I don't mind making the spawning like it is (sort of), but we need a way to get back to the status quo. We had a gigantic underground apartment and cave system on our server, and shit wont stop spawning in it while it's very brightly lit.
Seriously, what the fuck. I hit login and it just dies and shuts down. No error message, just a generated error log in the folder with the .exe. I reinstalled java, did all the updates, rebooted. I would reinstall video drivers too, but I don't know which one to use. Device manager says it has a x500/x700/x1000 series radeon. Which is 3 different kinds of video card.
What's the error log say?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6ca61c32, pid=3604, tid=3776
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x21c32]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Current thread (0x4e7f9400): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3776, stack(0x504c0000,0x50510000)]
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 78088K [0x04580000, 0x0f020000, 0x19ad0000)
eden space 139776K, 55% used [0x04580000, 0x091c2320, 0x0ce00000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce00000, 0x0ce00000, 0x0df10000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0df10000, 0x0df10000, 0x0f020000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ad0000, 0x2f030000, 0x44580000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0200, 0x2f030000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8646K [0x44580000, 0x45180000, 0x48580000)
the space 12288K, 70% used [0x44580000, 0x44df19b8, 0x44df1a00, 0x45180000)
No shared spaces configured.
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_22-b04), built on Sep 15 2010 00:56:36 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Fri Nov 05 10:32:50 2010
elapsed time: 12 seconds
Attempts to update the video driver causes the PC to blue screen and hard lock as well. Looks like a java problem, but reinstalling that didn't help.
That doesn't sound like a Java problem IMO. I think you've got to figure out what video card you've got in the box and install the drivers.
It also looks like you're using a Helpdesk account. I'm not uptodate with my Win7 default accounts but that account (if it is a built in windows account) may be limited in its functions. Try using an admin account.
Question, is there any player vs player in this game? it would be pretty rad to build up a fortress then go to the other fort and screw the other guy's fort up.
there is actually a plugin for hey0 mod that implements pvp. I am experimenting with it on my own server right now with some interesting results.
It also allows mobs to be killed which result in exp and eventually you level up.
Overall its pretty cool and me and my friends spent a good day just running around fighting each other in forts we built
Seriously, what the fuck. I hit login and it just dies and shuts down. No error message, just a generated error log in the folder with the .exe. I reinstalled java, did all the updates, rebooted. I would reinstall video drivers too, but I don't know which one to use. Device manager says it has a x500/x700/x1000 series radeon. Which is 3 different kinds of video card.
What's the error log say?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6ca61c32, pid=3604, tid=3776
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x21c32]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Current thread (0x4e7f9400): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3776, stack(0x504c0000,0x50510000)]
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 78088K [0x04580000, 0x0f020000, 0x19ad0000)
eden space 139776K, 55% used [0x04580000, 0x091c2320, 0x0ce00000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce00000, 0x0ce00000, 0x0df10000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0df10000, 0x0df10000, 0x0f020000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ad0000, 0x2f030000, 0x44580000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0200, 0x2f030000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8646K [0x44580000, 0x45180000, 0x48580000)
the space 12288K, 70% used [0x44580000, 0x44df19b8, 0x44df1a00, 0x45180000)
No shared spaces configured.
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_22-b04), built on Sep 15 2010 00:56:36 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Fri Nov 05 10:32:50 2010
elapsed time: 12 seconds
Attempts to update the video driver causes the PC to blue screen and hard lock as well. Looks like a java problem, but reinstalling that didn't help.
That doesn't sound like a Java problem IMO. I think you've got to figure out what video card you've got in the box and install the drivers.
It also looks like you're using a Helpdesk account. I'm not uptodate with my Win7 default accounts but that account (if it is a built in windows account) may be limited in its functions. Try using an admin account.
Helpdesk is what we named the account. (I do IT for my University) Administrator is the main account, we tried that too. I tried installing the x300, x500, AND x1000 drivers. None worked, all instantly give a BSOD and reboot the machine.
Seriously, what the fuck. I hit login and it just dies and shuts down. No error message, just a generated error log in the folder with the .exe. I reinstalled java, did all the updates, rebooted. I would reinstall video drivers too, but I don't know which one to use. Device manager says it has a x500/x700/x1000 series radeon. Which is 3 different kinds of video card.
