Well my Santa the ever dapper Decius went all out for my gifts.
First he got me some great smaller poster.
Then a nice large poster of dr.gonzo
I also received a 1000 foot roll of biohazard tape. I am now prepared for the apocalypse.
and lastly a nice hiding place for various items.
I would like to give a big thank you to decius for going above and beyond the call of duty for this amazing set of gifts. Also for smalllady for setting of the secret Santa thread this year.
chupamiubre on
<ZeroHourHero> I have a tiny penis
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks #paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
And guess what? It includes a personally made breakfast.
The random nature of it all means, breakfast was always meant to be. Remember kids, start your mornings right!
Omg that's amazing!
I've always considered brunch a sport here in Boston.
juju on
PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf! PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House! Twitter: @jujukoo
I hope you enjoy you gifts when you receive them. They are on their way! I just wanted to give you a heads up. They are shipping from different places, so one is likely to arrive on a separate date than the other (I tried REALLY hard to coordinate, but no luck). That being said, If you recieve the smaller of the two first , know that more is on the way! = D
While this will mostly give me away, since you gave me a range of dates when you will not be home, i opted for the later. Please know your gift will be arriving very shortly after christmaschanukwanza. Have a happy holiday
Chaosisorder wins at Santaing. And I have photographic proof.
After giving a very vague description of what I liked, I arrived home after work to find a box in my room. I opened it up, and it literally exploded with awesomeness!
I kept digging and more and more stuff poured out. I think she found an actual bag of holding.
A very beautiful card started off the avalanche.
It's pointing too a line that says "Best Wish For You And Happy New Year"
Inside the card was a gift certificate to Kitsch Bent, my favorite site for modding materials for a particular wrapped gift that was in the box.
Underneath that was the infamous bag that held a mouse pad that had a party atmosphere...
A book with words, for the people...
You may be able to officially call me a dirty commie when I get done reading it
And a game, sure to drive you insane.
Under the bag was a pretty sweet scarf, and the most awesome shirt to ever awesome!
I, for one, welcome our benevolent alien overlords.
And under that, was a bunch of paper out which you can make things.
I honestly can't believe how generous Chaos was. And I am infinitely humbled. I'm going to go on record however, that I'm not going to accept this generocity without a little pay back (especially with having to ship all this from China). So for all to see...I proclaim that the majority of Chaos drinks, alchoholic or not, will be on me the next PAX Prime!!
It's honestly the least I could do to show my thanks for such amazing gifts!
*hopes to get her again next year *
EDIT: It keeps coming...kick ass button in bottom of bag get!
@JonnyNero That bundle of stuff reeks of win, truly amazing. I too am humbled
kropotkin on
juju[E] Line Entertainment!Brookline, MARegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
Holy crap. That's absolutely amazing. O_O
juju on
PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf! PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House! Twitter: @jujukoo
SpawnOfCthulhuAlso that Snifit guy.Gig Harbor, WARegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
My secret santa present arrived JUST NOW.
It's filled with awesome stuff (a bacon wallet and an awesome LOST t-shirt).
Pardon the bad photos, all I have is a crappy webcam right now.
Thanks Slicehawk!
I should be shipping my secret santa gift near the end of the week.
SpawnOfCthulhu on
juju[E] Line Entertainment!Brookline, MARegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
My Seekrit Santa was BrokenAngel although she made no mention of the fact it was her but I'm stealth like that yaknow.
I got home to find the mail in the living room annnnddddd...
...a package near the treeeee!
I quickly tore it open to find tons of goodies, including:
An awesome letter detailing the epic journey that created my Seekrit Santa gift. I love stories. And letters. Well written ones at that! So happy.
I also got this ADORABLE little creature fashioned from artic beast pelt! I named her Schmoopie. She is a Nintendo DS holder. I have 2 DSes, so my DSi can be a good Schmoopie skeleton for the time being.
Along with Schmoopie a fantastic collection of politically correct bedtime stories, to set me straight as I go off to the land of Nod
I was also sent some festive York glasses! Somehow, however, they made my vision worse no matter how I adjusted them. They smelled faintly of chocolate and peppermint, so after a while I could not help it but eat them. There was also a bag of candies which I would have taken a picture of but they are all in my belly now.
