Replied back to last year's PM, so hopefully you have my info now. I'm following this thread now too, so if my info doesn't come through let me know and I'll try again. Basically, my contact info is the same as last year, so if you have that PM, then we are good to go. Also, if access to the cookie brigade site can be sorted out I can monitor that too. My account name there is the same as here.
Ah, yes: now I see what happened. It was so long ago that we hadn't actually established the whole questionaire protocol yet. Okay, you're all set! Sorry about the red tape there.
Okay, both of you should have access now: head to the Events section and sign up! We're pulling up to the stop before mine. Phew, last minute!
To all other Brigadiers or potential Brigadiers: if you received a PM and haven't replied to it, at this point we're out of time. Please reply to the PM so we can get you set up for the next PAX! If you have baked and wish to still participate or contribute, try to flag down one of us at PAX itself and we'll see what we can do!
Yay! I'm so excited! I'm done with baking, now I'm just packing and FREAKING OUT!!! lol
I had no heat last night, leaving my apartment too cold to sleep in. I'm running on 2 hours sleep and about to be on my way to Boston in an hour. I know how you feel. I hope your cookies have enough sugar to keep me going for a little bit. Mine do, but there for the other PAXers.
TheRobotGuy on
Fuck You Bottle is the name of my Jonathan Coulton cover band.
I'm going to start following the #needcookies tag on Twitter if anyone is craving a Cookie Brigade delivery.
The official hash tag for the brigade is #paxcookies. If you use this hashtag while tweeting a few of us are monitoring it but its primarily for brigadiers who need supplies or access. I"m also monitoring just the phrase Cookie Brigade but I'll add #needcookies as well.
Glad you guys are enjoying them! We started out today with a massive pile of supplies. That pile has now dwindled, but we'll be out in-force to round out the last day of PAX Sunday! So look for us.
Glad you guys are enjoying them! We started out today with a massive pile of supplies. That pile has now dwindled, but we'll be out in-force to round out the last day of PAX Sunday! So look for us.
I bought some bacon and choclatechip cookies from Punzie...If anyone else have those, please let me know where to find you! You can have all my money!
D Versus A on
Friend: Wow..what happened to him?
Me: He dun goofed.
Friend: .........What?
Glad I could help out, and I really like the pin! Though the little backing fell off and I nearly lost it only about 2 hours after I got it. :P
I actually only saw 2 brigadiers all weekend, and then only one of them had cookies, but wasn't actively handing them out at the time. I guess I was just never where you guys were? The cookies I got were pretty good, in any case!
I had such a good time! I did notice that a lot of people had no idea what the cookie brigade was all about, but once they heard what and why we were doing what we were, people were more than generous!
On Saturday night, I just happened to come across two gentlemen who were willing to take a pic with me showing off my CB bag!
Krissta on
aerynkellynothing to see here, move alongRegistered Userregular
I had such a good time! I did notice that a lot of people had no idea what the cookie brigade was all about, but once they heard what and why we were doing what we were, people were more than generous!
On Saturday night, I just happened to come across two gentlemen who were willing to take a pic with me showing off my CB bag!
I had such a good time! I did notice that a lot of people had no idea what the cookie brigade was all about, but once they heard what and why we were doing what we were, people were more than generous!
On Saturday night, I just happened to come across two gentlemen who were willing to take a pic with me showing off my CB bag!
... Awesome! I found the tall gentleman in front of me at Starbucks in the Boston Waterfront Westin this morning and gave him the chocolate chips cookies I set aside for him and his friend.
crimsong19 on
PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
Phew, I got home and immediately went to sleep... so tired!
But now that I'm awake, I can announce that we have officially earned more than $9600 for Child's Play!
Thank you also to all the bakers, who have made an unprecedented sum of cookies: more than we've ever received before, and that allowed us to continue distributing all the way through even right up to and during the Omegathon finals itself!
And thank you to the distributors, who ran around all weekend giving cookies to those in need!
