I have a weird problem with earwax in that sometimes, it just generates super fast and clogs up my ears. I'll be fine for months doing normal cleaning, than suddenly over a week it'll just...build up. That has happened today. The other day, I lost hearing in one ear and today I can't hear in the other.
I figured out how to get hydrogen peroxide and I say figured out because I'm in China and until yesterday, hydrogen peroxide was not part of my vocabulary.
I've used it on both ears, I've rinsed it out in the shower...all to minimal effect.
I am able to do that thing with the squeezy-thing to clean it out directly, but my main issue is that I literally have no idea what the squeezy thing is called. I don't think the pharmacist would understand 'squeezy thing' or 'that little turkey baster thing' if I learned the Chinese for it. If someone could tell me the real term for it (I honestly have no idea. Squeezy thing and little turkey baster does not give me what I want in google), or even better, the real Chinese for it, that would be fantastic.
Or any other ways of cleaning ears out with minimal tools, that would be awesome too.
I really want to try to deal with this on my own. I really do *not* want to go to a Chinese doctor. :v:
And... q-tips? Well, whatever you do, don't use ear candles.
But I have a picture. So I can yell at one of my students now. Maybe they can help me for once.
Both of these might work. And I'm putting a picture on my zune to show her. I really hope they have something.
God, living in China would freak me out.
Talk to a doctor. If you've been fixing this issue at home, you probably need professional assistance to get it sorted.
Was what a doctor told me to use.
I don't know what the Chinese equivalent would be.
I don't mean to sound condescending, but people shouldn't clean their ears. As strange as it may sound, your ears are self-cleaning if you leave them alone. Take it from a guy who has one ear canal that's half the average size and has had to wear hearing aids for his entire life. Do not stick anything into your ear. Do not "clean" your ears. Only bad things can happen (as you are, unfortunately, experiencing yourself).
At this stage, your best bet is to go to an ear/nose/throat specialist and ask them to check your ears. They have special instruments specifically designed to clean out debris from your ear (think super-small vacuums) under unusual circumstances.
And for the love of all things good and righteous in this world, stop dumping chemicals down your ear canal. Ear wax is naturally produced, is already acidic, and constantly drains from your ear. It's basically a natural sewage system. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen. If your ear has not been draining properly, then you're basically shoving water down into your inner ear and letting it simmer in a warm, moist place, while constantly shoving dirty earwax back there to help move things along.
Don't use q-tips.
Use regular hydrogen peroxide, tilt your ear up and leave it there to bubble a bit.
Then if you can get some carbamide peroxide and glycerine mix that they sell, put that in and leave for a bit. Basically you need something to lube the ear. If you can't get ahold of that, I would mix a little tiny bit of olive oil and peroxide and put that in.
Then, tilt your ear downward and use the ear syringe with lukewarm water. It is important to have your ear facing downwards when you do this, because if it is sideways it won't come out. Gravity is your friend.
It might take a few tries. I did hydrogen peroxide two times a day for two days and then syringed it for about 10 minutes last time. I think it would have worked the first day if I had just been a bit more persistant with the ear syringe.
Don't be afraid to push the water in pretty hard. That is the only way I could get it out.
but they're listening to every word I say
Merry Christmas!
Doing it yourself should be alright - I spent Wednesday observing a doctor who flushed and cleaned a patient's ears for him using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm water delivered via syringe with a bit of the tubing from a blood draw kit at the end. He told the patient to go ahead and use the do it yourself kits from Walgreens (or wherever) whenever needed to try to keep things from getting so built up again.
Really? USA here. One of my family members has this problem and our doctor showed her how to do it herself so she wouldn't have to come back unless it didn't work.