What's the error log say?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6ca61c32, pid=3604, tid=3776
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x21c32]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Current thread (0x4e7f9400): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3776, stack(0x504c0000,0x50510000)]
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 78088K [0x04580000, 0x0f020000, 0x19ad0000)
eden space 139776K, 55% used [0x04580000, 0x091c2320, 0x0ce00000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce00000, 0x0ce00000, 0x0df10000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0df10000, 0x0df10000, 0x0f020000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ad0000, 0x2f030000, 0x44580000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0200, 0x2f030000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8646K [0x44580000, 0x45180000, 0x48580000)
the space 12288K, 70% used [0x44580000, 0x44df19b8, 0x44df1a00, 0x45180000)
No shared spaces configured.
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_22-b04), built on Sep 15 2010 00:56:36 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Fri Nov 05 10:32:50 2010
elapsed time: 12 seconds
Attempts to update the video driver causes the PC to blue screen and hard lock as well. Looks like a java problem, but reinstalling that didn't help.
That doesn't sound like a Java problem IMO. I think you've got to figure out what video card you've got in the box and install the drivers.
It also looks like you're using a Helpdesk account. I'm not uptodate with my Win7 default accounts but that account (if it is a built in windows account) may be limited in its functions. Try using an admin account.
Helpdesk is what we named the account. (I do IT for my University) Administrator is the main account, we tried that too. I tried installing the x300, x500, AND x1000 drivers. None worked, all instantly give a BSOD and reboot the machine.
Ah, the lack of capitals in the name should have tipped me off.
Whats coming up in the Event Viewer for the crashes (the driver bsods and the minecraft crashes)?
Also you need to properly identify the video card. At this point, you should prob just pop the box and look directly at the thing.
Seriously, what the fuck. I hit login and it just dies and shuts down. No error message, just a generated error log in the folder with the .exe. I reinstalled java, did all the updates, rebooted. I would reinstall video drivers too, but I don't know which one to use. Device manager says it has a x500/x700/x1000 series radeon. Which is 3 different kinds of video card.
What's the error log say?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6ca61c32, pid=3604, tid=3776
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x21c32]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Current thread (0x4e7f9400): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3776, stack(0x504c0000,0x50510000)]
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 78088K [0x04580000, 0x0f020000, 0x19ad0000)
eden space 139776K, 55% used [0x04580000, 0x091c2320, 0x0ce00000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce00000, 0x0ce00000, 0x0df10000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0df10000, 0x0df10000, 0x0f020000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ad0000, 0x2f030000, 0x44580000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0200, 0x2f030000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8646K [0x44580000, 0x45180000, 0x48580000)
the space 12288K, 70% used [0x44580000, 0x44df19b8, 0x44df1a00, 0x45180000)
No shared spaces configured.
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_22-b04), built on Sep 15 2010 00:56:36 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Fri Nov 05 10:32:50 2010
elapsed time: 12 seconds
Attempts to update the video driver causes the PC to blue screen and hard lock as well. Looks like a java problem, but reinstalling that didn't help.
Yeah it appears to be an issue with the OGL library. You took the obvious step to upgrade the video card drivers. The C in front of some of those registers indicate that it's an issue with the native library and not the Java VM itself. Anyway you could try another directory?
bowen on
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
I don't mind making the spawning like it is (sort of), but we need a way to get back to the status quo. We had a gigantic underground apartment and cave system on our server, and shit wont stop spawning in it while it's very brightly lit.
Seriously, what the fuck. I hit login and it just dies and shuts down. No error message, just a generated error log in the folder with the .exe. I reinstalled java, did all the updates, rebooted. I would reinstall video drivers too, but I don't know which one to use. Device manager says it has a x500/x700/x1000 series radeon. Which is 3 different kinds of video card.
