Pokemon Black/White to coincide (almost) with PAX East 2011!

HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101!Behind YouRegistered User regular
edited January 2011 in PAX Archive
Hello everyone. PAX East 2010 was a blast this year with everyone Pokewalkers. Apparently the new Pokemon games will be coming out on March 6th, the Sunday before PAX East! Hopefully they are Pokewalker compatible. Rumor has it that the 3DS may be coming out the same week as well (We can only hope) so I've been calling around to see where the closest place to preorder it would be.

IF the 3DS happens to come out out on the rumored date (which is March 11th BTW) something tells me there will be a huge amount of PAX meetups going on around the Best Buys and Gamestops in the area. Boston won't know what hit it!

My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

Halfazedninja on


  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Unless I am mistaken, Black and White are not Pokewalker compatible. But bring it anyway. There may be some people who haven't gotten B & W yet and the walker is always a quick and easy way to identify other players.

    Trion on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I kinda hate that Gamestop is taking preorders for the 3DS when we don't know a release date or price for it yet.

    Rdr on
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Rdr wrote: »
    I kinda hate that Gamestop is taking preorders for the 3DS when we don't know a release date or price for it yet.

    Yeah, it's kind of annoying. But that's the way the roll.

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • LimondLimond Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Well predictions for pricing are between $250-$300 dollars. I think thats is a bit to much, unless a traded in DSI can take a huge chunk of that off. But yea Ill be rolling with Pokemon Black and my pokewalker (kinda sad that they don't support it)

    Heres hoping the Nintendo presence will be giving away free 3DS at their booth to all who show up >.>

    Limond on
    One clip, one kill.

    I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The 3DS will be out in March, but we won't have the specific date or price until January 19th, when Nintendo will hold a big 3DS press event in NYC. Hopefully it will be out before PAX East but we'll see.

    I'll at least have B or W with me so I'll be satisfied. :D

    Coldbrew on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I thought that pokewalkers were a great developement of the game, making it so you could still do stuff with your pokemon without having to get sucked into hours of a game. More personal a feeling, too. It really drags that B&W aren't compatible, I was hoping it'd be an item to trancend all pokemon games coming up.

    RainbowTunnel on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Aye, it would be really neat if it was pokewalker compatible. I liked the concept, and I don't see why they'd take it out unless they're throwing out their old engine and rewriting it for B&W. I guess they may be doing that, but I'd figure after making like 15 versions of almost the same game they'd have the whole component reuse thing down.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • HeleorHeleor SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Aye, it would be really neat if it was pokewalker compatible. I liked the concept, and I don't see why they'd take it out unless they're throwing out their old engine and rewriting it for B&W. I guess they may be doing that, but I'd figure after making like 15 versions of almost the same game they'd have the whole component reuse thing down.

    Black and White were under development at the same time as HGSS - they don't share the same code base.

    Heleor on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Ah, junky. That's too bad. =(

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Heleor wrote: »
    Aye, it would be really neat if it was pokewalker compatible. I liked the concept, and I don't see why they'd take it out unless they're throwing out their old engine and rewriting it for B&W. I guess they may be doing that, but I'd figure after making like 15 versions of almost the same game they'd have the whole component reuse thing down.

    Black and White were under development at the same time as HGSS - they don't share the same code base.

    I would glady wait for B/W another few years if only they were compatible.... Silly geese...

    RainbowTunnel on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Maybe they'll announce a Pokewalker for B/W.

    That was seriously one of the best ice breakers at East 2010.

    Rdr on
  • HeleorHeleor SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Unfortunately it doesn't work due to technical reasons as well. The B/W cart has non-wifi trading options supposedly, which I think uses the space that the thing that communicated with the Pokewalker would be.

    Heleor on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Heleor wrote: »
    Unfortunately it doesn't work due to technical reasons as well. The B/W cart has non-wifi trading options supposedly, which I think uses the space that the thing that communicated with the Pokewalker would be.

    ....... you're joking, right?

    RainbowTunnel on
  • HeleorHeleor SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    There's a way to talk to other games using IR or something, but I can't read Japanese well enough to figure it out.

    Heleor on
  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Haven't played any pokemon since the original, but sounds like I might have to pick this up seeing as how it's right before PAX

    nevermore13 on
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I sense many pokebattles in the Boston Area!

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I plan on taking people's pictures by going up to them and saying "Hello. Just when you least expect it, I am Cameron the photographer."

    Trion on
  • LanderolinLanderolin Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Ooooh.... rumours!

    Seems that the UK might get a B&W release on 4th of March, two whole days before it gets released in Americania. The decision now is to focus on honing my HG team or cram as much White action in as I can manage before hitting the floors!


    Landerolin on
    Pokecrawl 2011 - Team Squirtle!
    Tweet me @Landerolin
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Landerolin wrote: »
    Ooooh.... rumours!

    Seems that the UK might get a B&W release on 4th of March, two whole days before it gets released in Americania. The decision now is to focus on honing my HG team or cram as much White action in as I can manage before hitting the floors!


    A question for the ages to be sure. I say a little of both :)

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Trion wrote: »
    I plan on taking people's pictures by going up to them and saying "Hello. Just when you least expect it, I am Cameron the photographer."

    Win. I hope people get this.

    RainbowTunnel on
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