Welcome to the 3rd Penny Arcadian Warhammer 40,000 League!
And Munny Space Marines.
Also, Bjorn Says: GIVE ME YOUR FACE!
You can download the VASSAL wargaming application from
this link here, and the 40K module from
this link here. There is a new group of people working on this module, you can check the bugfixes, download the latest release, and keep up with plans for future revisions here:
http://www.vassal40k.infoHere is a link to some premade maps..You load them as a saved game, there might be an error that is was saved with a previous version, but it will work. Also, if the scatter die doesn't work right you can replace it from the models tab.
Here is a link to an old user guide, some of the options have changed, and the screens don't look exactly the same, but there is a lot of basic information there that will help you get a feel for the module.
Time period: until February 14th, Valentine's Day.
Army composition: you start with a Core (that you must take every game) of 900 to 1050 points; and a free section of 450-600 points, enough to make your total list no more than 1500 points. On January 1st, you can tweak your core.
Army list: Core + enough points to get you up to 1500.
Allowed Armies: All standard 40k armies (No Forge World)
Map: There are about 36 different maps included with the VASSAL package above. Randomly pick one to play on. Some of the maps have terrain and cover saves already determined. If not, agree with your opponent before the game how you want to play it.
Mission and Deployment: Use the VASSAL button.
How to play:
This is a challenge league, anyone can challenge another active player. However, they cannot play those players again until they play against every other currently active player. Challenges are valid for 72 hours (give or take the time it takes me to notice). If the challenge has not been accepted in that time the challenger will receive 1 point. If a player refuses/ignores/doesn't notice 2 challenges in a row they will be marked inactive, until they issue a challenge again. If you already have a game you are setting up you can freely decline a challenge, but you do not have to.
Scoring: 1 point for a draw, 2 points for a win.
Rule disputes: If something crops up in a game that cannot be conclusively settled, post it here and I'll make a ruling on how it should be played within the league.
Anything that needs to be further clarified? Did I leave anything important out?
When you signup please post your faction, time zone, core list, and the best day and time for you to play.
..........................Faction.......Time Zone
Eldercat................DADW............GMT -6
Moridin889..............BA...............GMT -6
Susan.................Necrons..........GMT -8
TheLawinator..........IG................GMT -6
Extreaminatus.........DE...............GMT -6
Sharp101...............SM...............GMT -5
NotoriusBEN........Tyranids...........GMT -8
Sageoftimes...........Tau..............GMT -8
Skarsol.................Eldar.............GMT -6
Simpsonia...............BA..............GMT -6
Huntzy....................BA..............GMT -?
Halos Nach Tariff.....DE..............GMT -0
Current Ranking:
Table with match history:
Go down the list to find your name then look across to find the result per opponent.
Old participants:
It made me very sad to not be able to have assault cannons on everything.
Elite: Sanguinary Priest (3) = 150
Assault Squad (5)- No jump packs, Meltagun, Sg with P-fist = 135
DT- Razorback: TL-Assault Cannon = 55
Assault Squad (5)- No jump packs, Meltagun, Sg with P-fist = 135
DT- Razorback: TL-Assault Cannon = 55
Assault Squad (5)- No Jump packs, Meltagun, SG with P-fist = 135
DT- Razorback: TL-Assault Cannon = 55
Death Company (5) = 100
DT- Razorback = 55
EDIT: I'm in the Central timezone, and normally any evening should do. I'm always on call though, so you never know.
10x Warriors - 180
Monolith - 235
Deceiver C'Tan - 300
TOTAL: 895 Points
PST, extremely random times for playing though typically late evenings during the week are best.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Company Command Squad
Lascannon, Master of Ordnance, Vox Caster
Company Commander
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
Guardsman Marbo
Penal Legion Squad
Veteran Squad
3x Plasma Gun
Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
Veteran Squad
3x Meltagun
Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Shotgun
Veteran Squad
Gunnery Sergeant Harker, 3x Plasma Gun, Forward Sentries, Autocannon
Fast Attack
Scout Sentinel
Scout Sentinel
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher
Dozer Blade), Extra Armour, Lascannon
950 points
The Coven of The Sprained Ankle's Core force:
Haemonculus Ancient (120pts)
Agoniser, Animus Vitae, Stinger Pistol, Vexator Mask
Grotesques (180pts)
4x Grotesques, Liquifier Gun
Flesh Gauntlet
Raider (70pts)
Dark Lance, Flickerfield
Wracks (Troops) (210pts)
2x Liquifier Gun, 10x Wracks
Raider (70pts)
Dark Lance, Flickerfield
Wracks (Troops) (210pts)
2x Liquifier Gun, 10x Wracks
Raider (70pts)
Dark Lance, Flickerfield
Wracks (Troops) (210pts)
2x Liquifier Gun, 10x Wracks
Raider (70pts)
Dark Lance, Flickerfield
I'm jobless currently, so whenever is a good time to play!
I'll have to figure out a list tonight though...
-My times are erratic on weekdays (due to flying to different timezones for my job)
-but, my home is in the Pacific Time Zone (-8GMT) and weekends are my best activity times.
-I will make sure to post when I am active on the weekdays.
1000pt Core
Tyranid Prime x1 (105pts)
-Pair of Boneswords
-Toxin Sacs
Tyranid Warrior x3 (135pts)
-Toxin Sacs
-Pair of Boneswords
Hormagaunts x25 (200pts)
-Toxin Sacs
Termagaunts x28 (140pts)
Zoanthropes x3 (180pts)
Fast Attack
Gargoyles x15 (120pts)
-Adrenal Glands
-Toxin Sacs
Fast Attack
Gargoyles x15 (120pts)
-Adrenal Glands
-Toxin Sacs
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
HQ: Autarch (125)
Fast Attack: Warp Spiders x 7 + 1 (218)
Now, question, with the rest of the points, can I increase the size of those squads or just add new squads?
Also I have never seen anyone take guardians using this codex, I am interested to see how they do.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
EDIT: Oh, oops, GMT-6. Available weekends and after work (5:30)
You can start challenging Nnnnnnnnnnnnow.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Shas'el w/ tl-missile pod, target lock - 73
2x Crisis Suits w/ plasma rifle, missile pod, multi-tracker - 124
2x Crisis Suits w/ plasma rifle, missile pod, multi-tracker - 124
2x Crisis Suits w/ plasma rifle, missile pod, multi-tracker - 124, 445
6x Fire Warriors - 60
10x Kroot, 0x Hounds - 70
10x Kroot, 0x Hounds - 70
6x Pathfinders
w/Devilfish w/ disruption pods - 72 + 85
Piranha w/fusion blaster, targeting array - 70
2x Broadsides w/ smart missile system, advanced stabilization system - 160
Free: 600 - 127 = 473, /473
Oh dear. Army that didn't exist in 2nd? Why not?! In for a penny, in for a pound. :P I can play anytime Sunday. That'll give me all day tomorrow to dick around with Vassal.
+All wracks will be represented by Grotesques with different colored bases.
+The Razorwing Fighter will be Valkyrie.
+The Voidraven Bomber will be a Stormraven.
+The Cronos will be....something spikey. Probably just a noted Talos.
Librarian, Jump Pack - 125
2x Sanguinary Priests, Jump Packs -150
10x Assault Squad, 2x Melta Guns, Power Fist - 235
10x Assault Squad, 2x Melta Guns, Power Fist - 235
10x Assault Squad, 2x Flamers, Lightning Claw - 215
Total: 960 Points
I'm on today and tomorrow anytime, for your and Sharps enjoyment
I assume that I'm missing the graphics files, or didn't put em in the right spot.
Any help?
Company Command Squad
Lascannon, Master of Ordnance, Vox Caster
Company Commander
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
Guardsman Marbo
Penal Legion Squad
Veteran Squad
3x Plasma Gun
Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
Veteran Squad
3x Meltagun
Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Shotgun
Veteran Squad
Gunnery Sergeant Harker, 3x Plasma Gun
Fast Attack
Scout Sentinel
Scout Sentinel
Scout Sentinel
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher
Dozer Blade), Extra Armour, Lascannon
Thoughts? I figure from there I can throw in a boat load of anything I feel like for the extra 500.
I'm on Vassal now, if you can hop on just PM me.
I've managed to save my army deployment with the little "how-to" pdf for vassel. (Very cool btw)
However, Im trying to get the maps from the OP into my program to so that I can select them in vassel. Im not sure where to drop them in the file structure or if I need to have it patched or what.
Secondly, what is the standard form of communication? irc? skype? vassel itself?
Thanks for your guys' help. At least I can get everything together before I get stomped :P
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
By sven_barnes at 2010-11-28
If that's what your asking for
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
I'm available most nights after 7pm EST and usually weekends.