Alright, first time starting a thread, so cut me some slack here. I've participated in quite a few threads here, and you guys offer some pretty solid advice, so I'm coming here for my issue. Not looking for help, but more along the lines of advice and feedback.
So, was playing ArmA 2 the other day. Having fun, doing my thing. Without a warning, I hear an extremely loud pop, and my computer shuts down. It honestly scared the crap out of me, so I sat there waiting for a second to figure out what just happened. Before I could comprehend everything, I could smell the faint stench of burnt aluminum. Took a peek at the back of my case, and sure enough...a small trail of smoke. It was white smoke, so no fire, just hot metal. Of course, the computer didn't start back up.
So, here's my question(s):
1. I'm fairly sure it was a capacitor inside the PSU, as that's where the smell is. What are the chances that the sudden surge from that thing going out did damage to any other components in my system?
2. My current system is a measly dual core AMD X2 4800+ with dual 8800 ULTRAs in SLi, and 4GB of RAM. The PSU that exploded was a 600w ULTRA Modular PSU that has served me well until recently. Judging by the specs (CPU, GPU, and RAM), what wattage am I looking for in a new PSU?
New Egg has a nice sale on a 500w PSU that's SLi certified, but I'm unsure if it'll handle dual 8800's.
Thanks H/A.
2) 500w seems a bit shy for SLI, I'd go with 600w at least myself. The more yous tress the PSU, teh more likely it is to blow. 700w would be safer, IMHO.
Huh. Getting shot in ArmA I just meant you had to respawn.