order to do so she must go into a room that has at least one shared digit with the room she's currently in.
Using this method, which room will she visit 5th?
Room numbers:
18 38 63
29 49 65
33 54 71
Sure there are some easy ones...but I have to say that so far ive found alot more puzzles that were questionable in the initial presentation then ones that seemed clear.
Answer in the spoiled space:
You have to count up the number of times each digit is used in the room numbers... which is :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Numbers
2 1 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 Number of times they appear
Since 2 and 7 only appear once, they have to be either the start or end of your run. Then you need to go forward and backward (Both ways will yield the same number as the 5th step)
So the run goes 29 49 54 65 63 33 38 18 71 (or the reverse). With 63 being the 5th step.
Maybe i just havent wrapped my brain about how abstract these puzzles are yet. Don't be fooled by its story and presentation...this one will have you scratching your head and cursing at the screen.
edit: Fixed solution, i left out a number.
29, 49, 54, 65, 63, 33, 38, 18, 71
Making room 63 the answer?
Edit: Actually even in your order the 5th stop is 63 since 33 would be the 6th stop.
Although they make me feel stupid because I suck at math.
Some time at the end of the year, I have a small bonus coming to me. I'll be buying all three to make up for it.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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I didn't have any trouble with the puzzle in the OP, but there's been a couple that completely stumped me. I burned five hint coins on one puzzle and still had to think about it before it finally clicked.
As for the story, it was pretty great for the most part. It's more fantastical than PL1 and its:
but not as retarded as PL2 and its:
There was one bit at the very end thought that nearly caused me to facepalm. But they kind of trick you by mingling it into the most emotional ending ever. "Weeping like a baby" does not do it justice.
Although I get the feeling that the writers at this point are reeeeeally starting to regret their decision for the end of Curious Village (Chapter 5 or 6 or thereabouts):
The puzzles are kinda' so-so, a few good ones that get me excited but it seems the devs are starting to rely way too much on stuff that basically calls for you to strain your eyes for about 10 minutes to spot some minor detail or trace a path through a winding maze:
And I'm pretty certain some of these puzzles were lifted almost directly from the first 2 games:
I'm loving where the music went, though, and I looooove all the puzzle-screen art and all the stupid little details they've got (Spoiler 3 or so, end-of-chapter):
Also, for whatever horrible fucked-up reason I keep
EDIT: Oh yeah, while I've been able to solve almost every puzzle I've found with liberal use of hint coin splurging and reloading, there's one puzzle that's got be completily stumped (Chapter 4):
One problem I have with the game: Chapter 5/6?
Can't wait to see where the story goes.
Steam: pazython
In case you're also misreading it...
That was a serious :shock: moment.
I just started with the upper left and kept finding one to stick next to it. It almost solved itself.
Weird it came out in the same week as Last Window.
Stupid visual interference dyslexia
EDIT: you know, I've got a sad sneaking suspiscion that you could use the puzzles in this game as screening tools for perception and analysis disorders and dysfunction. Puzzle 57, "Misprinted Plates":
This is some pretty damn depressing shit to learn about yourself.
Also, the second minigame in the bottom row of the suitcase:
And then I let time runs out and he does the whole fucking Mario "face the player, jump up, and fall off the bottom of the screen" bit.
EDIT: And two last thoughts (Chapter...6 I think?):
A) Flora is a little bitch. "Oh, Luke can sleep on a chair while I take his bed". I can only imagine just how bad domestic life between the three of them must be with her.
Also, listening to the soundtrack on Youtube, and discovered something rather interesting (and was the main reason I posted, actually):
I'm betting that some of you people are spazzin' out trying to wonder where the hell you've heard this before, and indeed it weirded me the fuck out when this started playing in the background. And then it hit me:
We HAVE heard this before, and it's pretty damn famous, to boot (30s mark)
There's somethin' to get the little grey cells sparkin' a bit.
Hey, I have a blog! (Actually being updated again!)
3DS: 0860-3240-2604
Beat the game yesterday (I know, I work fast). I won't spoil the ending, but it's some crazy shit.
Steam: pazython
NNID: carmofin
3DS: 2852 6971 9745
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One puzzle that really annoyed me was No 41 about the waiter carrying the glasses.
The other one I thought was set up poorly was the Round Table one. Which, these two wouldn't bother me as much except for the fact that the game was all "Luke, this is how you explain a puzzle perfectly and with no unintentional ambiguity, etc."
Still love the game though. Was very Layton-esque in its epic scope toward the end, and I very nearly cried.
Early Spoilers:
It makes you question the relationship between Layton and Luke after seeing them.
Don't go into the PL thread on Something Awful, some shithead just spoiled the twists of every fucking game and Eternal Diva towards the bottom of page 2.
Told ya it was off the rails.
Steam: pazython
End of all 3 games spoilers ahead!:
That's why when going into Unwound Future, I already had it in my head. "It's not going to be time travel, it's not going to be time travel, it's not going to be time travel...". They kept pitching it, but I was always waiting for the scientific explanation, and true enough, I got it. Granted, underground recreation of London coupled with giant robot fortress is pretty wacked out, but I just knew they were never going to go over the edge with "woop woop time travel".
Serious end of Unwound Future spoiler incoming:
As for Flora, I didn't think she was that bad... but I can totally see the issue. I'm pretty sure it was just Luke's VA doing a girly voice for her anyways. But I wouldn't worry about her being the de-facto assistant for a while, since the next 3 games they're making are a prequel to how Layton and Luke first met, so she won't be in them at all.
I loved all of the new features (colored memos, super hints for when you're absolutely stuck, balls-to-the-walls crazy storyline), but I did have one issue:
One puzzle asks you to make divisions that are "the same shape", and part of the trick to the solution is that
However another puzzle (the one where you are cutting hole in a napkin) also asks you to make "the same shape"... but that same trick isn't valid this time. Inconsistencies like that are just infuriating.
Not that it really mattered. I still had well over the 5200 picarats you need to unlock everything.
EDIT: And to be fair to Flora, her upbringing redefines "latch-key kid".
So, what I really want is just the puzzles... I wonder if they're online somewhere.
I still need 2 & 3.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Seriously guys. I ignore the news websites because I rely on the forum to tell me these things!
Edit: Oh, so maybe it's not actually anounced for America yet? In which case, hey I have news! 'Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva ' out on DVD in the UK next month. Set phasers to 'import'.
I think I might even prefer puzzle-less Layton, assuming that they don't have batshit stories that don't make any sense whatsoever.
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Point being, Christmas present (or part thereof) for wife, sorted.