After being linked to Halkun's awesome Enterprise model on ARSTechnica, I had a look at its main page, and was surprised to see this article about half-way down: settlement factory expects £10 million from... mailing letters
Andrew Crossley, the lawyer behind the UK's leading P2P settlement factory, is serious about mailing out his "pay up" letters, and he knows just what kind of return he'll get. As part of firm's huge e-mail leak (read our major investigation), Ars has now seen the company's "strictly private and confidential" business plan, along with detailed cash flow projections and salary statements. After poring over the data for the last few days, it's possible to say just how Crossley makes his money—and how much of it he makes.
Crossley's law firm, ACS Law, helps pornographers (and a few music labels and software publishers) defend their copyrighted works online, and after doing it for a while, Crossley has the business down to a science. According to a cash flow projection spreadsheet, the amount of money demanded in the letters varies by client. For instance, a campaign on behalf of Mediacat demanded £500, while another campaign for Digiprotect only asked for £400. "Lucky" targets of this scheme might be asked to pay just £350.
But how can Crossley have any idea who will settle and who won't? Given the volume business he's engaged in, this is really just a numbers game. ACS Law's business plan assumes a 15 percent recovery rate, but "in practice, we area able to demonstrate a 20 percent recovery rate."
A couple hundred pounds and a low response rate might not sound like the road to riches, but if you mail a lot of letters, it adds up quickly (and ACS Law will happily put people on an installment plan if they can't pay up right away). And Crossley does mail a lot of letters; his business plan notes that ACS Law has "invested in a high quality commercial printer to ensure it has sufficient capacity. In addition, it always keep [sic] another printer on site in case the main printer experiences any difficulties."
For those TLDRing, to sum up it seems that a lawyer representing porn companies and some other people has begun the process of mailing out what appear to be hundreds of thousands, if no millions of letters to people in the UK demanding money for illegal downloads.
I've never seen anything like this before, only for the music industry, led by the RIAA. What makes it worse is that the company seems to have leaked its own emails and spreadsheets containing the people being mailed these letters, and the amount asked for. It looks like a lot of people are going to be getting these letters - and it might be soon. What say you, SE++?
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Better nail up your chimney too
What spring does with the cherry trees. - My wishlist
It mentions the fact that in the UK judges don't go for the whole "£1.97 million in lost revenue for downloading 35 songs" like US courts do. There's a specific case of the Blackpool (!) council basically telling the company sending the letter that the person doing the illegal download is on the hook for the price of the song (79p) and that's it:
So listen up fat f—, don't send me another letter. If you do send me another f—ing letter, I will rape your mum against the wall and I will blow up your house and kill you all in a terrorist attack.
In addition, I want a £3500 cheque written to me for the inconvinience [sic] you have caused me.
*If you do not reply to this email with a confirmation that you will pay me, I will hunt you down and stab you in the back and blow your d— up.*
oh my!
first thing i thought of was "oh fuck, it's the music"
c'mon own up you're only making it harder on yourself
one of my friends was applying for top secret clearance
dude just wanted to ask me to confirm his unemployment from like fuckin 7 years ago
i couldn't so he said "ok thanks" and left
i'm sure that actually happened, too
S s [tiny] sorry [/tiny]
considering the subject of the letters I imagined you frenziedly humping your mail slot hoping to jam it shut
also i'm in the US so SUCK ITTTT
Why would I? There are streaming videos everywhere
he brought his external hd, plugged it into my comp while he was in the uk
dude had like the most porn i have ever seen, anywhere
and some of it was just
i get nam flashbacks
and messing around with filters so that everything except her left shoulder was a deep blue hue
apparently this was hot??
What spring does with the cherry trees.
you nasty, man, damn
I have G-talk conversations to prove you like the illegal things.
they're not that illegal though