Gives her the regen she needs to not have a shitty laning period, also the gold income helps out a lot if you can't last hit due to a poor lane matchup
Her bread and butter abilities do damage based on percent so she doesn't lose much damage by stacking philosopher's stones, and her W gives her a speed boost for a few seconds so she can get by with boots 1 for a while
Can't play Sona until they fix her champion priority on her Song of Valor.
Don't know who my go-to is in Ranked if I'm not playing her...might take Lux.
So it is officially glitched?
I was wondering about that, but I wasn't sure if it was just a wonky side effect of Aura having two different ranges. Good to know it's not me.
People do know that the prioritizes champion range is much shorter than the range of the ability, right?
It's still sort of a crapshoot. From what I can tell, the more minions are near me, the less the likelyhood of proritization. If I'm in the middle of a lane I have to be right next to the guy to nail him, but if I go to the side sometimes it'll shoot right past a whole bunch of minions straight to the champ.
I really wouldn't care if they even nerfed the range (it probably should be anyway), I'd just like to consistently know what I'm going to hit.
If more minions affects whether the champ is hit, that means there's no prioritization, because it's random targeting. =X
They either broke it altogether or stealth nerfed the prioritization range down to like 300 or something retarded. Given it's her main laning damage ability, it's kind of a big deal, especially since I've seen people be right next to me and it still hit minions.
Spectrum on
CorporateLogoThe toilet knowshow I feelRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
I've only messed around with Philosopher's Poppy in practice games but I guess it should look like this:
Regrowth pendant
Go back when you can afford boots 1 and a stone
Fill your inventory with stones
Upgrade boots when you feel like it
Build whatever you want after that
If more minions affects whether the champ is hit, that means there's no prioritization, because it's random targeting. =X
They either broke it altogether or stealth nerfed the prioritization range down to like 300 or something retarded. Given it's her main laning damage ability, it's kind of a big deal, especially since I've seen people be right next to me and it still hit minions.
Well yeah, right now it's clearly glitched enough to be considered randomized. I don't think they stealth nerfed the priority range because, as i said, I can sort of control it by moving far away from enough minions that I'm likely to hit who I want. If the priority range was completely nerfed I should just be hitting minions every time unless the enemy is right next to me, but that's not what's happening.
Although now that I think about it, it must be really confusing for who I'm playing against as well because there's literally no way of knowing if you're safe unless you're completely out of range.
Psycho Internet Hawk on
GumpyThere is alwaysa greater powerRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
Less moaning more getting on and playing is what I say
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
I think it's more that AP poppy does monstrous (1.6k devastating blow monstrous) by comparison. Philosopher's stone poppy doesn't do horrible damage, but you DO lose a lot of damage.
Also the percentage drain on devastating blow is capped anyway.
Well, the thing is, after awhile you can sell the Philosopher Stones and get a ton of AP gear or whatever you fancy with all the money you earned.
Okay, let's put it this way.
You've spent 4k on health and mana regen, so I'd say you've spent around 20-25 minutes of the game doing default damage.
You want to buy an item that you could've bought with that much money (4k). How long does that take now, looking at PS gold only (obviously you get money from kills, assists and creeps, but we're looking at the time you're shortening your purchase time by with PS).
Selling 1 PS, you get 400, plus 25g/10 seconds. 3600/25 = 1440 seconds = 24 minutes.
Selling 2 PS, you get 800, ... ~21 minutes
Selling 3 PS, you get 1200, ... ~19 minutes
Selling 4, 16 minutes
Selling all 5, ~13 minutes
The maths do not work in your favour. You spend 33+ minutes doing default damage, your q scales very slowly, you make very little use of the time you have diplomatic immunity up because of your poor damage output, and at the end of it all, the actual amount of time you've cut off your purchase times is really not that much.
The health regeneration itself is frankly not all that great, both as a percentage of your health, and as a percentage of the damage reduced by her passive.
And honestly, watching SoaL play a couple of nights ago, all I could really think is "how do you get matched up against a Kennen and Pantheon that bad queuing as a 5?"
