But TeeFourCeeTee, what's bathtub gaming?
Bathtub gaming is a beautiful idea that came up during a nightly session of
Assbro'ing. The idea is that a lot of people like a lot of games and they like to have fun multiplayer experiences with fun people. Whille Assbro has good multiplayer in it's own right, 90% of the fun still comes from having parties of people together playing the game all at once. So we figured, if it works for a recent game, why can't we make it work for less recent games too? THUS, BATHTUB GAMING IS BORN
Why is it called bathtub gaming?
Don't ask dumb fucking questions
Well that sounds swell, TeeFourCeeTee. How does it work?
Basically the idea is that we pick a cheap game; either one that's super cheap in the bargain bin at gamestores (we're shooting for $10 or less, absolutely less than $20), or one that's on sale on XBLA (sorry PS3 owners, you're welcome to make your own bathtub gaming sect). There's no set time frame for how long a game will last; just until something "new" comes up, or we get bored with what we're playing. Then we'll all play this ridiculous cheap game (i.e. Dragonball Z: Burst Limit) until we're sick of it, and since it was a small monetary investment, you don't feel as bad for not playing it anymore! Easy Peasy
That's cool. Who's involved?
Well, whoever wants to be, obviously! But here's a list: if you want on the list, PM me or something. At the very least, this'll give you something to spend chump change on.
Dichotomy - OneRuffian
Speed Racer - Mushpie
Gatsby - Mental Corgi
Tommy2Hands - Tommy2Hands
VALVEjunkie - s4r1ss
Butler - ButlerWho
Didgeridoo - Dijeridoo
I Win Swordfights - Mister Spaceman
Moriveth - Moriveth
#pipe - Pipe the Banana
Fishman - DissidentZero
Hunter - Hunter1253
ieyeasu - ieyeasu
Lindsey Lohan - n8littlefield
spono - Spono Wolf
Raijin Quickfoot - RAIJINQ
Zot - Zotpie
No seriously why is it called Bathtub?
You'll learn soon enough.
If you have ideas for a game you think we should play, SAY IT.
the bear makes up for it I think
why am I not on that list
it was actually kind of disappointing for me because the wackiest gadgets plain don't work
like no detachers
the fuck kind of vehicle can you make without detachers
was a chair with four springs attached to it
it's $20 used on gamestop's website which is too rich for BATH's blood but I have to bring it up anyways because it is actually a cool as hell game that is ruined by the fact that nobody friggin' plays it
Nonetheless, count me in. On Ye Ecksen-Boxen they call me ButlerWho.
I can't think of a derogatory name that suits my current tastes
And I'm guessing by your spelling your name out that you are not fond of people calling you "Tact?" :P I will attempt to stop reading your name that way in my head
Gamertag is Mister Spaceman
DBZ burst limit is going for $22 bucks used at gamestop
fortunately there's cheaper ones on amazon
this is getting far better reception than i expected
you do care
mainly for cleaning under my foreskin, but mostly cause :evil:
Battlefield: Bad Company(the first one)- ten bucks at gamestop
The Orange Box- used nine bucks on amazon
Rock Band(1)- four freaking bucks at gamestop! and come on, EVERYBODY has one of those guitar controllers and if you don't? you can sing with your headset!
come on dudes we need suggestions! go through your collection and find something fun and also online capable!
I am continuing to support that Yugioh xbla game
because I will fuck your shit up at yugioh you don't even know
the magic one would be fine too
it's not that good since there's very little deck customization but I already own it so that's a plus
I dunno I don't have it
as a matter of personal taste I'd like to mostly stay away from shooters, but I'm willing to play some now and then
oh shit
the only bath game you'll ever need
john woo presents stranglehold
that is literally the game's title
Like 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand. Anyone want to play that with me
it would basically be perfect for this
Strangehold, the game of autoerotic asphyxiation
can you save games in Cataan
i also want to point out for some people that if you already use the system, Goozex isn't a bad idea for getting a hold of games
just looking at some gamestop stuff right now
DBZ: Burst Limit
Burnout: Paradise
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (the first one)
Saint's Row
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
if we wanted to push price a little then Saint's Row 2, Gears 2
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise is $20 which is pricey for us but I've heard really really good things about that game
you say that as though Assbro doesn't.
also I stand by what I said the other day
they really need to make an XBLA Apples to Apples game
I think I might own Uno
I could see us gettin' down on some Uno and hating each other forever