Lastly but not leastly, a copy of Bayonetta procured from a traveling merchant:
Alas! The merchant swindled you! I do not own a PS3. But I will find one! Or borrow one! Or trade the game via other merchants to get an Xbox version. No worries!
Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your present. It made me really happy amidst a really stressful last couple of weeks. Please allow me to buy you a drink at the next PAX, yes yes? I will bring and reunite you with Schmoopie after giving it much tender loving care.
juju on
PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf! PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House! Twitter: @jujukoo
Wow, people have been really creative with their Secret Santa presents. No one has yet owned up to being mine as yet, but I do keep getting mysterious stuff arriving through my door.
I have sent mine by the way, I can't wait to hear what they make of my present.
You've been very good this year. Here at the North Pole we appreciate your dedication towards creating wonderful forum badges. Even I have trouble getting Mrs. Claus to make enough Christmas cards. I hope you enjoy your gift. The elves forgot to update the workshop calendar and shipped out the initial present a little earlier than I liked. A secondary package may have now arrived due to our exceptional raindeer squad. Once again thank you for all that you do and for being an awesome Paxer!
I have not received one yet... I've been so busy worrying about the fact that my Santee didn't get his, I didn't even think about it until now!
VThornheart on
3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
I have not received mine either--neither for this one or for Twitter Secret Santa. Personally, though, I think my local USPS has a thing against me. I ordered quite a few things the during Black Friday weekend.and I have yet to receive it.
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
You should be receiving your gifts soon. Be forewarned though, they may be shipped in a box labeled from MasterTech. (My uncle offered to handle it for me from his business with UPS).
You've been very good this year. Here at the North Pole we appreciate your dedication towards creating wonderful forum badges. Even I have trouble getting Mrs. Claus to make enough Christmas cards. I hope you enjoy your gift. The elves forgot to update the workshop calendar and shipped out the initial present a little earlier than I liked. A secondary package may have now arrived due to our exceptional raindeer squad. Once again thank you for all that you do and for being an awesome Paxer!
Ho Ho Ho
Many many thanks to you for this excellent gift. Munchkin Cthulu edition is a fine game and one that stands well along side my fledgling collection of tabletop games. The expansion pack was also a welcome surprise as that will add much to the hilarity that is Munchkin. You can never have too many Munchkin cards my friend. That rule is almost up there with Wheaton's Law. Almost.
Thank you once again. If you're attending a PAX this year then I'd love to play a game of Munchkin with you. Or anything else that takes your fancy. Unless it's called Agricola. That game is a piece of TURD.
According to my Tracking one of my gifts has been delivered, the other still needs to ship (GAH!), it still says it's arriving before X-mas, so hopefully that still happens.
Regarding My Gifter:
As I said in my emails before, I moved and filled out a change of address form before the gift being sent to me was delivered. (Though I don't know who my sender is still) The tracking information says it was delivered to my old residence on 12/06, however my previous roomates say they do not have any packages, or mail for me.
Sadly, I think that either:
My old roomates took it (It was a bad move out process so it's possible I guess...)
or more likely they wrote "MOVED" on the shipping label and threw it back outside. Either way, as I said in my email please don't punish my sender if the gift is lost in the postal system.
I'm sorry for all the trouble and I'd like to apologize to my sender if this doesn't result with a happy conclusion = (
According to my Tracking one of my gifts has been delivered, the other still needs to ship (GAH!), it still says it's arriving before X-mas, so hopefully that still happens.
Regarding My Gifter:
As I said in my emails before, I moved and filled out a change of address form before the gift being sent to me was delivered. (Though I don't know who my sender is still) The tracking information says it was delivered to my old residence on 12/06, however my previous roomates say they do not have any packages, or mail for me.
Sadly, I think that either:
My old roomates took it (It was a bad move out process so it's possible I guess...)
or more likely they wrote "MOVED" on the shipping label and threw it back outside. Either way, as I said in my email please don't punish my sender if the gift is lost in the postal system.
I'm sorry for all the trouble and I'd like to apologize to my sender if this doesn't result with a happy conclusion = (
can you call your local post office about this? because if they kept the package, that's theft and a serious crime.