And most especially, a HUGE thank you to everyone at PAX for your generosity: every single one of you who gladly took a cookie and contributed to Child's Play have brought about another record setting PAX for the Cookie Brigade, and another astoundingly large sum for Child's Play! You guys rock SO MUCH!
Phew, I got home and immediately went to sleep... so tired!
But now that I'm awake, I can announce that we have officially earned more than $9600 for Child's Play!
Thank you also to all the bakers, who have made an unprecedented sum of cookies: more than we've ever received before, and that allowed us to continue distributing all the way through even right up to and during the Omegathon finals itself!
And thank you to the distributors, who ran around all weekend giving cookies to those in need!
And most especially, a HUGE thank you to everyone at PAX for your generosity: every single one of you who gladly took a cookie and contributed to Child's Play have brought about another record setting PAX for the Cookie Brigade, and another astoundingly large sum for Child's Play! You guys rock SO MUCH!
Phew, I got home and immediately went to sleep... so tired!
But now that I'm awake, I can announce that we have officially earned more than $9600 for Child's Play!
Thank you also to all the bakers, who have made an unprecedented sum of cookies: more than we've ever received before, and that allowed us to continue distributing all the way through even right up to and during the Omegathon finals itself!
And thank you to the distributors, who ran around all weekend giving cookies to those in need!
And most especially, a HUGE thank you to everyone at PAX for your generosity: every single one of you who gladly took a cookie and contributed to Child's Play have brought about another record setting PAX for the Cookie Brigade, and another astoundingly large sum for Child's Play! You guys rock SO MUCH!
Totally awesome!
crimsong19 on
PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
I spoke with a very nice woman from the cookie brigade Saturday night at the concert. She offered me and my friends some buckeyes and I threw in $10 for Child's Play. She had Tetris toys for us to say thanks.
Later in the evening we saw a rolled-up poster on the ground and couldn't figure out who it belonged to. We are worried it belonged to our cookie guardian angel, but couldn't find her.
I haven't opened the poster in case it was something special/personal, but I still have it.
So if you meet this description, and are missing a poster, let me know and I'll figure out how to get it to you.
I baked for the Brigade this year and I can't wait to come back next year and distribute. I made my cookies with lots of love and I hope they went over well! Mine were vegan peanut butter, lemon poppyseed, molasses spice, and of course a crapton of chocolate chip.
I was in over my head. Next year, I'll do better. Over 9000 is freakin' sweet, though.
You weren't the only one. It's daunting.
This was my second year, I only kinda sorta distributed at Prime and it was intimidating. This year was just as intimidating, but I found teaming up made it much easier. So I spent most of the weekend running around with AerynKelly and Robziel.
Thanks to everyone who baked, donated, and ate my homemade Oreo Balls! They were apparently a big hit. It felt amazing to raise money for Child's Play and I had such a fun time in the process!
Highlight of my weekend was Jerry and Mike trying the VERY LAST ONES I had left. What an experience.
I was in over my head. Next year, I'll do better. Over 9000 is freakin' sweet, though.
You weren't the only one. It's daunting.
This was my second year, I only kinda sorta distributed at Prime and it was intimidating. This year was just as intimidating, but I found teaming up made it much easier. So I spent most of the weekend running around with AerynKelly and Robziel.
Yeah, I am in this club too. Intimidation paralysis got me down a bit. Definitely going to try to team up from the get go next time - the more the merrier, eh?
Also, whoever made the chocolate chip cookies using Alton Brown's recipe...rave reviews from everyone I passed those out to on Friday (ooooh they were gone right quick)! Had someone get one, take a bite, and promptly donate again for another.
But ohhhh man you guys, over $9600?! This is amazingly wonderful.
To all other Brigadiers or potential Brigadiers: if you received a PM and haven't replied to it, at this point we're out of time. Please reply to the PM so we can get you set up for the next PAX! If you have baked and wish to still participate or contribute, try to flag down one of us at PAX itself and we'll see what we can do!
