It's time to start crownin' some asses.
It really pains me to say it, but I told you so, America. Decades of entitlements and set-asides for minorities in this country have resulted in this: the Super Bowl, one of, if not the, preeminent American cultural institution, will feature two black head coaches. That's right, African-Americans, who comprise only 12 percent of the overall population, now occupy 100 percent of Super Bowl head coaching positions. It's reverse racism at its most vile and we, the right-thinking America, must put a stop to it.
Now I'm sure you're in favor of this if you happen to be one of those wimpy, guilty conscience plagued liberals who read those Marxist mouthpieces, The New York Times or The Washington Post. Hell, you'd probably be even happier if it were Osama bin Laden and Hugo Chavez facing off for the Lombardi Trophy with illegal immigrants playing every position and gay marriages being performed at halftime.
And, honestly, who else is sick of hearing about Tony Dungy? Your son committed suicide last year. Boo-freaking-hoo. You know who else commits suicide? Terrorists. Tony Dungy is just like all those camera-mugging 9/11 widow harpies begging for attention and sympathy. Well, I'm sorry Tony, I'm too busy thinking about how this country is going to win the war on terror.
But don't let that make you think I'm rooting for Chicago, that liberal outpost of the Midwest. I'm sure Mayor Daley will have his shock troops ready to fix the game upon cocaine addict Barack Hussein Obama's command.
My prediction: Tom Tancredo carries all 53 states in 2008, including the three we annex from the Middle East and convert to Christianity, while Hillary gets bupkis. Then all the godless Massachusetts and San Francisco liberals sarcifice her to their pagan deity of science.
Oh, what? You want my prediction for the Super Bowl?
Fine. Colts 30, Bears 6. But Chicago only appears to score because the biased, liberal, equivocating, pseudo-journalistic rags, The New York Times and The Washington Post, change the score after the game.
Who do you have?
She seriously wrote that?
No fucking way any public figure would write that.
I need a link someone. Somebody link me to this!
I need proof
Take that USA! The terrorists win again!
We long ago reached the point where we stopped being able to tell the difference between parody and reality. It's pretty sad.
That means we can treat them as the inhuman zombies they are then, right?
I was going to purchase some DragonForce CDs, but perhaps I should invest in a chainsaw...
Yep. Is this the first time that she's actually said something this overt regarding race? I hope so, and I hope it buries her.
Everyone knows that race only applies to minorities.
Also, I'm rooting for the Bears.
edit: ok, now that Ive actually read this....thing, I take it that she is the person bagging the widows of 9/11 or whatever that stupid ass shit was about, yes?
You'll find none of this in the 'liberal' media...
I'm not interested in watching the Super Bowl
I am interested in watching this
edit; way to fact check by thrice atatime
I guess it's a parody.
Bottom of this page:
edit: beat
I seriously hope that Elkamil was just having some fun with the fake celebrity superbowl pics, and wasn't trying to pass it off as something of substance without the most rudimentary fact checking.
- John Stuart Mill
Me too because that's the only thing I could find.
I'm calling BS now, but the crazy thing is that it has plenty of believability to it.
Yeah, that's what one of the comments says too, if you click. It's true. Ann Coulter is a total nutbag, so I can totally see her making a post like this.
I came back a few minutes later was like "whoah, did football get all popular in D&D?" but it wasn't that, so I decided to sit back and watch. :P
That's the same blog that did Fuck It I'm Throwing Deep.
The Bears are going to maul the hell outa the Colts. Hopefully they'll attack Prince at halftime, too.
Course, it didn't have anything about women being submisive or rape fantisies, so obviously it isn't real.
Uhh... Colts I guess. by a lot.
So yeah, go Colts. I'm going to give them a 14 point spread. Let's say... 24-10.
Go Rextasy!
Colts -7.
As for Ann Coulter, man, search her on youtube and you find some crazy shit. If you guys haven't seen it, Henry Rollins wrote her an open letter a while back, see it here:
Dismayed By Humanity Since 1992.