SmallLady on
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
According to my Tracking one of my gifts has been delivered, the other still needs to ship (GAH!), it still says it's arriving before X-mas, so hopefully that still happens.
Regarding My Gifter:
As I said in my emails before, I moved and filled out a change of address form before the gift being sent to me was delivered. (Though I don't know who my sender is still) The tracking information says it was delivered to my old residence on 12/06, however my previous roomates say they do not have any packages, or mail for me.
Sadly, I think that either:
My old roomates took it (It was a bad move out process so it's possible I guess...)
or more likely they wrote "MOVED" on the shipping label and threw it back outside. Either way, as I said in my email please don't punish my sender if the gift is lost in the postal system.
I'm sorry for all the trouble and I'd like to apologize to my sender if this doesn't result with a happy conclusion = (
can you call your local post office about this? because if they kept the package, that's theft and a serious crime.
I'm working on it.
Post office doesn't have it,
and UPS told me to get in touch with the original shipper and have them arrange to pick it up and send it to the new address.
No response from the roommates either (which is nothing new)
I have a bit of a conundrum. I got a sweet gift in the mail today. I'll include pics later.
Here's the problem: there is a name on the billing address, a name in the note section, and neither are the same name. I'm part of two Secret Santas this year, and because they are real names and not forum names, I'm confused. I have this strange feeling that some random person on Facebook (where the name in the note is from, apparently) sent me this gift.
So please, Audrey or Carolyn, of whom neither are ducks, if you sent it, please send me a Private message so I can thank you properly.
feitocomfruta on
juju[E] Line Entertainment!Brookline, MARegistered Userregular
Please allow me to buy you a drink at the next PAX, yes yes? I will bring and reunite you with Schmoopie after giving it much tender loving care.
It would be a shame if most of us did not do that
I agree. We should all allow Juju to buy us a drink.
Hell, it's my home turf. If you can get me I'll take you to my favorite pub (5 min bus ride from the BCEC) and I'll buy ya round.
juju on
PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf! PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House! Twitter: @jujukoo
I have not received mine either--neither for this one or for Twitter Secret Santa. Personally, though, I think my local USPS has a thing against me. I ordered quite a few things the during Black Friday weekend.and I have yet to receive it.
I found out from a coworker today that a postal worker in the city where I work was caught stealing a ton of people's packages. He'd resell whatever he took.
He was fired but my friend said that he wasn't even charged with that much! I hope someone throws the book at him. What a jerk. Hope you're not in the same situation.
Mystral721 on
"Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"
I have a bit of a conundrum. I got a sweet gift in the mail today. I'll include pics later.
Here's the problem: there is a name on the billing address, a name in the note section, and neither are the same name. I'm part of two Secret Santas this year, and because they are real names and not forum names, I'm confused. I have this strange feeling that some random person on Facebook (where the name in the note is from, apparently) sent me this gift.
So please, Audrey or Carolyn, of whom neither are ducks, if you sent it, please send me a Private message so I can thank you properly.
I think that one's from me! Sorry - I thought I put my forum name in the gift note. Hope you like it!
Mystral721 on
"Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"
Gift is sent! Be warned though i believe its sent unlabeled (websites and there stupid not gifting options) I will send a card to but it might come at a different time.
I got a package from ThinkGeek! I got the Zombie Protest Hoodie & Zombie Dice! Right now I don't have a camera available (my phone camera is being fail) but I will post a pic when I can!
Now....for the real question....which one of you is Matt C.?
Many many thanks to you for this excellent gift. Munchkin Cthulu edition is a fine game and one that stands well along side my fledgling collection of tabletop games. The expansion pack was also a welcome surprise as that will add much to the hilarity that is Munchkin. You can never have too many Munchkin cards my friend. That rule is almost up there with Wheaton's Law. Almost.
Thank you once again. If you're attending a PAX this year then I'd love to play a game of Munchkin with you. Or anything else that takes your fancy. Unless it's called Agricola. That game is a piece of TURD.
Awesome. I've actually never played Munchkin before.. Good time to learn
And guess what? It includes a personally made breakfast.
The random nature of it all means, breakfast was always meant to be. Remember kids, start your mornings right!
Irresponsible Random Chatter - The IRC Webcast | Toasty Corp. Productions presents Video Games of 2010
lol Merry Xmas Jerk!
