Here's a hard one. I remember a part of a movie I saw as a kid in the early 90's on tv. I've actually been passively looking for it for over a decade, so I figured I might as well post.
I remember one scene clearly: There's a cloaked grim reaper figure standing on a huge pile of bones. He's not moving. Two regular people approach, one goes right up there. The reaper envelopes this person, and all his bones fall out at the reaper's feet.
This movie is NOT The Last Action Hero.
i think that was the first on screen boobies i ever saw as well. and it was PG!
edit: Also - I watched the SHIT out of that movie when I was a kid, and its subsequent sequels. Know who's in that movie that totally blew my mind last time I watched it? Rip motherfucking Torn. But I don't think that's the movie rabbit is looking for.
-Current W.I.P.
How could I have missed this? a decade of wasted time when I could have been watching it!
Edit: Apparently it wasn't a hard question. Done in one, wtf.