Rally on the Supreme Court to Defend Video Games!

UsielUsiel Registered User new member
edited October 2010 in Debate and/or Discourse
Two months ago, I posted here asking for your help in fighting censorship of video games in the Supreme Court. I asked for your testimonies on the social, artistic, and political value of video games to include in the National Youth Rights Association amicus brief. As you can see in the original thread, there was some lively discussion, and in the end we received over 100 individual testimonies submitted as comments on our blog post discussing the case.

Two weeks ago, we submitted to the Court the final version of our brief, which included testimonies written by online commenters Adam, Alexx Souter, Matt, Mikkel Paulson, Narella, and SoulRiser.

Now, I'm once again asking for your help. Oral arguments for this case, Schwarzenegger v. EMA, are being held in the Supreme Court on November 2nd. On this day, the National Youth Rights Association is holding a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to protest government censorship and the disenfranchisement of minors, those most affected by the California law.

We're currently collecting slogans to be featured on signs and banners. If you've got a media-friendly idea for one that relates to youth rights or the value of video games, let us know in the comments of this post.

What we most need, though, is for you to join us in Washington, D.C. on November 2nd. The larger a turnout we have, the more media attention we will get. This is our chance to fight for our interests on a national stage. This is our chance to dispel negative stereotypes about young people and gamers. This is our chance to make a stand for free speech, video games, and democracy.

The rally is being held on Election Day on the steps of the Supreme Court.

We'll see you there.

Usiel on
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