I've got a couple of these stored away.
First, the scenery
Why 1k needles is pretty dang awesome:
The gateway into Blackfathom Depths
Rain rain go away come again another day
The sun sets on the warlock and his hussy
Been mining mining mining since the day I was born
Hey look, a halo!
I still can't believe this pic:
Probably the coolest picture I have of my retired warrior:
A picture many of you are no doubt used to. A typical raid getting ready for the first encounter of the night:
Arathi Basin, 48 killing blows. I think that's some sort of record.
And, of course, what screenshot thread would be complete without this:
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
we keeping the old screenshot thread too?
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
This is a general purpose SS thread, like a cool pvp shot, scenery shot, mob shot, etc. The other is to show off your character.
i.e. This is kosher here, but not there:
SSBB: 2921-8745-1438
Diamond: 2320-2615-4086
Eversong has to be one of the zones they really nailed. I just love the entire theme and aura there.
My Favorite Screenshot to this Day:
Ghalan - Tauren Druid
Strider: The stars look beautiful tonight...
Orc: Not now honey, not now.
Bing 60 Warrior
Wymond 40 Rogue
before green whelped armor got nerfed (oldie):
40 man tuber pickings (another oldie):
lawls sheri
Cross posted because I have the raddest character ever.
But oh how love it when she does it.
This is so far my favorite zone visually in the Outlands.
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Fuck that guy
What's funny is that there's an identical OMGHUEG wall on the east coast of Eversong, with no room whatsoever for anything behind it but the ocean. :P
Also, forest trolls are fucking huge.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
Lol Shadra.
Steam id: skoot LoL id: skoot
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
that's fel molten core to you!
this whole green + fire = FEL OMG DEMONZ thing is kind of annoying, with the amount of things that are green and firey.
3DS: 5241-1953-7031