If you've graduated, where did you attend? If you are a current student, where are you one? If you are applying, which schools did you send apps to?
I've applied to:
Boston College
Boston University
I should find out which schools accepted me by the end of March.
Yes, yes we did.
Well, to be fair, there are only like 3 colleges in the UK anyway, right?
I only applied to two schools (this was in 97): Bradley University and Stanford. But some of my students (I teach high school) are applying to nearly 30 schools, which is nothing short of insane.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Holy Cross
Boston College
It wasn't a good year for the waitlist.
But I'm at Fordham now, and NYC is amazing.
applied early, deferred, rejected
Got in pretty much everywhere else I applied though. And I'm pretty sure I would have been miserable at MIT, but maybe that's just the bitterness and the Brown University in me speaking.
i applied to Bowling Green, Ohio University, Miami Oxford, Cincinnati, and the Universtiy of Dayton as well and got into all of 'em.
and even though none of those schools are exactly top tier colleges in terms of academics (although OSU is the 19th ranked public university in the US, not that bad), i was pretty surprised that i actually got into all of them considering my high school GPA was somewhere around 2.70 (my college GPA is significantly higher, though, so i think overall environment can be a factor, too, seeing as how i went to a competitive private school)
i had pretty good standardized test scores and good community service stuff, so that might've played a factor into it. sometimes i wonder if i could've gotten into a more "legit" college, but OSU was my dream college, so whatever.
Wow. That sucks balls.
(I'm going to New School University in NYC and it is pretty rad)
I've heard Fordham is a really good college.
I applied to Goucher, McDaniel, Scranton, St. John's (The one in Maryland), and Drew. I got into all except St. John's.
I went to Drew. Had a fantastic, amazing time, met the greatest people ever, and learned an incredible amount.
I'm now out of college and missing it dearly.
I applied to GA Tech, got in. Applied to Emory, got in. Went to Emory. It's really quite painless if you don't do 13 applications.
No, your pretty much screwed. So you pick a really shitty university that will be easy to get into for your third choice or hope you find something on 'clearance' which is like the end of season sale for university courses where the universities will, you hope, take any old retard just to fill left-over spaces before the new term starts.
University of Toronto, St. George Campus for archealogy (really want to do this one), and materials engineering.
Than University of Missisauga for forensics science.
I'm aiming for archealogy with forensics science behind it. Of course if I get accepted to the forensics sceince program than I will most likely do that since that's what my parents want most, which I don't mind really.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
School of Visual Arts (In NYC)..............accepted
Sheridan College (Toronto, Canada)............never finished application because I was already accepted to my top choice.
I'm really excited about living in NYC. Right now I only live around 40 miles from the city, and I visit the city quite often for whatever, but it's still going to be completely new.
Check out my art! Buy some prints!
I thought about St. John's. I liked their classical book thing.
But then it turned out that hated school with the rage of ten thousand suns when I was 18, so it turned into a non-issue.
in the U.K you can only make a maximum of three applications. You get a first, second and third choice and apart from that you're boned. if you read back a bit this has been explained before.
Go fig.
The reason behind it is if you didn't have a system that limited your choices, everybody would just apply to everywhere and the university administrations would have to sift through exponentially larger piles of applications every year. At least, I assume that's the reason.
Over here in Canada, we at first get a mininum of 3 choices, which you choose in order of which one you rather have and this costs 100 bucks.
Than afterwards you can send as many applications you want to other universities which cost like 33 bucks each.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
Aaaah, the "Richer you are, the more choice and chance you have" system. Hey, that's what you get for being colonised by the French :P
They manage it just fine in America...I can't imagine why it wouldn't work in the UK, unless they're not allowed to charge application fees or something.
Meh you only really need 3 choices if your smart and choose universities you have a chance at getting in. It's usually the paranoid people who apply to like 10 universites over here.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
that doesn't happen in the US. i mean, hell, my school has 50,000 students and our admissions work pretty damn well. does the UK provide assistence to all college students? i mean, maybe that's their way of weeding out a percentage of student who would take money from the government and then not graduate. i dunno, that's just a guess.
That's what I've been saying. No one listens to us.
I only really applied to two I wanted, the third one I took, which my dad wanted, I didn't even have all the pre req courses they wanted, I told my dad there was no way that I was going to get in but he didn't care.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
Well, you get a 10grand student loan, which you have to pay back, and you also get a few other things. But. it's really not that well done over here. The way we classify how good a university is is fucked up aswell. It's basically done from the scores the students get, it's not from how improved a student becomes over the course or how well the teachers actually do. In effect it can actually be easier to pass a course in one university over here than it is to pass in another.
Economics at Cambridge, for example, would be more difficult to pass than economics in Middlesborough. Yet, middlesborough could still get itself a higher pass grade than Swansea although Swansea had a ore difficult pass criteria. (this is hypothetical to show an example)
that's kind of weird with the rankings and all that. in the US it's more of an assumed thing, like "oh such and such college has a better ___ program than the other place". there's no official ranking or anything like that, it's just word of mouth.
i mean, sometimes publications release rankings and stuff, but it's all objective. that said, OSU has the best teacher training program in Ohio and one of the best in the US, holla at us
Yeah, The Sunday Times releases a "University listing" once a year to say the rankings. It's based upon number of teachers, pass rate, school facilities and, I think, the number of students who go onto to higher jobs afterwards.
It's interesting but slightly tainted.
Duke: Waitlist, accepted.
Cornell: Accepted
U Florida: Wait, wait, denied.
Florida State: Accepted.
Florida State was hilarious. They apparently heard I was accepted by Cornell and bombarded me with phone calls to come over. No money, oddly.
If someone can explain UF, I'd love to understand that one.
At Florida State right now. Having a blast at the mag lab and business from some pretty awesome professors.
huh. i guess maybe that's part of the reason why people would only be allowed to apply to 3 places, but it's still pretty retarded that someone wouldn't be able to apply wherever the hell they wanted.
It's alright. It's so fucking easy, but I wonder if that's how all colleges are.