What's the error log say?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6ca61c32, pid=3604, tid=3776
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x21c32]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Current thread (0x4e7f9400): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3776, stack(0x504c0000,0x50510000)]
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 78088K [0x04580000, 0x0f020000, 0x19ad0000)
eden space 139776K, 55% used [0x04580000, 0x091c2320, 0x0ce00000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce00000, 0x0ce00000, 0x0df10000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0df10000, 0x0df10000, 0x0f020000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ad0000, 0x2f030000, 0x44580000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0000, 0x19ad0200, 0x2f030000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8646K [0x44580000, 0x45180000, 0x48580000)
the space 12288K, 70% used [0x44580000, 0x44df19b8, 0x44df1a00, 0x45180000)
No shared spaces configured.
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_22-b04), built on Sep 15 2010 00:56:36 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)
time: Fri Nov 05 10:32:50 2010
elapsed time: 12 seconds
Attempts to update the video driver causes the PC to blue screen and hard lock as well. Looks like a java problem, but reinstalling that didn't help.
That doesn't sound like a Java problem IMO. I think you've got to figure out what video card you've got in the box and install the drivers.
It also looks like you're using a Helpdesk account. I'm not uptodate with my Win7 default accounts but that account (if it is a built in windows account) may be limited in its functions. Try using an admin account.
Helpdesk is what we named the account. (I do IT for my University) Administrator is the main account, we tried that too. I tried installing the x300, x500, AND x1000 drivers. None worked, all instantly give a BSOD and reboot the machine.
Ah, the lack of capitals in the name should have tipped me off.
Whats coming up in the Event Viewer for the crashes (the driver bsods and the minecraft crashes)?
Also you need to properly identify the video card. At this point, you should prob just pop the box and look directly at the thing.
We tried that too, there's no obvious markings on the card itself.
aaand I've never used Event Viewer. I browsed around in it, can't find any mentions of the BSOD or minecraft, but I'm probably doing it wrong.
bowen, when you say try another directory, what do you mean?
edit: I have gone in and deleted the .minecraft from the appdata folder.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
We tried that too, there's no obvious markings on the card itself.
aaand I've never used Event Viewer. I browsed around in it, can't find any mentions of the BSOD or minecraft, but I'm probably doing it wrong.
bowen, when you say try another directory, what do you mean?
edit: I have gone in and deleted the .minecraft from the appdata folder.
Not even a serial number or anything?
It'll probably keep giving you those errors until you get an updated graphics driver, I don't think moving it is going to help. It seems your graphics card driver, as it is, doesn't support OGL fully.
bowen on
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
2. Game checks the map file for the opposite world. Does a Portal exist within x squares of the corresponding location in the other world, adjusting for distance compression?
--- i. If No, create new Portal B in the other world in as close to the same spot as possible. Portal A is now hard linked to Portal B, and will lead there so long as it is active. Portal B is now hard linked to Portal A, and will lead there so long as it is active.
--- ii. If Yes, Portal A is hard linked to the closest portal to the corresponding location in total block distance adjusted for compression, lit or unlit, with some form of consistent "tiebreaker" in the event of equal distances between portals (e.g., always link to the Northmost/Westmost). For the purposes of this example, we'll call the "winning" selection Portal C. Portal A will lead to Portal C so long as it is active, however, Portal C will continue to lead to whatever portal it originally linked to. In the event that the exit location is an unlit portal, light that portal and hard link it back.
3. If at any time a Portal is unlit/deactivated, it will reset to null. All portals linking to it will reset to null. When relit/reactivated, re-caclulate it's exit point based on the above rules.
Completely sane, allows for minor modifications in portal placement, and allows some neat tricks with one-way portal chaining.
2. Game checks the map file for the opposite world. Does a Portal exist within x squares of the corresponding location in the other world, adjusting for distance compression?
--- i. If No, create new Portal B in the other world in as close to the same spot as possible. Portal A is now hard linked to Portal B, and will lead there so long as it is active. Portal B is now hard linked to Portal A, and will lead there so long as it is active.
--- ii. If Yes, Portal A is hard linked to the closest portal to the corresponding location in total block distance adjusted for compression, lit or unlit, with some form of consistent "tiebreaker" in the event of equal distances between portals (e.g., always link to the Northmost/Westmost). For the purposes of this example, we'll call the "winning" selection Portal C. Portal A will lead to Portal C so long as it is active, however, Portal C will continue to lead to whatever portal it originally linked to. In the event that the exit location is an unlit portal, light that portal and hard link it back.
