So I'm watching one of those like, house buying shows, you know where people go and pick out the house they want. And this couple has a found a house they loooooove, but a home inspection reveals that they have bats living in a closed off part of the attic. They are like, oh dang, what do we do? The real estate agents says they can have an exterminator come out and kill the bats, but that bats are actually pretty cool and good to have around because they kill insects and stuff.
So instead they have like a bat guy come out and put up a bat house on the side of their house, and they get the bats out of the part of the attic they were living in, seal it off and the bats start living in the bat houses! It was fucking amazing!
Jordyn on <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Just a lonely dude in his house, trying to make a bat friend.
oh my god
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
Was he fat?
I had never noticed that FF was in the background of this one before now
What is the mysterious link between bats and FF
I mean, I'm no bat expert
I don't think he was bat-obese
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
so he was just bat-fat
that is a fun word
say it out loud
August 11th
you know, today's date
what are you trying to say
they are awesome and climb all over the ceiling and get rid of moths and mosquitos
Do any of them try to save you 15% or more on car insurance?
august 11th?
better put away my halloween costume
Are they the little white, almost translucent Mediterranean geckos?
Because those things are awesome. I have tons right outside of my apartment too, they're everywhere down here.
no it's not
it says right in the title that today is august 11
Who made you President of Calendars?
and that bat shit grows a toxic fungus.
Mister Monday is President of Calenders
So instead they have like a bat guy come out and put up a bat house on the side of their house, and they get the bats out of the part of the attic they were living in, seal it off and the bats start living in the bat houses! It was fucking amazing! <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Because, y'know, Oct.
also the month before it is september
sept being latin for
you know
OCT 31 = DEC 25