First he got me some great smaller poster.
Then a nice large poster of dr.gonzo
I also received a 1000 foot roll of biohazard tape. I am now prepared for the apocalypse.
and lastly a nice hiding place for various items.
I would like to give a big thank you to decius for going above and beyond the call of duty for this amazing set of gifts. Also for smalllady for setting of the secret Santa thread this year.
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks
#paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
I never finish anyth
Omg that's amazing!
I've always considered brunch a sport here in Boston.
PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
Twitter: @jujukoo
Oh my Santee
Where for art thou?
Did you get my present yet
From USPS,
they are not the best:
In fact they suck, I bet
Please do tell me
when you get it
I will cry great tears of joy
come rain, sleet, or hail
They should send the mail:
then you'll have your new toys!
I hope you enjoy you gifts when you receive them. They are on their way! I just wanted to give you a heads up. They are shipping from different places, so one is likely to arrive on a separate date than the other (I tried REALLY hard to coordinate, but no luck). That being said, If you recieve the smaller of the two first , know that more is on the way! = D
While this will mostly give me away, since you gave me a range of dates when you will not be home, i opted for the later. Please know your gift will be arriving very shortly after christmaschanukwanza. Have a happy holiday
The Crackgoblin
The hat in all it's glory as modeled by my eldest:
And the knight after a small skirmish with kid #2
Edit: Also to my santee: your box is next to my door for mailing tomorrow!
I am very sorry for not writing you sooner. School's been a beeotch. I have a list of likes in my profile.
I am an art student, I love arts and crafts, so anything handmade wins. Or world peace.
This is becoming extremely difficult so I'm going to end it there. Good Luck?
After giving a very vague description of what I liked, I arrived home after work to find a box in my room. I opened it up, and it literally exploded with awesomeness!
I kept digging and more and more stuff poured out. I think she found an actual bag of holding.
A very beautiful card started off the avalanche.
It's pointing too a line that says "Best Wish For You And Happy New Year"
Inside the card was a gift certificate to Kitsch Bent, my favorite site for modding materials for a particular wrapped gift that was in the box.
Underneath that was the infamous bag that held a mouse pad that had a party atmosphere...
A book with words, for the people...
You may be able to officially call me a dirty commie when I get done reading it
And a game, sure to drive you insane.
Under the bag was a pretty sweet scarf, and the most awesome shirt to ever awesome!
I, for one, welcome our benevolent alien overlords.
And under that, was a bunch of paper out which you can make things.
I honestly can't believe how generous Chaos was. And I am infinitely humbled. I'm going to go on record however, that I'm not going to accept this generocity without a little pay back (especially with having to ship all this from China). So for all to see...I proclaim that the majority of Chaos drinks, alchoholic or not, will be on me the next PAX Prime!!
It's honestly the least I could do to show my thanks for such amazing gifts!
*hopes to get her again next year *
EDIT: It keeps coming...kick ass button in bottom of bag get!
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
Twitter: @jujukoo
It's filled with awesome stuff (a bacon wallet and an awesome LOST t-shirt).
Pardon the bad photos, all I have is a crappy webcam right now.
Thanks Slicehawk!
I should be shipping my secret santa gift near the end of the week.
I got home to find the mail in the living room annnnddddd...
...a package near the treeeee!
I quickly tore it open to find tons of goodies, including:
An awesome letter detailing the epic journey that created my Seekrit Santa gift. I love stories. And letters. Well written ones at that! So happy.
I also got this ADORABLE little creature fashioned from artic beast pelt! I named her Schmoopie. She is a Nintendo DS holder. I have 2 DSes, so my DSi can be a good Schmoopie skeleton for the time being.
Along with Schmoopie a fantastic collection of politically correct bedtime stories, to set me straight as I go off to the land of Nod
I was also sent some festive York glasses! Somehow, however, they made my vision worse no matter how I adjusted them. They smelled faintly of chocolate and peppermint, so after a while I could not help it but eat them. There was also a bag of candies which I would have taken a picture of but they are all in my belly now.
Lastly but not leastly, a copy of Bayonetta procured from a traveling merchant:
Alas! The merchant swindled you! I do not own a PS3. But I will find one! Or borrow one! Or trade the game via other merchants to get an Xbox version. No worries!
Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your present. It made me really happy amidst a really stressful last couple of weeks. Please allow me to buy you a drink at the next PAX, yes yes? I will bring and reunite you with Schmoopie after giving it much tender loving care.
PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
Twitter: @jujukoo
I have sent mine by the way, I can't wait to hear what they make of my present.
List of Not yet received:
Neuroslice [Slicehawk]
You've been very good this year. Here at the North Pole we appreciate your dedication towards creating wonderful forum badges. Even I have trouble getting Mrs. Claus to make enough Christmas cards. I hope you enjoy your gift. The elves forgot to update the workshop calendar and shipped out the initial present a little earlier than I liked. A secondary package may have now arrived due to our exceptional raindeer squad. Once again thank you for all that you do and for being an awesome Paxer!
Ho Ho Ho
Irresponsible Random Chatter - The IRC Webcast | Toasty Corp. Productions presents Video Games of 2010
Please cross off tehnakki's name...or yell at her.
Proof she got it!
You should be receiving your gifts soon. Be forewarned though, they may be shipped in a box labeled from MasterTech. (My uncle offered to handle it for me from his business with UPS).
Hope you enjoy it!
It would be a shame if most of us did not do that
Many many thanks to you for this excellent gift. Munchkin Cthulu edition is a fine game and one that stands well along side my fledgling collection of tabletop games. The expansion pack was also a welcome surprise as that will add much to the hilarity that is Munchkin. You can never have too many Munchkin cards my friend. That rule is almost up there with Wheaton's Law. Almost.
Thank you once again. If you're attending a PAX this year then I'd love to play a game of Munchkin with you. Or anything else that takes your fancy. Unless it's called Agricola. That game is a piece of TURD.
According to my Tracking one of my gifts has been delivered, the other still needs to ship (GAH!), it still says it's arriving before X-mas, so hopefully that still happens.
Regarding My Gifter:
As I said in my emails before, I moved and filled out a change of address form before the gift being sent to me was delivered. (Though I don't know who my sender is still) The tracking information says it was delivered to my old residence on 12/06, however my previous roomates say they do not have any packages, or mail for me.
Sadly, I think that either:
My old roomates took it (It was a bad move out process so it's possible I guess...)
or more likely they wrote "MOVED" on the shipping label and threw it back outside. Either way, as I said in my email please don't punish my sender if the gift is lost in the postal system.
I'm sorry for all the trouble and I'd like to apologize to my sender if this doesn't result with a happy conclusion = (
can you call your local post office about this? because if they kept the package, that's theft and a serious crime.
I'm working on it.
Post office doesn't have it,
and UPS told me to get in touch with the original shipper and have them arrange to pick it up and send it to the new address.
No response from the roommates either (which is nothing new)
I'll keep trying
I agree. We should all allow Juju to buy us a drink.
I have a bit of a conundrum. I got a sweet gift in the mail today. I'll include pics later.
Here's the problem: there is a name on the billing address, a name in the note section, and neither are the same name. I'm part of two Secret Santas this year, and because they are real names and not forum names, I'm confused. I have this strange feeling that some random person on Facebook (where the name in the note is from, apparently) sent me this gift.
So please, Audrey or Carolyn, of whom neither are ducks, if you sent it, please send me a Private message so I can thank you properly.
Hell, it's my home turf. If you can get me I'll take you to my favorite pub (5 min bus ride from the BCEC) and I'll buy ya round.
PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
Twitter: @jujukoo
I found out from a coworker today that a postal worker in the city where I work was caught stealing a ton of people's packages. He'd resell whatever he took.
He was fired but my friend said that he wasn't even charged with that much! I hope someone throws the book at him. What a jerk. Hope you're not in the same situation.
I think that one's from me! Sorry - I thought I put my forum name in the gift note. Hope you like it!
I got a package from ThinkGeek! I got the Zombie Protest Hoodie & Zombie Dice! Right now I don't have a camera available (my phone camera is being fail) but I will post a pic when I can!
Now....for the real question....which one of you is Matt C.?
Awesome. I've actually never played Munchkin before.. Good time to learn
Irresponsible Random Chatter - The IRC Webcast | Toasty Corp. Productions presents Video Games of 2010