3. If at any time a Portal is unlit/deactivated, it will reset to null. All portals linking to it will reset to null. When relit/reactivated, re-caclulate it's exit point based on the above rules.
Completely sane, allows for minor modifications in portal placement, and allows some neat tricks with one-way portal chaining.
I don't know if I'd lime that - it lacks specificity for some interesting cases.
Suppose real world portal A links to hell portal A' and then you create another real world portal B, which according to the above links back to A'. When you reenter A' does it take you back to B, or to originally-linked portal A?
mspencer on
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
I don't know if I'd lime that - it lacks specificity for some interesting cases.
Suppose real world portal A links to hell portal A' and then you create another real world portal B, which according to the above links back to A'. When you reenter A' does it take you back to B, or to originally-linked portal A?
A, since it's where it was hardlinked originally. Portal B would have to be >8 spaces away from A to create a separate portal from A'.
Currently, if I create portal A, and portal A' gets created in the nether, I can create portal B, over 50 blocks away, both horizontally and vertically, and it'll still link to A'. Which is just stupid. In the nether, I can create portal B', which shares a side with portal A', so it should show up about 16 squares away from A, but instead it shows up like 100 squares away in the normal world.
It just doesn't make sense all the time.
ArcSyn on
AegisFear My DanceOvershot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered Userregular
edited November 2010
Another test music track! This time by deadmau5 in collaboration with C418 (C418 already having music in the game, I believe) as a test night track.
Liking the direction of the music between this track and the sunrise/day one.
We tried that too, there's no obvious markings on the card itself.
aaand I've never used Event Viewer. I browsed around in it, can't find any mentions of the BSOD or minecraft, but I'm probably doing it wrong.
bowen, when you say try another directory, what do you mean?
edit: I have gone in and deleted the .minecraft from the appdata folder.
I shall help you indentify said card
Open device manager
Right click your graphics card
Click properties
Click Details
Click the dropdown and select Hardware Id's
Copy and paste the 4 digits after VEN_ and DEV_
VEN_ should be 1002 if its an ATI card DEV_ will tell me what card it is.
I have a forest heavy biome next to a winter biome with a decently high mountain.
Two fun things I've discovered:
You can place water about 1 block in the air over a block with a snow tile on it. It splays out nicely in every direction right away and with a decently steep mountain, you get some awesomely wide waterfalls without much effort. So I've surrounded my mountaintop base of operations with these to keep monsters out.
Next, I set fire to every tree within sight. Nighttimes are a wonder to behold both because of the still-burning fires everywhere and because of all the monsters running around on fire.
We tried that too, there's no obvious markings on the card itself.
aaand I've never used Event Viewer. I browsed around in it, can't find any mentions of the BSOD or minecraft, but I'm probably doing it wrong.
bowen, when you say try another directory, what do you mean?
edit: I have gone in and deleted the .minecraft from the appdata folder.
I shall help you indentify said card
Open device manager
Right click your graphics card
Click properties
Click Details
Click the dropdown and select Hardware Id's
Copy and paste the 4 digits after VEN_ and DEV_
VEN_ should be 1002 if its an ATI card DEV_ will tell me what card it is.
AegisFear My DanceOvershot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered Userregular
edited November 2010
Note to self: when peering down in your Nether portal entrance at the landscape beneath you, do not ignore the ghast fireball coming towards you. I ended up falling about 50 stories into the gigantic lava lake below, but by some miracle right next to an island so I quickly hopped out. Of course now I could only stare back up at my only portal out of the Nether, so I spent the next hour and a half digging up through hell to try and find a way back.
Finally broke into my previous tunnels and found my portal, so the bonus is that now I have a path down out from my portal but christ was that ever an annoying mistake.
If Notch is saying that the 1:8 ration is what is screwing with the portals, why doesn't he set a flag that you can't put a portal within 8 blocks of another in the "real" world?
Sonar on
I'm building a real pirate ship. Really. Wanna help? Click here!
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
I don't mind making the spawning like it is (sort of), but we need a way to get back to the status quo. We had a gigantic underground apartment and cave system on our server, and shit wont stop spawning in it while it's very brightly lit.