The whole "I don't need to buy boots" thing is even sillier, because, okay, if you have enough mana regen you can keep w up and move at t2 speed with t1 boots for 5 seconds of every 12. Not only do you never move faster than your t2-buying opponents (which is something you can use to get a lot of ganks and escapes off on any character), but they have t2 speeds all the time. And you lack all the secondary benefits of t2 boots.
i don't advocate not getting t2 boots thats a dumb thing. being able to outrun opponents is really important, just matching them with W isn't enough
but i have had good luck with this poppy build? maybe i will try sneaking a sheen or something in earlier but who knows
I really enjoy not having to go back to base after every skirmish, and being able to escape at low health and then rejoin seconds later at a much more comfortable % is a very nice thing to do
i don't advocate not getting t2 boots thats a dumb thing. being able to outrun opponents is really important, just matching them with W isn't enough
but i have had good luck with this poppy build? maybe i will try sneaking a sheen or something in earlier but who knows
I really enjoy not having to go back to base after every skirmish, and being able to escape at low health and then rejoin seconds later at a much more comfortable % is a very nice thing to do
When I tried this build I had to keep changing my mind on teleporting back to base for heals because I wasn't used to being able to get back in the fight so quickly on heroes that aren't Garen.
(In fact this build sorta reminds me of Sunfire Garen except it's not completely off the wall redonkulous)
this is the soal way, find a silly build and hype it the heck up
this build is not some god-mode gosu korean build
but it is a silly thing to do and is fun for trolling the other team and a great excuse to play more lollipoppy
Soal you forget that League of Legends is SRS BSNS. You aren't supposed to be having fun, you are supposed to be playing the most efficient Tier 1 character with the same build that everyone else uses.
How dare you.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go back to playing Jungle Mordekaiser.
Delphinidaes on
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
Soal you forget that League of Legends is SRS BSNS. You aren't supposed to be having fun, you are supposed to be playing the most efficient Tier 1 character with the same build that everyone else uses.
How dare you.
Totally my point, thank you, glad to see someone else agrees.
oh wait.
p.s. I lol'd at the "she doesn't lose much damage" part because it's well, so horrifically inaccurate. Not at people playing poppy for shits and giggles.
Sona is the best. I was 7/0/11 with my last Sona game.
Asiina on
CorporateLogoThe toilet knowshow I feelRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
Alright how about I specify that philosopher's poppy doesn't do stupid amounts of damage like some dude with DFG and Lichbane but can still put out a respectable amount of damage while still being able to farm and stay in lane without running dry on mana after using 5 abilities
Or will you find some error in the semantics and restart this whole thing
Alright how about I specify that philosopher's poppy doesn't do stupid amounts of damage like some dude with DFG and Lichbane but can still put out a respectable amount of damage while still being able to farm and stay in lane without running dry on mana after using 5 abilities
Or will you find some error in the semantics and restart this whole thing
Galio's e,q make laning a breeze, max e first. With a level in w you can double lane easy even if they do try and harass you. If you have excess mana pop it then hit your spells for increased damage. Just gust enemies while making money from killing creeps and any long range dps they have should be hurting and teleporting back after you pick up your chalice on your first trip back. Get merc treads, throw in an abysmal scepter then if they have some physical dps mix in some sunfires maybe as he is kinda low on health for a tank, otherwise banshees and FoN are nice.
If you get lucky enough to be in a lane that does magic damage they'll feel even more useless which is a plus.
Best items for Galio against a decent team comp (AP/AD mix)
Rush Chalice
Merc Treads
Aegis of the Legion
Banshee's Veil
Guardian Angel
[team dependent 6th slot]
Going 9/21/0 will give you much more survivability than 9/0/21 Galios, but you might be hurting for mana early on. I don't like to waste a summoner spell on Clarity but with his latest nerfs it might be kind of necessary for laning phase.
Eddy on
"and the morning stars I have seen
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
Soal you forget that League of Legends is SRS BSNS. You aren't supposed to be having fun, you are supposed to be playing the most efficient Tier 1 character with the same build that everyone else uses.
How dare you.
Totally my point, thank you, glad to see someone else agrees.
oh wait.
p.s. I lol'd at the "she doesn't lose much damage" part because it's well, so horrifically inaccurate. Not at people playing poppy for shits and giggles.
