So I'm thinking about getting an IKEA Expedit 4x4 bookshelf. One thing that concerns me, though, is that it says it needs to be mounted to the wall.
Is this necessary? I live in an apartment and I don't think I can put holes in the wall.
What are my options here?
If you don't have kids or bouncy pets, I wouldn't even worry about it, unless you are concerned about the bookshelf falling on you, but any bookshelf I've ever owned I think I could probably hold up if it decided to fall
I also live in southern california, so earthquakes are an issue. I'll probably just get it and see how it feels without being mounted and try to keep heavier things on the bottom.
Thanks for the help, guys.
Edit: earthquakes are another story, but I don't think the hooks that come with the kit would suffice. You'd need steel straps, dynabolts, and of course permission.
They sell these things, little hooks that have an adhesive backing on it that doesn't ruin the wall. I don't know how strong they are or if it's the smartest decision for you but it's an alternative. 3M makes them and you may have seen them advertised over the holidays. I don't remember how much they will hold, but it's something to consider, just hanging the bookshelf on the wall. Don't buy them unless you're sure they'll work.
Or you could just put it on the floor and lean it against the wall.
EDIT: I stand corrected.
Alternatively buy a million.
A plasterboard plug or whatever will hold it fine. That said, I've only ever used them when putting the bookshelfs on a less than stable surface, like thick carpet. If it's on a solid floor, and you use the wedges (or even just some strips of cardboard or something) to tip its centre of gravity back towards the wall, you'll be fine.
and thus is not grounds for additional fees or fines?
check your lease though, lease usually trumps all