AegisFear My DanceOvershot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered Userregular
edited November 2010
Mmm, portals for me seem to be working quite fine provided I set them far enough apart. Went into Hell through my main portal, walked across a few chunks, built a new portal, and popped out in a snow biome miles from my main portal. That second portal exit connects back to the 2nd Hell portal and not the first, and I was even able to move the exit from a cave just below the surface to above ground so I don't keep showing up underground and the portals still connected fine.
So i have a question... what did the latest patch actually do? Just fix the crazy spawning and armor broke? what else?
Oh and i've made a bunch of things for my mountain side house, i have so much more room i dont know what to do with! ive been my own water slide, glassmaze room, kitchen, lounge, store room, water/lava source room, portal room, bedroom. inside ice skating rink, and inside fishing room. i have no idea what else.. any ideas or should i just start a new world?
Notyetdone on
Sometimes, when no one is watching..
I dig straight down...
Im going to laugh when i see on the news that a criminal prone kid strangled his brother to death with a shoelace when he erased his minecraft save.
* Signs on the sides of cacti no longer crash the game
* The player won’t get stuck on the top of the world in multiplayer
* Reverted mob spawning back to the old code, it was far to annoying. I have plans on what to do with this.
* Fixed the leaf particle colors
* Reduced CPU usage for monster spawning, but there’s still a lot of work to be done to reduce lag on SMP servers.
* Attempted to fix the portal dupe bug where you could exit through a different (new) one than the one you entered through.
So I got this game about three weeks ago, been playing and having some fun just messing around and exploring cave systems.
Then I had an idea for my second big project. (First was a medium size pyramid that I scrapped when the world didn't interest me so much)
Now I've (mostly) finished this second project and thought I might share some pictures with you fine people.
spoiled for size.
At a distance during the day.
The one and only entrance.
Close up shot of the glass roof.
One last exterior distance shot at night.
All that's left to do is finish the top floors. I left them as bare as needed to continue on up and finish the tower. The top-most block sits just one level under the build ceiling. Then I worked on getting the exterior to look like I wanted. It may be somewhat simplistic, but I'm happy with it.
That's pretty nice. Definitely gonna stick that on next time the sun rises. They are so gorgeous now.
I must have missed something, how do you get your game looking this smexy?
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Full screen, turn the brightness and constract to 100% and RGB values I use for it are 80 80 100
Render it in a 3D Modeling Program :P
closest we've got now (AFAIK) is MrMMod's Ambient Occlusion
That doesn't sound like a Java problem IMO. I think you've got to figure out what video card you've got in the box and install the drivers.
It also looks like you're using a Helpdesk account. I'm not uptodate with my Win7 default accounts but that account (if it is a built in windows account) may be limited in its functions. Try using an admin account.
there is actually a plugin for hey0 mod that implements pvp. I am experimenting with it on my own server right now with some interesting results.
It also allows mobs to be killed which result in exp and eventually you level up.
Overall its pretty cool and me and my friends spent a good day just running around fighting each other in forts we built
Helpdesk is what we named the account. (I do IT for my University) Administrator is the main account, we tried that too. I tried installing the x300, x500, AND x1000 drivers. None worked, all instantly give a BSOD and reboot the machine.
Ah, the lack of capitals in the name should have tipped me off.
Whats coming up in the Event Viewer for the crashes (the driver bsods and the minecraft crashes)?
Also you need to properly identify the video card. At this point, you should prob just pop the box and look directly at the thing.
and then we can stage Minecraft-The Musical
3DS: 0447-9966-6178
Yeah it appears to be an issue with the OGL library. You took the obvious step to upgrade the video card drivers. The C in front of some of those registers indicate that it's an issue with the native library and not the Java VM itself. Anyway you could try another directory?
The latest patch undid the crazy spawning.
We tried that too, there's no obvious markings on the card itself.
aaand I've never used Event Viewer. I browsed around in it, can't find any mentions of the BSOD or minecraft, but I'm probably doing it wrong.
bowen, when you say try another directory, what do you mean?
edit: I have gone in and deleted the .minecraft from the appdata folder.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Not even a serial number or anything?
