Hello, salut, bonjour, guten tag, hola, salve etc etc.
So there's
an awesome new thing out at the penny arcade store, and like many of my European siblings, I would like to have it. In fact there are quite a few cool things out in the penny arcade store that myself and my sausage sucking, crumpet chomping, croissant nibbling buddies would like to get our hands on but unfortunately we are unwilling to spend vast amounts of money on shipping costs.
Just to Illustrate this point to any that might think we're cheap bastards. Purchasing the penny arcade DVD and having it shipped to the UK would cost me $64.04. Or 46 euros. Or £40.38.
I mean, I like Penny-Arcade. But fuck those shipping costs.
The one way to get around this is to clump together and buy in bulk, and spread out the shipping costs between a few or many of us, so that we get to have nice things at a reasonable price. I think this is a good idea, as I have seen a few other people express an interest in wanting to purchase PA goodies, but also being shot down by the frankly outrageous shipping costs. I am willing to take on some responsibilities for this if enough people are interested.
The only way I can think of doing it right now, is to make a list of what people want, find out what the total price will be including shipping costs, get all the money together via paypal and purchase all the items from the list. When it arrives here, I could then send all the goodies to each person - working out postage and packing as we go.
Do any other Europeans think this is a good idea? Do any other Europeans have any better ideas? Does anyone have any experience in doing something like this logistically who could provide advice on how best to go about it?
If you're interested, drop me a PM and I will add you to the list in this post, and lets see if we can make this work.
List of cool European people who are interested;
Somebody will have to explain me through the process of transferring money to somebody else directly online though. I've never done that before.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Paypal makes it a pretty simple process.
At least my country landed on the moon.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Here, have some tea.
Okay I have calmed down
Mmm tea, still warm.
oh, wait.. that's Australian.
I'll never get the hang of this "British" thing.
Hey Liiya
I know, right?
And to think, we used to be in charge of them.
I shall pay no more than a farthing for shipping costs!
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Good on you fellow Europeans, just stay the fuck out of our country and away from our jobs.
EDIT: Oh look, I can be British!
I'm sure the rest of the cool Europeans will be here any minute now.
That's more like it!
It will fuck you up the ass if you haven't.
I've been charged 15 quid customs for three tshirts before.
We club together to buy ONE. And then we post it to each other when we've finished watching it! Like a library!
Maybe not.
Royal Mail would probably lose it for about five months anyway.
They are burnt.
To warm the homes of fat men who smoke fat cigars and laugh at the savages.
Why you gotta be so mean, BB? I tried my best.
Or even easier, buy one DVD then somehow copy it and then somehow distribute it via the internet?????
the end is nigh
That'd work! I guess my mind is stuck in the past!
I used MSPaint and everything...
I'm not, no.
But, I know that it's unlikely we'll get custom'd. Doesn't mean we won't. But it's unlikely.
Large package of multiple items from American apparel store?
I think its very likely it'll get got.
If we did get got, it would have to be pretty bad luck.