Duley noted. For future reference a response to someone who responded to you is not necessarily a response aimed at you. Had I been responding to your post I would have included a quote of what you said. Instead I quoted SoaL since it was a response to him. Sorry that you seemed to take that personally but my post was intended as a general response to his. :?
Delphinidaes on
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
Galio's e,q make laning a breeze, max e first. With a level in w you can double lane easy even if they do try and harass you. If you have excess mana pop it then hit your spells for increased damage. Just gust enemies while making money from killing creeps and any long range dps they have should be hurting and teleporting back after you pick up your chalice on your first trip back. Get merc treads, throw in an abysmal scepter then if they have some physical dps mix in some sunfires maybe as he is kinda low on health for a tank, otherwise banshees and FoN are nice.
If you get lucky enough to be in a lane that does magic damage they'll feel even more useless which is a plus.
The best part about laning with Galio is when you've leveled Q and E enough that you can use them to kill an entire wave of caster minions.
He definitely has one of if not the best laning phases for a tank.
I once went up against an arranged team where they all bought the + gold items. The tanks all had Heart of Gold the melee dps had Avarice, and their casters had the little blue caster + gold knife item.
We so soundly beat their ass for the first half of the game that by the time they were buying actual items they had lost most of their towers and our carries were wicked fed. After we won the gold totals were basically even and one of our carries actually made more gold than anyone on their team.
It was such a dumb build I really wonder if they ever made it work and actually won any games.
Drool on
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
HoG is actually a good item, and builds into a better item.
HoG is actually a good item, and builds into a better item.
The gold is just gravy
Yes I start with it on most tanks, but I don't buy 5 of them because that's just stupid. I guess I wasn't clear.
That was all they bought each filling up all five slots with + gold items and a boots then sitting around trying to live to earn enough to buy real stuff while we punished them in every team fight and pushed their towers.
Drool on
CorporateLogoThe toilet knowshow I feelRegistered Userregular
edited October 2010
Kage's Lucky Pick is not that great, it builds into DFG at least
Avarice Blade is not bad on a few champs but situational
Heart of Gold is great on any tank, also it builds into Randuin's
Kage's Lucky Pick is not that great, it builds into DFG at least
Avarice Blade is not bad on a few champs but situational
Heart of Gold is great on any tank, also it builds into Randuin's
The only one it kind of made sense on was their Trynd because he was critting like crazy, but I just stacked armor on Rammus and taunted him until he exploded.
I think that's pretty much it from what I've gathered. +/- the Boots part.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
They either broke it altogether or stealth nerfed the prioritization range down to like 300 or something retarded. Given it's her main laning damage ability, it's kind of a big deal, especially since I've seen people be right next to me and it still hit minions.
Regrowth pendant
Go back when you can afford boots 1 and a stone
Fill your inventory with stones
Upgrade boots when you feel like it
Build whatever you want after that
Well yeah, right now it's clearly glitched enough to be considered randomized. I don't think they stealth nerfed the priority range because, as i said, I can sort of control it by moving far away from enough minions that I'm likely to hit who I want. If the priority range was completely nerfed I should just be hitting minions every time unless the enemy is right next to me, but that's not what's happening.
Although now that I think about it, it must be really confusing for who I'm playing against as well because there's literally no way of knowing if you're safe unless you're completely out of range.
Granted, it would of been way better if my team didn't still my blue/red buffs Every. Single. Time.
Ah well, we still won and I came out positive so not too bad.
Yes because percent based damage is bad
Also the percentage drain on devastating blow is capped anyway.
Just beef him up with health and MR?
XBLGT:Banzeye SC2: Apollo.394
Put flash in your second summoner spell slot.
We only make snide comments here
Always rush Chalice and Merc Treads on him, then build whatever
You've spent 4k on health and mana regen, so I'd say you've spent around 20-25 minutes of the game doing default damage.
You want to buy an item that you could've bought with that much money (4k). How long does that take now, looking at PS gold only (obviously you get money from kills, assists and creeps, but we're looking at the time you're shortening your purchase time by with PS).
Selling 1 PS, you get 400, plus 25g/10 seconds. 3600/25 = 1440 seconds = 24 minutes.
