Ok, so I am stuck in KY while my lady is interning in Washington D.C. I, being a poor, broke ass college student who doesn't like phones anyway, doesn't have one.
I think to myself, no problem. I will get that Google Talk everyone has been raging about. And for me, it works fine. However, on her end she gets "Could not authenticate to server."
So, her date/time are synced.
She doesn't
think there is a firewall up but she isn't sure. She has on demand scanning from McAfee but it's off and I'm not sure if that comes with a firewall anyway.
She's tried enabling and disabling windows firewall and nothing there.
So, does anyone have any experience getting this to work?
If it's a lost cause, what other programs are available that could do the same thing, free or cheaply?
At best, both of you can install it and talk for free just like Google Talk.
At worst, YOU can install it, get a SkypeOut account, and make the call from your computer to her phone, for a very reasonable fee (something like 2 cents a minute, usually).
What kind of connection is she on (home/work/campus)?
Has she tried reinstalling the google talk client?
Skype is the best for voice. Free PC to PC calls. In addition to that, it does video and normal text chat.