My neighbor and I want to share a LAN connection, but I don't want to share my internet with him. Is this possible through some kind of router magic? He has his own internet connection, so our two connections must stay separate of each other save for basic LAN traffic. Any ideas?
Over wireless? Does the LAN and internet connection need to be simultaneous?
Let us know your current equipment to see if it's something that can be done now, or if you need additional kit.
As long as the two routers can see each other, they'll think of each other as just a regular node, not a complex piece of equipment.
Alternatively, you could just buy a 20$ switch/hub and run a network within a network. That requires 2 NIC cards on each of the PCs you want to connect though. 1 for the internet, and the second for the LAN. That's how I have mine set up. Dual NICs make life easier!