I made three kinds of cookies. They're all bagged 2 to a bag, and have lame little tags. :P
16 bags of chocolate with peanut butter chips
13 bags chocolate chip
17 bag cinnamon chip
I had no heat last night, leaving my apartment too cold to sleep in. I'm running on 2 hours sleep and about to be on my way to Boston in an hour. I know how you feel. I hope your cookies have enough sugar to keep me going for a little bit. Mine do, but there for the other PAXers.
Hmmm... I wonder how many we could make tonight.
Who do I take 'em to, and how/when do I get 'em there? I'm at the seaport, so it's not a big deal to get cookies to where they need to be.
If you could get back to me @boozysmurf on twitter, or my GF, @dogandgarden we can get these cookies into your hands!
Bring them to BYOC
*The face is in fact a face of determination.
The official hash tag for the brigade is #paxcookies. If you use this hashtag while tweeting a few of us are monitoring it but its primarily for brigadiers who need supplies or access. I"m also monitoring just the phrase Cookie Brigade but I'll add #needcookies as well.
Whoever it was, I gave you one of my trading cards!
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
it wasn't a demand... it was an announcement. the chocolatechip were wonderful
I bought some bacon and choclatechip cookies from Punzie...If anyone else have those, please let me know where to find you! You can have all my money!
Me: He dun goofed.
Friend: .........What?
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
And I've only seen one other brigadier on the floor. I want to buy cookies, too!
And really? Goatse cookies? You sick little puppies... :P
Tweet me @Landerolin
I actually only saw 2 brigadiers all weekend, and then only one of them had cookies, but wasn't actively handing them out at the time. I guess I was just never where you guys were? The cookies I got were pretty good, in any case!
On Saturday night, I just happened to come across two gentlemen who were willing to take a pic with me showing off my CB bag!
that's so cool!
Phew, I got home and immediately went to sleep... so tired!
But now that I'm awake, I can announce that we have officially earned more than $9600 for Child's Play!
Thank you also to all the bakers, who have made an unprecedented sum of cookies: more than we've ever received before, and that allowed us to continue distributing all the way through even right up to and during the Omegathon finals itself!
And thank you to the distributors, who ran around all weekend giving cookies to those in need!
And most especially, a HUGE thank you to everyone at PAX for your generosity: every single one of you who gladly took a cookie and contributed to Child's Play have brought about another record setting PAX for the Cookie Brigade, and another astoundingly large sum for Child's Play! You guys rock SO MUCH!
I spoke with a very nice woman from the cookie brigade Saturday night at the concert. She offered me and my friends some buckeyes and I threw in $10 for Child's Play. She had Tetris toys for us to say thanks.
Later in the evening we saw a rolled-up poster on the ground and couldn't figure out who it belonged to. We are worried it belonged to our cookie guardian angel, but couldn't find her.
I haven't opened the poster in case it was something special/personal, but I still have it.
So if you meet this description, and are missing a poster, let me know and I'll figure out how to get it to you.
I baked for the Brigade this year and I can't wait to come back next year and distribute. I made my cookies with lots of love and I hope they went over well! Mine were vegan peanut butter, lemon poppyseed, molasses spice, and of course a crapton of chocolate chip.
You weren't the only one.
This was my second year, I only kinda sorta distributed at Prime and it was intimidating. This year was just as intimidating, but I found teaming up made it much easier. So I spent most of the weekend running around with AerynKelly and Robziel.
Highlight of my weekend was Jerry and Mike trying the VERY LAST ONES I had left. What an experience.
Yeah, I am in this club too. Intimidation paralysis got me down a bit. Definitely going to try to team up from the get go next time - the more the merrier, eh?
Also, whoever made the chocolate chip cookies using Alton Brown's recipe...rave reviews from everyone I passed those out to on Friday (ooooh they were gone right quick)! Had someone get one, take a bite, and promptly donate again for another.
But ohhhh man you guys, over $9600?! This is amazingly wonderful.