Selling 2 PS, you get 800, ... ~21 minutes
Selling 3 PS, you get 1200, ... ~19 minutes
Selling 4, 16 minutes
Selling all 5, ~13 minutes
The maths do not work in your favour. You spend 33+ minutes doing default damage, your q scales very slowly, you make very little use of the time you have diplomatic immunity up because of your poor damage output, and at the end of it all, the actual amount of time you've cut off your purchase times is really not that much.
The health regeneration itself is frankly not all that great, both as a percentage of your health, and as a percentage of the damage reduced by her passive.
And honestly, watching SoaL play a couple of nights ago, all I could really think is "how do you get matched up against a Kennen and Pantheon that bad queuing as a 5?"
The whole "I don't need to buy boots" thing is even sillier, because, okay, if you have enough mana regen you can keep w up and move at t2 speed with t1 boots for 5 seconds of every 12. Not only do you never move faster than your t2-buying opponents (which is something you can use to get a lot of ganks and escapes off on any character), but they have t2 speeds all the time. And you lack all the secondary benefits of t2 boots.
but i have had good luck with this poppy build? maybe i will try sneaking a sheen or something in earlier but who knows
I really enjoy not having to go back to base after every skirmish, and being able to escape at low health and then rejoin seconds later at a much more comfortable % is a very nice thing to do
When I tried this build I had to keep changing my mind on teleporting back to base for heals because I wasn't used to being able to get back in the fight so quickly on heroes that aren't Garen.
(In fact this build sorta reminds me of Sunfire Garen except it's not completely off the wall redonkulous)
this build is not some god-mode gosu korean build
but it is a silly thing to do and is fun for trolling the other team and a great excuse to play more lollipoppy
Soal you forget that League of Legends is SRS BSNS. You aren't supposed to be having fun, you are supposed to be playing the most efficient Tier 1 character with the same build that everyone else uses.
How dare you.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go back to playing Jungle Mordekaiser.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
Also, I assume you have tried DFG + your ult for hilarious percentile stacking already?
Totally my point, thank you, glad to see someone else agrees.
oh wait.
p.s. I lol'd at the "she doesn't lose much damage" part because it's well, so horrifically inaccurate. Not at people playing poppy for shits and giggles.
edit: yessir
I have not tried it with a vlad ultimate though and that is a shame
swain/poppy + vlad deathfires are things I want to see
Or will you find some error in the semantics and restart this whole thing
I was really hoping Tryndamere was just going to spin across the entire map. 8(
If you get lucky enough to be in a lane that does magic damage they'll feel even more useless which is a plus.
Rush Chalice
Merc Treads
Aegis of the Legion
Banshee's Veil
Guardian Angel
[team dependent 6th slot]
Going 9/21/0 will give you much more survivability than 9/0/21 Galios, but you might be hurting for mana early on. I don't like to waste a summoner spell on Clarity but with his latest nerfs it might be kind of necessary for laning phase.
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
Duley noted. For future reference a response to someone who responded to you is not necessarily a response aimed at you. Had I been responding to your post I would have included a quote of what you said. Instead I quoted SoaL since it was a response to him. Sorry that you seemed to take that personally but my post was intended as a general response to his. :?
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
The best part about laning with Galio is when you've leveled Q and E enough that you can use them to kill an entire wave of caster minions.
He definitely has one of if not the best laning phases for a tank.
We so soundly beat their ass for the first half of the game that by the time they were buying actual items they had lost most of their towers and our carries were wicked fed. After we won the gold totals were basically even and one of our carries actually made more gold than anyone on their team.
It was such a dumb build I really wonder if they ever made it work and actually won any games.
The gold is just gravy
Same with Kage's Pick.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
Yes I start with it on most tanks, but I don't buy 5 of them because that's just stupid. I guess I wasn't clear.
That was all they bought each filling up all five slots with + gold items and a boots then sitting around trying to live to earn enough to buy real stuff while we punished them in every team fight and pushed their towers.
Avarice Blade is not bad on a few champs but situational
Heart of Gold is great on any tank, also it builds into Randuin's
The only one it kind of made sense on was their Trynd because he was critting like crazy, but I just stacked armor on Rammus and taunted him until he exploded.