It'll probably keep giving you those errors until you get an updated graphics driver, I don't think moving it is going to help. It seems your graphics card driver, as it is, doesn't support OGL fully.
1. Player creates/lights up Portal A.
2. Game checks the map file for the opposite world. Does a Portal exist within x squares of the corresponding location in the other world, adjusting for distance compression?
--- i. If No, create new Portal B in the other world in as close to the same spot as possible. Portal A is now hard linked to Portal B, and will lead there so long as it is active. Portal B is now hard linked to Portal A, and will lead there so long as it is active.
--- ii. If Yes, Portal A is hard linked to the closest portal to the corresponding location in total block distance adjusted for compression, lit or unlit, with some form of consistent "tiebreaker" in the event of equal distances between portals (e.g., always link to the Northmost/Westmost). For the purposes of this example, we'll call the "winning" selection Portal C. Portal A will lead to Portal C so long as it is active, however, Portal C will continue to lead to whatever portal it originally linked to. In the event that the exit location is an unlit portal, light that portal and hard link it back.
3. If at any time a Portal is unlit/deactivated, it will reset to null. All portals linking to it will reset to null. When relit/reactivated, re-caclulate it's exit point based on the above rules.
Completely sane, allows for minor modifications in portal placement, and allows some neat tricks with one-way portal chaining.
Progress on Atlas, I scaled him down a bit so that he may feasibly fit inside of a building.
Gamertag: PM me
Suppose real world portal A links to hell portal A' and then you create another real world portal B, which according to the above links back to A'. When you reenter A' does it take you back to B, or to originally-linked portal A?
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
A, since it's where it was hardlinked originally. Portal B would have to be >8 spaces away from A to create a separate portal from A'.
Currently, if I create portal A, and portal A' gets created in the nether, I can create portal B, over 50 blocks away, both horizontally and vertically, and it'll still link to A'. Which is just stupid. In the nether, I can create portal B', which shares a side with portal A', so it should show up about 16 squares away from A, but instead it shows up like 100 squares away in the normal world.
It just doesn't make sense all the time.
Liking the direction of the music between this track and the sunrise/day one.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
I shall help you indentify said card
Open device manager
Right click your graphics card
Click properties
Click Details
Click the dropdown and select Hardware Id's
Copy and paste the 4 digits after VEN_ and DEV_
VEN_ should be 1002 if its an ATI card DEV_ will tell me what card it is.
Two fun things I've discovered:
You can place water about 1 block in the air over a block with a snow tile on it. It splays out nicely in every direction right away and with a decently steep mountain, you get some awesomely wide waterfalls without much effort. So I've surrounded my mountaintop base of operations with these to keep monsters out.
Next, I set fire to every tree within sight. Nighttimes are a wonder to behold both because of the still-burning fires everywhere and because of all the monsters running around on fire.
I just found a small floating island.
this will be.... interesting....o_O
God, that must have made c418's day to collab with him. Lucky bastard.
Finally broke into my previous tunnels and found my portal, so the bonus is that now I have a path down out from my portal but christ was that ever an annoying mistake.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
He could make it out of those new lightsource blocks from hell! They work great as underwater lighting.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
I can actually play again? Woohoo!
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Oh and i've made a bunch of things for my mountain side house, i have so much more room i dont know what to do with! ive been my own water slide, glassmaze room, kitchen, lounge, store room, water/lava source room, portal room, bedroom. inside ice skating rink, and inside fishing room. i have no idea what else.. any ideas or should i just start a new world?
I dig straight down...
Im going to laugh when i see on the news that a criminal prone kid strangled his brother to death with a shoelace when he erased his minecraft save.
Then I had an idea for my second big project. (First was a medium size pyramid that I scrapped when the world didn't interest me so much)
Now I've (mostly) finished this second project and thought I might share some pictures with you fine people.
spoiled for size.
All that's left to do is finish the top floors. I left them as bare as needed to continue on up and finish the tower. The top-most block sits just one level under the build ceiling. Then I worked on getting the exterior to look like I wanted. It may be somewhat simplistic, but I'm happy with it.
That's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that he would bring them to light and ridicule them. :P
I'm a big boy. I can take it.