We have a great bunch of people here on the site, many of whom give games to others out of the goodness of there own hearts, and to the detriment of their own wallets.
Bigisy is a classy dude!
Thanks a lot!
We all are!
I was gonna insert an image of some classy gents but GiS is coming up nasty
Just search for tophats, tophats are cruise control for classy.
I had a list of names here. Since I wasn't really following the last thread in order to avoid temptation (which failed, btw), I have no idea who has been giving games. I'm sure that pretty much everyone has and that makes everyone a winner.
Thanks guys!
Please also keep BigIsy in your thoughts, prayers, meditations, etc. His grandmother has not been doing well and we all want her to get better.
The rest of this post was created by, and completely stolen from, our good friend Suds.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I register this __Insert Game Here__ on Steam?Here's a list of games you can register on Steam. You can always add a non-Steam game to your Steam games list, so that people can see you playing it.
2. If I buy a game pack that already includes a game I own, can I gift that game?
No, this was a one-time thing for people who already owned Half-Life 2 and bought the Orange Box. Additional copies you own are lost forever to the ether.
3. Why isn't __Insert Game Here__ available in my region?
Many Steam games might be unavailable in your country if you have the temerity to live outside of the United States.
This is not Steam's fault. Regional game availability is determined solely by the publisher, who should be the source of your ire. Gifting works regardless of region so you might find some helpful person in North America who can gift you the game.
Helpful StuffSteam Price Guide
Do you have the misfortune to live somewhere other than America? Steam hates you! Luckily,
this cool website with prices for Steam games all around the world is here to help, so you can know if you want to ask an American friend to buy the game for you or not.
You need this program.
It reconfigures your Windows IPSEC settings (run it as an admin) to block out all but the servers which don't count towards your download quota on Steam. Now supports a bunch of ISPs through a graphical interface.
Basically guarantees you won't add to your download quota with Steam.
Download TCPview:
Then, use TCPview (run as admin if you're on Vista) to close all Steam TCP servers (this is important, NOT the UDP ones, just the TCP ones). Steam will then reconnect to a different server, which will hopefully get you a better speed. If you don't go faster in a couple of seconds, retry until you get a speed you like.
This shit totally needs to go into the OP, I've tipped this to so many people already.
Cool Community Add-Ons
The Mis-Adventures of LewieP
As funny as the following comic is, LewieP does spend a lot of time
looking for bargains, for us.
The Steam Circle of Life
This image is from the SomethingAwful forums Steam thread. Hilariously enough it basically describes our Steam thread too:
Steam iPhone App
You have an iPhone? That money could easily have been spent on Steam games. If you want to make the best of your shiny gadget, however, check out this
Steam iPhone app. For less than the price of a grande mocha frappacino or whatever, you can buy an unofficial program (which appears to have been created by a PA guy who has not stepped forward if the Armadeaddon screengrab means anything) which does all sorts of Steam shit.
To top it all off, a comic by our own Iolo. It's fun-tastic!
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
The butcher's bill for me so far:
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut
Titan Quest Gold
Crysis Maximum Edition
The Ball (Orikae)
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut (TNTrooper)
Team Fortress 2 (Big Isy)
Darksiders (Big Isy)
I will only be playing anything I own before January 1st (which is when I'm going to start), so, if you are interested in putting me through torment, friend me on steam, read the blog, and gift me whatever horrible or wonderful thing you so desire by Dec. 31st.
Or, you know
just watch the car crash
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Is it any good?
Also, I may not be be buying much of anything else because I just blew all my Christmas money on a second dog.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
I thought some of those already went on sale, but I could be wrong.
Beat Hazard is already on sale as part of the Indie Beat Pack. Half what it usually costs by itself plus you get four other games you may enjoy (though not Audiosurf sadly).
The Stone Prisoner is free DLC for all new copies of Dragon Age: Origins.
I didn't buy my copy from Steam, so I don't know how they handle it, but check under product keys and you should be able to enter it on the Bioware site and download it for free.
I fortunately already have Audiosurf, it was gifted by a friend a while back. So they wont do a specific Beat Hazard sale for less then it goes for in the pack? I'm not really sure how it works since I've never really been active on Steam
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
This is like the worst time of year for me to try to download all of my big, graphically intense games.
But I must Crysis, and Space Asshole and hunt for artifacts in The Zone and then there needs to be Bordering in the Lands.
From someone who doesn't give a shit about warhammer or american football: yes. Mind you, I'd played the tabletop version of the game once when I was young, and quite enjoyed it, so maybe I'm bias somehow, but I've found it very fun, over the last few days, to find a race I like the playstyle of, build my team and take on challengers. It's interesting in that even lost games don't always feel like a total washout. I never felt like reloading a game to win a lost match. So yeah, I love it. I think it's great. And I haven't even tried the multi, which I hear is very fun.
That said, you do need to pretty much sit down and learn the full rules of the game, in order to get the hang of it. And the team management is very fantasy football-ish, so if that puts you off, it might not be for you.
Steam ID: Good Life
My Backloggery
There's a chance since they've plucked a couple of indie titles out of the packs and made them dailies by themselves but I'd say the odds aren't great.
I remember it was a little confusing getting mine to activate and start downloading at first. I think I was only entering the key in-game and needed to go do it on the Bioware site or something.
People still play Killzone?
Not quick enough, buddy.
Seriously, KF is good fun, and I want to play with PA folks.
You bastard.
It said Killzone when I was typing my reply...
I suppose I'll hold out till the 2nd and see which of those four games I can get for the $20 I have left. If anything I'm getting Orange Box and Beat Hazard for sure
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
From what I read online Sim City doesn't really work with Windows 7.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
I give this thread 2 days at the most Doubt it will make the remaining time of the sales.
I don't know about Windows 7, but it definitely doesn't like multi-core processors or modern video cards. It's a shame.
Aaww man, that's a shame.
Downloading now. We'll see if I can't get it going. Hopefully I didn't just waste money...
Also, I just finished the story to Just Cause 2. Ending played out almost exactly how I was expecting. That was simply the logical conclusion.
I have not gifted as much as I should, but I have no job, so I take solace in the fact that all of you enable a lot more than me.
My netbook can only do 1024x600 resolution. There's a way to fiddle with some .ini file to get it to launch, but then the bottom stripe of the screen won't display. And that's where a bunch of the "click this button to go to the next screen" buttons are.
Sam and Max?
Island. Being on fire.
Have you ever played Full Throttle? You should play Full Throttle. I don't know if it's on Steam or not, though.
Lost Horizon is currently on daily deal for $10.
The 3 seasons of sam and max.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
What's your Steam info?
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2