Hey H/A.
So, my roommate has a cat, and because it's mean, I don't spend time with it. When I'm home and he's not, I tend to stay away from the cat and hang out in my own room.
Obviously, this means the cat goes about its day unobserved. Which led me to discover a "substance" all over my couch about 20 minutes ago, that I'm unsure of which end it came from.
It looked like it took a dump, but there was clearly cat food in it. That could mean it was undigested, but it could also mean that it was vomit.
Of course, I cleaned up the stuff, but I'm unsure of what to do next. Do I try to figure out if its sick? How heavily do I need to attack my couch with cleaning products (like, do I need to make sure its not spreading cat plague?).
I've never owned a cat, so I don't really know what to do with the thing, and he doesn't seem to give two shits about proper pet ownership (the damn thing hasn't even had its initial shots yet, which is what makes me worried about dealing with it) so I don't think he'd even have the proper supplies.
(I have to run to work, so if you need me to describe the stuff better I can do that when I get back. Thanks H/A Pet Detectives!)
2. It's not your cat and therefore, not really your sickness to deal with as far as vet bills or any of that. Call your roommate or, in some other timely manner, let him know what the cat has done. Let him take it from there, as it is his cat to deal with.
3. ????
it's probably vomit, b/c i think you'd know if it gave your couch a brown shower.
I must admit feeling a certain disappointment, yes.
Also, yes, I know its not my cat and I'm not responsible for any payments/doctors/whatever. Even though I honestly hate the animal, I still don't want to neglect its health.
If the cat's vomit is watery and frequent, that's a problem. If it's occasional and chunky/hairy, that's okay.
If the cat is otherwise fairly healthy, I don't think you really need to worry about any special cleanup precautions. Probably just need to treat it about the same as any other other foul-smelling spill on your couch.
Best solution I have found is to put a fork or a spoon in their food bowl so they have to eat around it, which forces them to slow down. Might be worth a shot.
As far as the couch goes, I'm not sure. I have a spray I use for the carpets, but that might fuck up your upholstery. Warm soap/water would be the first thing I would try, followed by a visit to the pets section at Wal-Mart. Best of luck.
For cleanup, though... every pet owner should own Nature's Miracle. The stuff is amazing.