so my buddy just messaged me and said incontrol was talking a bunch of trash about cincinnati when we were first getting in the lobby, guess where I'm from!
I was very confused, he swapped race in the countdown, it was set as protoss till like 4 seconds left.
I'm sad I missed him making fun of me though. I hope it happened.
E: Matt told me not to mass queens though, I was going to mass queens.
It was bullshit that you guys played. Trus didn't tell him you were diamond so Geoff was offracing and doing BS.
Well, I'm platinum at best but yeah I got my 2 minutes of fun. Life isn't fair~. I played random although zerg is my main. Also if I were alone I'd have been raped by his banshees. I mean jesus I thought he was going to destroy me regardless, he was everywhere at once with those things.
Stuff after the bo5 is just improvised entertainment.
Wooo reppin' Ohio!
Steam ID
Holy shit on a stick.
in the background clickclickclickclick
I don't know why, but that makes me laugh.
EDIT: im silver id be down with some games.
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
Yeah, same here, silver Z I'll probably jump on.
I don't know how my SC2 career will get better than today.
e: Joe K won fair and square, now he needs to choose my new race for the remainder of ladder season 1.
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and yeah, I donated too =P
Bronze is over and it was glorious.
well since the main thing is over and there will be vods I'm heading to bed. goodnight everyone! great work and congratulations!
joe is my starcraft hero
I'm sad I missed him making fun of me though. I hope it happened.
E: Matt told me not to mass queens though, I was going to mass queens.
Well, I'm platinum at best but yeah I got my 2 minutes of fun. Life isn't fair~. I played random although zerg is my main. Also if I were alone I'd have been raped by his banshees. I mean jesus I thought he was going to destroy me regardless, he was everywhere at once with those things.
Stuff after the bo5 is just improvised entertainment.
my head is about to explode
And with that we have achieved the maximum Joe K-ness for this tournament.