League of Legends is a DoTA (Defense of the Ancients) style game made by some of the people that worked on DoTA Allstars. It's free to play; but, includes augmentations that you can buy with real money or in-game points.
Get on the G&T vent to play with us (list at bottom), the vent info is stickied at the top of the forum.
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
DOBA rhymes with it
BROBA is how crunk playas say it
There's a ton of info on the game, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. So, check out:
leagueoflegends.com, the game database provided by Riot (who make the game).
leaguecraft.com, there are a lot of fan sites out there with general information and builds. This is just one; and, it's kinda slow as shit. Regardless of where you look for builds keep in mind, most of them make assumptions that are not clearly conveyed and there are a lot that are just plain bad. Tread lightly.
KillerCodeMonkey's wiki, add your brilliant shit to it.
Game mechanic shit, stuff like how attacks and magic and fuck work.
Rune break-dancing, good info about what runes you should buy.
The new code was posted about a page back. It's L R L R D D U U 3 4. It works.
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
I've decided not to deal with updating this obnoxiously coded picture assortment of champions. So go to the LoL wiki for the updated Champion list.
Valiantine has a lovely spreadsheet that you can add your summoner name to.
HEY LISTEN!https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ap5qFqD3oLKndHNfOGJ1VFNZVVZ6c1NtZVktdXpsTVE&hl=en&authkey=CJPuh4wG#gid=0
I placed everyone's name in the OP to this neat and tidy spreadsheet. You should be able to edit it yourself, find your name and fill the fields. If anyone is getting problems, PM MooMan or VaLiantine, because I don't understand simple spreadsheets.
Here is a video to help improve your laning!
Udyr - what's his deal
SoaL - sounds dangerous
aaaand Ionia v Noxus, aka up champs v op champs
Various other controversial topics to get the ball rolling:
Shaco - still viable?
Asians - better at this game than you?
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
Also we could ask for a better Ryze, but they would just throw off the balance and make Ryze Bot fucking godlike.
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
When Ionia is under the iron heel of Noxus you will regret this statement
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
it's no good
I don't see how we could succeed in defeating the noxians and still keep our hands immaculate
She's not bro enough.
Blame the terrible people who took over running these threads
nope, it doesn't work
sorry, cass
we'll put the noxians....................................
in museums.
you were supposed to tell me that it is time to get our hands dirty
He was good for a while then nerfed to where he was still strong but not a crazy 12 minute baron monster and then they totally destroy him
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
@ the entire thread (esp. me)
am i trash
i was pretty confused when you said our hands must be immaculate nerdgasmic
i'm doing that hand right over my head motion
cause thats
cause i missed it
You're trash
she used to be okay, but now even vlad beats her as a ranged carry
I never thought mf was too good anyways, but many people complain, and she is very strong with farm.
Shaco pretty terrible late and his jungle is so easy to ruin it is sad. Also because of shac you will most likely lose a level one teamfight. Plus wards put a hurt on him, boots plus ward easy start for many heroes, and that can kill his ganking game
they have a very Tarzan inflection
Like, Sona and Garen levels of stupid. Maybe even greater. Qclick Qclick Qclick and never die. Fun though!
Such a frustrating game though because I got Corki down to one hit twice in mid and died to him both times because he was running Exhaust (I didn't think he could get it off in time, but he was pretty mechanically sound and managed to get me both times before I could get the last auto attack in).
However, I've gotten pretty good at coming back with Tristana. Her late game is so solid that if you're decent at last hitting it's hard to fall into too big of a hole to make a difference. In this case, finished 8/4/15 for a solid win.
I think that in this, I dunno, low? Mid? Elo range (1364 at the moment) people don't really understand the power of the green pot once you get IE and refuse to buy them. So since I'm potted for basically every fight post-IE, we win every teamfight, and I just snowball into more items and more pots.
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
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ESPECIALLY if the reason the team wanted you to go Gragas is because we needed a fucking tank.
Maybe you should play the tank
yo dawg don't be playa hatin
i still feel it would have replaced natty light as the standard bro drank if it didn't get immediately banned in like half the modern world
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin